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Renat Mirzaliyev: "I dream to fill up the collection of awards"

Wednesday, 15 January 2014, 09:43
Renat Mirzaliyev:

Not so many Dnepropetrovsk athletes were awarded a title of the world champion. One of the most titled Ukrainian judoists Renat Mirzaliyev enters this cohort recognized the best on a planet — the athlete of surprising destiny supporting three different national teams also.

Two years ago then still 30-year-old Renat, appear, forever finished with active performances on a tatami. Then he yet didn't realize that sports in something are similar drug – "to give up" it extremely difficult. Having come back last year to judo (the truth, already at the level of competitions of veterans), Mirzaliyev straight off became the prize-winner of the European championship. And at the end of November (as already I reported our site) he to a rich collection of the awards added a rank of the world champion. And on it it isn't going to stop.

Our reference. Renat Mirzaliyev was born in 1982 in Dnepropetrovsk. I started being engaged in judo from 8 years at the well-known trainer Alexander Filipovsky. The champion of Europe among cadets (1997, Lisbon). Prize-winner of the World youthful Games (1998, Moscow). The world champion among youth (2000, Tunisia). Champion of Europe (2001, Paris). The winner and the owner of "A gold belt" 1st International tournament on judo of a series of the Grand Prix (2001, Moscow). The prize-winner of the European championship (Paris) and the world champion among veterans (Abu Dhabi) of 2013. I supported national teams of Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan.

- Renat, probably, many fans of sports know about your surprising tandem with the elder brother Ruslan who became the prize-winner of the European championships and the world, was the participant of the Olympic Games-2000 in Sydney. The wrestler you became by his example?

- Probably, to become the athlete I was programmed genetically. My father Maarif (already, unfortunately, one and a half years as the dead) in native Azerbaijan for him seriously was engaged in national wrestling. But his father, my grandfather was much more glorified wrestler. He fought about advanced years, and lived 101 years. And even advanced in years I kept such fortress that the father, already acting as the wrestler, I couldn't break a dedovy hand. The grandfather and called — "Iron hands". My mother Natalya who isn't present with us three years had sports genes. The uncle in the area of mother was the known boxer, became our glorified Victor Savchenko's first trainer.

- And the truth, what initially you were engaged not in wrestling, and soccer?

- Yes, the father was the great admirer of soccer and even called me in honor of the well-known goalkeeper of USSR national team of that era Dasayev. And I played the boy football, too, by the way, played goal. I was 8 years old when at Filipovsky in SDYuSShOR No. 6 of judo my elder brother Ruslan began to be engaged. He resembled trainings few months, and then and me with itself captured – so to speak, for organism development. I come, and there such ill luck: in group take only from 10 years. But Alexander Yakovlevich Filipovsky, probably, in me managed to consider something and enlisted. And the brother (who in general all life to me I was the chief assistant) tightened me, trained. I convinced that such trainings with the senior children temper best of all. Ruslan trained me with such inspiration that Filipovsky, watching our occupations, even rebuffed the brother: "You so absolutely exhaust it! ". And really I caught up with the senior children soon, and was in a couple of years enlisted in even more adult group.

- And by sports results you caught up with the brother soon?

- Considering our 4-year age difference, it was hard to be made. But I executed the standard of the master of sports 14-year-old (Ruslan – in 15 years), I was entitled the master of sports of the international class in 18 years, and the brother in 19.

- And what first serious tournament became for you a landmark milestone for understanding, what to judo in your life — seriously and for a long time?

- Victory in the European championship among cadets in Lisbon. Before I had quite good results in Ukraine. But in Portugal it was necessary to struggle with the best judoists of Europe the majority from which were for a year - another is more senior than me. In the final I resisted to powerful, very skilled Turk who to the main duel passed "on one foot". Wrestling was very intense, but I pressurized the Turk two "вазари". The victory brought huge pleasure not only me, but also to Ruslan – the brother very much worried about me.

- And in 19 years you in Paris won the adult European championship!

- Thus that I even purposefully didn't prepare for it. On my weight in 66 kg then in the national team of Ukraine Musa Nastuyev who shortly before Europe won prestigious tournament in Prague was considered as the applicant No. 1. But trainers when forming lists of the national team voted for me. In Paris I first didn't create special illusions. In my weight two finalists of the recent Olympic Games acted. But these recognized leaders from Turkey and France withdrew. And I, on the contrary, gathered a form and spirit, fought somehow freely, easily as from me an indispensable victory didn't expect. And in the final I in only 23 seconds overcame the Georgian athlete. Certainly, the first the pleasure of a victory with me was shared by the brother. However, Ruslan wasn't lucky – he didn't enter in prize-winners.

- This victory became for you "the swan song" performances for the national team of Ukraine. Why you decided to change coolly destiny and to go to Russia, in far from shine of capital fires Chelyabinsk?

