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DZHEMtlmen of sports

Wednesday, 27 November 2013, 11:00
DZHEMtlmen of sports

Get acquainted: businessman Petr PERMYAKOV. It — one of those who in Khakassia will carry by today the main attribute of Olympic torch relay — a torch.

Not you are fond, and you carry away

— Petr Mikhaylovich, you the person in Khakassia the known. The former athlete, the businessman, the president of federation of wrestling on belts, the deputy of Abakan city council of deputies, the chairman of the Khakass regional office of Business Russia party. But it everything — in general. It would be desirable to recognize in more detail the person who received so great honor — to bear a torch of the Olympic Games. What was an incitement for sports activities?

—  That specifically was an incitement, difficultly to tell.  Here, probably, the set of various factors was flown down together.  And huge desire to self-actualize in any kind of activity, and irrepressible energy …  Thank God, there were people who sent my aspirations to sports.  Than I only was engaged!  In a boarding school where we lived, were both basketball, and track and field athletics …  I from the Omsk region. Village  Stepanovka.  The school was for ten kilometers from the village — in Novoalekseevke.  Come — live in a boarding school.  And all four years we, boys, came, lived and … in the evenings played sports.

When parents moved to Vershinu Thea, I and there found to myself occupation to liking. I played basketball, volleyball … It then already I was fond of free-style wrestling. And all because nearby was the cool trainer — Sergey Dmitriyevich Malyshev. A lot of things in our life depend on the mentor. It as at school … There is a good matematichka — love mathematics. And here. Not you are fond, and you carry away. Having appeared some years later in Abakan, I got to the trainer Nikolay Nikolaevich Churdikov. I trained at it till 25 years. I executed the standard of the master of sports of the USSR.

— And parents at you …

—  They are simple hard workers.  Mother, Vera Timofeevna, worked as the milkmaid at a farm.  The father, Mikhail Gavrilovich, was the mechanic, the joiner, the tractor operator.  We have a big family:  there are two more brothers and two sisters.  The senior brother and the sister live in Omsk, younger — in Abakan.  None of them didn't go to big-time sports, I — only.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the great athlete I didn't become. Though I set ambitious tasks for myself, and I had all prerequisites, for example, to become the world champion. But owing to these or those reasons it didn't develop. Nevertheless I am proud that years five I was a part of the national team of Krasnoyarsk Krai. I participated in the international competitions, on superiority of the Soviet Union got to ten. For those times it too was considered as serious achievement. On competitions all huge Union gathered. You understand about what I speak?

— You acted in at one time with Sergey Karamchakov. And under what circumstances got acquainted with future prize-winner of the Olympic Games?

— There was 1979. I went from Thea's Top on superiority of the Askizsky area. I took the third place, and Sergey became a champion. It approached to me, got to talking. Some years we didn't see each other with it after that. And here it is unexpected for itself in 1981st I win superiority of central office of the volunteer sports society "Work" and in the rank of the winner I go on superiority of the Soviet Union to the city of Frunze. I come. Серега me I saw, all such happy ran up, let's embrace. "You ate? " — "no". Let's go. And here its such attitude towards almost foreign person struck me. It after all at that time was already skilled athlete, lived in Krasnoyarsk, could lift up the head and pass by. Since then we were crossed with it on collecting in Krasnoyarsk quite often. Promoted development of the relations also that later we entered with it into one sports society — "Manpower reserves".

Without any doubts, level of his skill considerably surpassed mine, but divisions on: I — a megastar, and you are the simple master of sports of the USSR — weren't. Together were engaged on a carpet, together ate … Took coupons — and in one cap sent. Certainly, its time звездило, and it not a secret for anybody, but then it fell by the earth and became same, as all of us.

He was from god the gifted person. Special plasticity, sensitivity of muscles … And the speed of reaction, thinking on a carpet — slightly quicker, than at others. Just all that was necessary for wrestling, and merged in one person. But, you understand, whatever you talented were born, without certain efforts it will turn out nothing. That he became the bronze prize-winner of Olympic Games, instead of the champion — mere chance. Against the Japanese who has become then first, it shortly before the Olympic Games won on the World Cup with a clear advantage. At that time in weight category to 48 kilograms, I consider, to Sergey wasn't equal in the world.

Ivan Sergeyevich Yarygin with whom I was not close, but is familiar, took more diligence, and then talent. Upon termination of sports career him appointed the head coach of the national team of the Soviet Union. To athletes from Khakassia that to hide, it had a special relation. As well as at Dmitry Georgiyevich Mindiashvili. All of us met often on collecting different level.

Well I remember how Ivan Sergeyevich came to the trainer Vladimir Ilyich Charkov on anniversary. And in 1997, for half a year to death, it was in Khakassia. I personally carried it across Abakan, communicated, remembered … In communication it was very simple, good-natured, without any signs of star fever, though the double Olympic champion.

