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Khuresh: prize of tandynets at Ay-Demira Mongush

Tuesday, 26 February 2013, 12:08
Khuresh: prize of tandynets at Ay-Demira Mongush

Tandynsky koguun have the honour on the day of real men spend a sport holiday of national wrestling "Khuresh"

There began the speech at opening of republican tournament the plenipotentiary of the Chairman of the Government of Tuva in koguun Natalia Medvedev. - Our earth is rich with the heritage, including such well-known athletes, as archers Mikhail Oyun, Evgenia and Raisa Tutatchikova, Elena Dostay, skiers Alexey and Vladimir Oyun, Oleg and Roman Sayata, Nikolay Ponamarev and Victor Zolotukhin, fighters: Nachyn Oydupaa Oyun's veterans - winner Naadyma of 1940, Mikhail, Valery and Stanislav Oyuna, and present youth Amir Hovalyg, Herel Sagaan-ool, Mergen Mongush.

With a festive congratulation acted Prime Minister Sholban Kara-ool and handed over monetary certificates from 15000 to 300000 rubles to the athletes caused most a stir in 2012 and trainers: To Mikhail Oyun, Evgeny Tutachikova, Evgeny and Chechen oolu Duvendeyam, Chayan Oorzhak, Choyganya Oorzhak, Artysh Dorzhu, Opan Sat, Victor Sarzhat-ool, Sergey Oorzhak, Brawler Burbuzhuk, Andrey Mongush, Sayyn-Belek Tulush, Aydyn Mongush, Sayyn Kashpyk-oola, Albert Mongush, Vyacheslav Mongush and another. On behalf of athletes with thankful speech the champion of Europe among youth on sambo Albert Mongush acted.

Here the Decree of the Chairman of the Government of Tuva about assignment of an honorary sports title "Chaan" (Elephant) was read to Andrey Hertek from Sut-Holya, to "Naadym's" winner and many other competitions for a contribution to development of national fight "Khuresh" that with enthusiasm was met present. It is necessary to tell that we in national fight in the contemporary history had the first Elephant. Arzylanam means further ours is where to aspire. After all in pre-revolutionary times and at the time of TNR we had some Elephants though to be fair it is necessary to tell that "Kuchuten" in the history of Tuva while one – unsurpassed Ayas Mongush and to reach this rank - almost fantastic task.

The wrestling holiday began competitions of veterans, whose age isn't lower than 45 years. Honor of a raising of a flag of competitions Arzylan was awarded can Ivan Huragan. On quarterfinal fights very spectacular, despite solid age baggage, fight showed Arzylan Alexey Homushka from Dzun-hemchik against Andrey Biche-oola from Ulug-Hem, Arzylan Maadyr Mongush against Maadyr Kuular, Arzylan Amir Mongush against the Sea eagle Kyzyl-oola from Ovyur, Arzylan Chimit Kuular against Ivan Huragan. Semifinal meetings ended with Amir Mongush's victory over Maadyr Mongushom and Chimita Kuulara over Alexey Homushka. Having won in the ending of the companion on a rank Chimita Kuulara, Amir Mongush became the champion of tournament. Special prizes for the will to win and for beautiful reception in fight awarded Mikhail Tulush from Tes-Hem, by the way, the father and the well-known Sayyn-Belek Tulush's trainer and resident of Kyzyl Alexey Salchak.

In the main tournament about 80 athletes competed. The lot defined fights of the one eighth ending so: Arzylan Sayyn Belek Tulush – Ottuk Dorzhukay from Ovyur, Nachyn Opanas Semis-ool – Mergen Mongush from Tanta, Nachyn Aydyn Otchurzhap – Valery Ondar from Dzun-Hemchik, Nachynaleksey Mongush – Kyzyl-Kat Kenden from Kaa-Hem, Nachyn Ay-Demir Mongush – Angyr Kuular from Ovyur, Nachyn Amir Hovalyg – Sur-ool Nonchaa from Erzin, Aydyn Mongush – Nachyn Mongush, Nachyn Alexander Huurak – Ayan Ondar from Ovyur (winners are called the first).

The only wrestler put in a circle of eight strongest  wrestlers without an honorary sports title Aydyn Mongush from Ulug-Hem, the student of TGU, in preliminary meetings in the most persistent fights the Nachynov who has overcome the eminent senior companions: Sonama Soyan and Nachyn Mongush. The blind lot here reduced it with the favourite of competitions (in the absence of Eres Kara-Sal who together with the companion on national team Andrey Mongushom are in the rising sun Country where get acquainted with national Japanese wrestling of "Sumo") Sayyn-Beleky Tulushom to whom  lost. Ah-Demir Mongush won against Opanas of Semis-ool, Alexander Huurak at Alexey Mongush, Amir Hovalyg at Aydyn Otchurzhap.

In a semi-final Ay-Demir Mongush won against Sayyn-Belek Tulusha, having thus overcome psychological discomfort from a meeting as several times before it stumbled on approaches to the ending on Sayyn-Beleka. Alexander Huurak's long duel with Amir Hovalygom didn't reveal the winner. It was necessary to apply a lot. To take the first convenient capture from the rival got to Amir, it didn't fail to use it and won.

In the ending Ay-Demir Mongush easily won fight against tired companion Amir and became the winner of tournament on prizes Tandynsky koguun.


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