- In Chelyabinsk the most powerful international center of training of wrestlers where honored trainers, athletes with titles of world champions, winners of the Olympic Games were brought together was at that time formed. Me long ago there already called on very quite good conditions. And, acting in Paris, I already knew that I go to Chelyabinsk.

- But your Russian career of 7 years was crumpled …

- Yes, to a huge regret. At first three years Ukraine didn't grant permission to play to me for Russian national team. And without this permission I could speak only at internal tournaments. When such permission was given, I at competitions got a heavy trauma. And 2004-2007 became a continuous train of vyzdorovleniye and injuries. I became the prize-winner of the championship of Russia, I won on separate tournaments (including on very prestigious Tallinn) but I didn't achieve big titles. I couldn't break through and on the Olympic Games in Athens.

- After Russia you had also a period of performances for the national team of Azerbaijan?

- Yes, but at first in 2007 I returned to native Dnepropetrovsk. And again I was pursued by injuries. It was restored only in the 2010th, on the Cup of Ukraine could reach the final. Soon I went to the European cup to Slovenia where it is unexpected for many won the first place. This victory, of course, inspired me. After all many believed that my career – already a way of "the brought-down pilot". On collecting in Spain I got acquainted with the trainer of the national team of Azerbaijan who suggested to be trained in Baku. One and a half years I lived there, playing for local club and the national team of Azerbaijan. But the fate again turned away from me. Test points for participation in the London Olympic Games of 2012 didn't manage to be gained. That it didn't happen to perform at one Olympic Games, and remained the main disappointment in sports career. Generally, in the same 2012 I stopped acting and came back to Dnepropetrovsk.

- … Where straight off became the trainer.

- Well not absolutely straight off. I really wanted to try a trenerstvo. I looked for club, a hall where could train kids. And so coincided that my companion opened Maksimus sports club on the Gold Keys array and looked for the wrestling coach. It was pleasant to work with children to me from the first occupation. And to children, their parents, probably, too. If 6 children came to the first trainings, now – about 30. I hope that this year my boys will start speaking at tournaments. The immediate task – to bring someone from children to level of the champion of the city. And there we will look …

- Practically all your relatives are connected with the sports world. And whether are on friendly terms with an active way of life in your family?

- You can be surprised, but in emergence of my family too it is involved …

- Again brother? !

- Precisely. Ruslan to me also "married off" beautiful Niyara. In 2005 I lived and trained in Russia. In the summer from cold Chelyabinsk with special pleasure I came to the warm Crimea. I went on a camp site under the Pike perch where Ruslan already located. And I still was on the way when it started hurrying: "I to you here such girl looked after! ". Niyara really struck me in the heart. Only in what an ill luck. I only managed to get acquainted with it – and it is time for it to go to native Bakhchisarai. We communicated by phone. And week of such communication sufficed me to go to her parents to ask in marriage. From acquaintance before wedding at us passed only 20 days. The wife isn't connected actively with sports. But it – my main support and the inspirer.

- There is a hope, what the daughter becomes sports?

- Why "becomes"? Our Diana (whom this year will be 8) grows very active child with good inclinations of the sportswoman. And though the daughter while shows the vocal talents more, on the trainings I already take her – goes in for acrobatics.

- It is interesting, whether the brother is involved in what last year you came back to a tatami?

- No, here in this question Ilya Chimchiuri worked. By the beginning of 2013 I as didn't come a year to a tatami. Probably, Ilya made out in me any nostalgia on wrestling, an innuendo. Also I persuaded to go to Paris on the European championship among veterans. I was struck! Paris for me in general – one of the most beautiful cities of Earth, a symbol of my first big victory. And the shock was imposed on these feelings from level of the organization of the championship. In France in general love the wrestling, here knowing, grateful public. 1200 participants of the championship, the filled sports palace, passion of duels such that can envy it and young athletes. Generally, I didn't expect so serious level of competitions. I conceded in a semi-final to Russian Konstantin Zaretsky and I received a bronze award. And to it I added still bronze for the third all-command place – in team competitions there was most serious "cabin"!

- But for the World Cup in Abu Dhabi, probably, prepared already thoroughly?

- Precisely. And practically on a way to a rank of the champion I finished all duels ahead of schedule. Only disappointment: Zaretsky acted in other category – wanted to take from him a revenge! . You know, these performances are valuable to me not only medals. They gave an enormous charge of cheerfulness, became the beginning in many respects other way. How many kind old friends I met in the veteran championships, what surprisingly benevolent atmosphere reigns on such tournaments! Active performances are a huge incentive. All of us are united by sports which as it becomes clear, doesn't leave anywhere us. Therefore I will continue to act while forces and health will suffice. And the next purpose – the European championship among veterans which has to take place this spring in Donetsk. I dream to fill up the collection of awards – the daughter Diana simply adores trying on on herself father's medals.


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