Nuances of classical style of belt wrestling (koresh) for participants of World University games in Kazan
Duration ofthe match
2 periods of2minutes
Wrestlers’ colors
Technical Points
1 pointforthrowswith theopponentlandingonhischest,stomach,thighs,buttocks, or knees.
2 pointsforthrowswith theopponentlanding onhis side,oneshouldertouchingthemat.
4 points (Tushe) - forthrowswith theopponentlandingorrollingonhis back,bothshoulderstouching themat.
4 points (Tushe) - for the break of capture for the attacked wrestler
When such throw (break of capture) is executed, then victory is awarded a giving up wrestler, in spite of account in a duel and time of duel.
Decision criteriaat the end ofregulationtime
Attheendofregulationtime,the athlete with thegreaternumberoftechnicalpoints willbe declaredwinner. Ifthescore istied,thewinnerwillbedeterminedbythefollowing criteria:
1. Theathlete with thefewestnumber ofcautions
2. The athlete with thehighestamountof 2-pointthrows
3. Theathlete whoscoredlast
Types of Victories
VictorybyFall(5-0) –Incaseawrestlerthrowshisopponenttohis back.
Forfait/Default(5-0) –Incasea wrestlerisinjuredordoesnotshowuptothematafter2minutes’call. Disqualification(5-0) –Incaseawrestlerhas received3cautionsforpassivityor brutality.
TechnicalSuperiority(4-0)or(4-1) –In case the pointdifferencebetween thetwowrestlersreaches5. Major Decision(3-0) or(3-1) –Incasethe pointdifference atthe endof theregulationtimeislessthan 5. Decision (2-0) or(2-1)–Incase ofatightscoreat theendof theregulationtime. Seecriteria above.