The world games of martial arts at sumoist ended on a positive note for Russians: in an open division, man's and female, on the first place there were athletes of Russian national team.
Anna Zhigalova became the absolute champion, having collected all gold: in the weight category and in the absolute. The sportswoman was from the very beginning adjusted only on a victory:
– I never think on the future. As it will turn out - so it will turn out. Probably on these Games I became better. I was at me and the difficult competitor is the Ukrainian sportswoman. On last Games I lost to it in an open division. Very much I wanted to take a revenge, and at me it turned out.
The second place among women was taken by Svetlana Yaryomka, a sumoistka of the national team of Ukraine. One more Ukrainian sportswoman Ivanna Berezovskoy got the third place and Mariye Alejandra Sedeno Enrikes from Venezuela.
Competitions and at men came to the end. Duels were very various, everyone – with the drawing. In many respects it was caused by that lot quite often put against each other fighters of absolutely different weight categories. It is possible for this reason in the ending two heavyweights met. Bronze prize-winners of an open division became Byambadzhav Ulambuyar from Mongolia and Tana Makr from New Zealand. Silver medal at the athlete from Mongolia Naranbata Gankuya. The winner a sumoist from Petersburg Vasily Margiyev.
In a final duel the public supported the fellow countryman a deafening call: "Vasya, Vasya! ". Meanwhile this meeting for a sumoist it appeared the heaviest:
– At competitions of such level there are no easy fights. There were at me basic rivals with whom I struggled earlier, but couldn't win. Today at me it turned out, especially houses and walls help. And, of course, I want to tell many thanks to the trainer. Only thanks to it I here stand with a gold medal.
Yesterday Vasily Margiyev also participated in competitions of the weight category, but the third place was succeeded to borrow only.
– Maybe suffered prolonged anxiety, maybe, not mine was day, but - couldn't win gold. Today, on the contrary, it was adjusted on a victory, and everything turned out, – the winner noted.