Under such name on May 21-22 on a favoring of the decent Bogdanovichsko-Sukholozhsky district of priest Vladimir Kazantsev in of Kashin of the Bogdanovichsky area passed the First interregional folklore festival.
As organizers of a festival public organizations of Bogdanovichsky and Sukholozhsky areas ("Parental committee", "The center of traditional national culture and national crafts of GO the Dry Ravine", etc.) acted.
The program of a festival included master classes by fighting tradition of the North-West of Russia known under the name "Bouza", the Russian wrestling "on opoiaskah", widespread before collectivization in the Urals and in Siberia, to a man's dance and singing, the Ural quadrilles, production of a clay toy and national games. Sambo wrestlers and seniors of the cities of the Dry Ravine and Bogdanovich became participants of seminars.
The Soyuz TV channel prepared a video topic for news and the author's program "My Hobby" in which national master Nikolay Perfiryevich Kolodkin took part. The handyman told and showed process of production of a ceramic toy "Sukholozhsky svystukha".
On May 22 is a holiday of orthodox church in memory of sacred Nikolay Chudotvortse who was perceived in Russia as the patron of the Russian people, country sacred, "the rustic defender".
The image of prelate Nikolay came to Russia together with acceptance of Christianity by it and throughout many centuries took in religious consciousness of the Russian people an exclusive place.
In Sukholozhsky and Bogdanovichsky areas in honor of the prelate to Nikolay three temples (on Povarn, in Kashin are constructed and in Kamenoozyorsky), besides in a set temples there are the side-altars consecrated in honor of the archbishop the World Likiysky.
In of Kashino there were temple Nikolsky's walls where become known in the future the teacher of Russian in spiritual school of Yekaterinburg Pavel Petrovitch Bazhov and Ivanitsky Valentina Aleksandrovna on July 16, 1911 got married.
The Ural earth is rich with the beauty, here and kashinsky places long since attracted people with the beauty. According to regional specialists, for some centuries B.C. on the river bank of Kunarka there lived people. This place is a cultural monument of our state.
For revival of national traditions public organizations of Sukholozhya with support of local administration, in close cooperation with orthodox arrivals of Russian Orthodox Church organized festive celebrations which finished the folklore festival "Nikola Vernal" in of Kashin.
On May 22, after the termination of the working day participants of a festival gathered in once magnificent Sacred Nikolsky the temple, and nowadays half-ruined rural club to serve a holy-water public prayer and to make religious procession. In the prikhramovy territory participants of Historical and ethnographic club of traditional man's culture "The Russian field" (Perm) organized man's games and competitions, and members of historical and ethnographic community "Borsky circle" carried out competitions on wrestling on opoiaskah.
All participants of festivities could communicate and participate will in the Ural quadrilles, games and other entertainments with which the Russian culture is rich.
- Pleases that, any not that drunk, and simply drunk wasn't this evening during the holiday, - participants of festivities shared impressions.
According to organizers of a festival very few people are able to have fun on the sober head in the modern world therefore the national culture bears huge moral and spiritual potential for our people.
Social movement "The center of traditional national culture and national crafts of GO the Dry Ravine" organized fair of national crafts where everyone could get to himself the necessary subjects in a life, made and issued according to our tradition. Especially all children and adults I pleased "Sukholozhsky svystukha" - the ceramic toy made by national master Nikolay Kolodkin.
At a festival was present some accordion players and balalaika players who masterly executed ancient folk tunes. The senior generation sang, children played, and the youth as and it is necessary to them, froliced in games and dancings. Masters of hand-to-hand fight were dressed in national suits with its obligatory attribute – a knife which rushed our ancestors on a belt.
At seminars and festivities experts in traditional national culture revealed organic communication between labor skills of the peasant, festive culture (a fighting dance) and military craft. Girls noticed gallant da the daring guys, capable to protect a family and to show "in public". Festivities came to the end when the sun already almost was behind the horizon.
On a round table of heads of folklore collectives in the field of revival of traditional national culture the decision on preparation of the Second interregional folklore festival "Nikola Vernal" which will take place on May 22, 2014 was made.