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To catch kuresh

Friday, 05 July 2013, 13:20
To catch kuresh

Wrestling on belts brought Sergey Pavlik's dimitrovgradets to University games.

Already tomorrow, on July 6, in Kazan the summer University games - perhaps start, the most grandiose international sports meet in Russia since the Moscow Olympic Games. About 15 thousand athletes will take part in competitions. Three from them will represent the Ulyanovsk region.
The Dimitrovgrad athlete Sergey Pavlik, which weight  160 kilograms, will appear competitions  in national wrestling kuresh. This sport will be provided for the first time on student's games. In the University games schedule wrestling kuresh received the name "wrestling on belts", on a carpet athletes will quit on July 7-9.
It is curious that the champion of Russia on Kuresh-2012 Sergey Pavlik came to wrestling against sabantyy.  Before was engaged, and it is very successful, Greco-Roman wrestling.  But kuresh, in its judgement, gives the chance more for athletes. 
And here according to the president of the international and All-Russian federation of wrestling kuresh Dzhaudata Minnakhmetova, by 2020 kuresh can become the Olympic sport. However, for this purpose it is necessary "to change rules to increase staginess", the president of federation considers.
On World university games in Kazan Inna Trazhukova will appear in tournament on female wrestling. On University games-2013 the pupil of tsilninsky school of free-style wrestling won the permit in St. Petersburg where became the silver prize-winner of national championship. The prize-winner of the European championship, the applicant for hit in an Olympic team Inna Trazhukova up to July 10 will train on basis in Moscow area. It will carry out the first duel on July 13.


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