The winner "Kazakhstan Barysy-2013" presented to the trainer the car the Wrestler from Semey Aybek Nugymarov who has won the title "Kazakhstan Barysy-2013", presented to the trainer Serik Korzhikenova the car, transfers KAZTAG.
"(...) I am grateful to all Kazakhstan citizens who supported and supported me, but is most of all grateful to the trainer Serik Korzhikenova who has put in my preparation of many forces and energy. And as a sign of this gratitude I transfer keys from the car, presented to me akimy areas Berdybek Mashbekovich Saparbayev. My victory — it, first of all, a merit of Serkika-aga" — was declared by A.Nugymarov at ceremony of opening of the city holiday devoted to Birthday of the capital in the central park on Saturday.
Besides, the athlete noted that the victory on tournament is devoted to birthday of head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev.
"I devoted the victory to Birthday of our capital which became the magnificent, beautiful city, and to birthday of the president of the country to Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev" — A.Nugymarov told.
At the same time aky Semey Aybek Karimov marked out that the city celebrates a double holiday as "in Families our glorified fellow countryman who has won a title of the absolute champion on the Kazak kuresi "Kazakhstan Barysy" — Aybek Nugymarov" returned with a big victory.
"When we saw off him on tournament, Aybeka addressed all city, and it didn't disappoint our hopes. Noting his merits, the akimat decided to give it a small gift and to hand over keys from the 3-roomed apartment" — A.Karimov told.
Let's remind, on June 30 in "Saryark's" Astana bicycle track I passed the third republican tournament on kazaksha kures Kazakhstan Barysy-2013" on a prize of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The wrestler from Semey Aybek Nugymarov became the winner. In the ending he won a flawless victory over a karagandinets Yerzhan Shynkeev and won the main prize — a gold belt, and also the monetary prize T22 of one million and the Hyundai car.