In the contemporary history of the Zaporozhye sports there is a large number of patrons and devotees who doesn't hurry on TV screens and newspaper pages at the slightest pretext, and quietly and systemically carries out rather large volume of work in sports and healthy lifestyle promoting.
One of them – the president of the Zaporozhye regional federation of judo, the honored trainer of Ukraine Erich Barz, for which not only trainer's, but also administrative work in a favourite sport, seemingly, only in pleasure!
- Erich Alwinowitsch, I will tell honestly, "having shoveled" the Internet I found very few information on you and your work. Why, unlike many, you don't strive for publicity, after all is about what to tell?
- Everything is very simple – I prefer quiet and system work without excess information noise. Progress of our athletes speaks better than any words, and, I consider, mass media have to speak about those who the daily work on trainings and progress in competitions bring glory to our Zaporozhye edge and our country.
- But after all behind a place on a pedestal of each athlete there is a big and persistent work of his trainer and many others …
- I agree. All of us remain on the second plan, and the success of the athlete is a top, incentive for those who trains together with it, helps with everyday life. Yes, probably not all become champions and prize-winners, but in addition our task – to set a youth example, to bring up the healthy and responsible citizen of society, to create a habit of a healthy lifestyle, occupations by physical culture and sport. It isn't less important, than quantity of medals.
- And, nevertheless, progress of our judoists speaks about very serious potential of the Zaporozhye area, truly?
- It is always pleasant to see our athletes among winners. And to us really is whom to be proud. Following the results of a year 10 Zaporozhetses are a part of a national team of Ukraine. 12 more athletes in the list of candidates. Our area was the first in an all-team competition of the Cup of Ukraine, the second in national championship. It pleases, as well as stability of our leaders in individual competitions. Georgy Zantaraya became the bronze prize-winner of the World Cup, the sister Chernyak won two medals on the World University games, and Inna became also the champion of Europe among athletes with sight violation. The European cup was won by Ashot Balabekyan, and perspective Galina Tarasova became the silver prize-winner of the youth European championship. Unfortunately, injuries didn't allow to realize this year all the potential Stanislava Bondarenko, in time "to hook" on bronze of tournament of the Grand Prix series in Korea иВадиму Sinyavskoma. We count on them, as well as on other athletes already soon, after all since 2014 the main fight for licenses for the Olympic Games of 2016 which will take place in the Brazilian Rio de Janeiro will begin.
- In a word, it is possible to tell about leading positions of the Zaporozhye school of judo in Ukraine?
- Unambiguously. Judo is a priority sport for the Zaporozhye area, our school of judo has fine traditions which we try to support up to standard and, it is possible to tell, with optimism we look forward.
- If not the secret – on what is based your optimism?
- On that interest which only grows every year. Not all sports have full-fledged DYuSSh and conduct system work in all without exception regions of the Zaporozhye area. Judo very interesting sport which allows the child not only harmoniously to develop physically, but also gives spiritual development – our specialists trainers surely acquaint children with philosophy of wrestlingof judo, history, forming the correct outlook.
- How the area helps schools on places?
- Together with colleagues on Regional Council we do everything that in budgets of all levels physical culture and sport financing was surely provided. We work with heads of areas, businessmen, patrons without the assistance of whom it would be very difficult. The federation assumes organizational and methodical ensuring training process. We hold seminars for trainers, we organize competitions for the most different age. Almost weekly in area pass tournaments, the championships. The best wrestlers have opportunity to move to Zaporozhye, to specialized office of judo of Sportinternat where skilled trainers bring them to new qualitative level. In parallel, perspective athletes have opportunity to graduate, become not only the trainer, but also to receive any other specialty. The incentive for children from the remote place is also it very well.
- I know that one of the areas of work is invasport…
- Yes, we develop and we realize special programs not only for physically disabled people, but also we attach to occupations of judo of children from dysfunctional families, orphan children. We try to solve these important social problems.
- You don't lose optimism, after all it is very difficult …
No way! Only everything together we will be able to make our life such what we see in the best examples. In plans for next year repair of halls and construction of the Palace of judo to Zaporozhye, carrying out our traditional tournaments for children and adults, participation of athletes in competitions of the most different rank. Admirers of judo are waited by interesting, saturated year. I invite all to our competitions and certainly in the section which addresses you can find on our official site — We will be grateful for the help and support of patrons. Let's good things do together!