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Dmitry Sosnovsky: I will try to get in a rack

Friday, 27 December 2013, 14:54
Dmitry Sosnovsky: I will try to get in a rack

Rival of Alexander Emelyanenko on the tournament "Colossey" told ValeTudo.ru about a course of preparation for fight with the person scandal.

Unbeaten Dmitry Sosnovsky Avenue by nickname "Evil Car" had a unique chance in a flash "to jump from pawns in the king" the Russian MMA and to make the name on fight with the star rival.

On the Colosseum tournament which will take place on January 25 in SC "Anniversary" in St. Petersburg, the 24-year-old Muscovite, till this moment familiar unless to hardkorny fans of single combats fixedly watching backward tournaments passing in the CIS, will meet Alexander Emelyanenko not needing representation which popularity, despite the absence of at the fighter of performances in the last half-ground, only increased thanks to the numerous scandals surrounding the athlete.

ValeTudo.ru contacted Dmitry, whether to learn he feels responsibility freight from the forthcoming duel and as prepares for fight with the terrible veteran.

ValeTudo.ru: Dmitry, tell as you the offer to participate in the Colosseum tournament arrived.

We were on collecting in Thailand on the island Samui together with Olistar Overim and Alexey Oleynik, and Alexey told me that there is an opportunity to carry out fight with Alexander Emelyanenko in January. Later to me the official proposal from Oplot club arrived.

ValeTudo.ru: How you prepare for this fight? Where you train and on what you place emphasis more?

I train now in Moscow, generally I perfect shock equipment, I spar with boxers much. Alexander is good both in fight, and in shock equipment, but because of his physical power it will be very difficult to potter with him in orchestra seats. So we will try to get from a rack.

ValeTudo.ru: You have a blue belt on Japanese ju-jitsu, and it means both good wrestling, and shock preparation. As whom you consider yourself more: fighter or drummer?

I consider myself as the universal fighter and I can conduct a duel both in a rack, and in orchestra seats. Everything depends on the rival.

ValeTudo.ru: Whether you prepare specially under Emelyanenko, or trainings take place without emphasis on the rival?

Yes, now I train with boxers, many of which on build are similar to Alexander.

ValeTudo.ru: Your trainer Alexey Oleynik prepares for a debut in UFC, whether it manages to it to find time for you?

Yes, we now both prepare: Alexey – to the fight in UFC, I – to fight with Alexander. We carry out sparrings, we fight.

ValeTudo.ru: Your attitude towards Alexander Emelyanenko what you think of scandals over his name?

I can't tell anything about any scandals because I anywhere wasn't and I didn't see it in precipitate situations, but I can tell one: Alexander – a legend, and for me a great honor to have opportunity to fight with him. I don't know, whether the truth that write about its tricks or not, but that it showed in a ring – unambiguously truth, and causes only respect.

ValeTudo.ru: The prospect of fight with such titled and untwisted fighter doesn't frighten?

No. I know, why I come to a ring, and I will do everything possible to win. Certainly, a certain nervous trembling before fight always is present, but now I have in the head only a plan for fight and there is no excitement. Sooner or later all the same it would be necessary to meet the fighter of such level, and it is very pleasant to me that to me such opportunity dropped out.


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