— And if to compare that system of development of free-style wrestling and today's. In what their main difference?

— Briefly you won't tell. Anybody I don't want to accuse of anything. Give from the point of view of the analysis … Earlier the system of preparation of athletes was more built and multistage. There was a system of sports societies. "Dynamo", "Manpower reserves", "Petrel", "Work", "Crop" … In parallel with it there was the second step — the principle of territoriality. Both there, and there competitions, collecting. It is necessary to be prepared for superiority of area — you go on collecting. Preparation for superiority of Krasnoyarsk Krai, for the championship of Russia — again collecting began. And after all in one place in the huge number of athletes at one time gathered. Competitions in the area of sports societies too demanded the same approach to business. And it was infinite.

When arrived in Abakan state teacher's college on biochemical, I practically didn't study the first year.  Collecting, competitions, collecting, competitions.  Inkubatorsky approach.  It was difficult not to grow in someone.  Someone, you think, was indignant?  All, on the contrary, sought to get on collecting and to take part in single combats.  Now that system of selection — rigid, accurate, clear, strict - No.

—  There is also no that relation which was from the Soviet athletes.

—  The motivation changed.  That in the Soviet years of very few people from us reflected on money, absolutely precisely.  Fought for Khakassia, for edge, for the country, for a medal, for the diploma and no more than that.  And now the person didn't manage to win — already looks, what there at organizers a prize fund.  "Small?  I won't go at all".  Realities of our life are that.

— Within five years the Dzhem advertizing agency was organizer-spon-litter of the All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling of memory of Sergey Karamchakov. Expenses considerable, and benefits any. To you, to the businessman for what all this was necessary?

— I somehow time arrived to Sayanogorsk where passed tournament of memory of Sergey Karamchakov, looked at tribunes — participants, trainers sit. The audience — zero. Five-six regions on a carpet, and turn out tournament for the sake of athletes. But we speak about healthy lifestyle promotion. Tournament has to involve in sports of children. And Sergey a worthy example for imitation. Hundred boys and the little girls, wishing to go to free-style wrestling, let won't get on the Olympic Games, but will refuse addictions and will be occupied with sports. It first. Secondly, wanted to help the trainer Nikolay Nikolaevich Churdikov to some extent. He was the principal of the highest sports skill at that time and bore on itself burden of responsibility for carrying out competitions.

We thought up other format: assumed all financial expenses, organized a decent prize fund, massive advertizing in all mass media. We involved and encouraged with different forms of trainers and athletes. Tournament was one of the best in Russia. And as result of success — five years in a row full tribunes.

Attitude of the pupil towards the teacher

— You had no desire to be engaged in trainer's activity?

— Was. Two years I are quite successful as it seems to me, coped with this task. And then matter of luck … I met the classmate Sergey Shirokov. "You heard — speaks — the law on cooperation left? " — "What is it?" — "We will go I will tell". We with it and with partners opened in Abakan one of the first, if not the first, video salon. Under Siberia shop it was. Showed, I apologize for the expression, any dregs and mentally ill people for us received for it money. If in a month I earned by the trainer 150 rubles (didn't suffice, naturally, on a family), there in days — on 100. Besides trainer's work in itself not always the grateful. To grow up the athlete, you live without days off through passage. Continuous collecting, family you doesn't see. And he grows up then and, at all without having told you thanks, drops out of sight. I can give a heap of such examples without looking further Khakassia.

If Nikolay Nikolaevich Churdikov was my trainer, so it and works for me in advertizing agency. While at me, God grant, everything will be good, I never will refuse to it support.

I don't respect people who defame the mentors, teachers, trainers. There is a lot of such athletes. But there are also return examples — Ivan Sergeyevich Yarygin. You can't imagine, to what degree he was grateful to the trainers: To Vladimir Ilyich Charkov, Dmitry Georgiyevich Mindiashvili. Always I supported them. And not only kind word … Also the attitude of the pupil towards the teacher has to be such.

— I listen to you, and there is an impression that you feel nostalgic for Soviet period.

— At all not. But I in the house have a small muzeychik. There some hundred exhibits of the Soviet era: beginning from banners and finishing irons. All red, Lenin... And you know to whom it is interesting? To me to one. Friends, acquaintances come. "Went — I will show". Go. On reaction, on asked questions, on time there spent, I see that it isn't really interesting to them.

— And sports are interesting to your children?

—  The son Evgeny in school days was fond of wrestling, basketball played.  Still, as well as I, go to the sports hall.  Is engaged for itself, for health.  Ten years lives in St. Petersburg.  Economist in the specialty.  Works in bank.

And the daughter Margarita still small — 12 years. Its interests are far from the sports. She is rather creative person: draws, sings, plays. Demands to itself huge attention, than and the spouse, Marina Anatolyevna is engaged. On it both child, and household... It at me the housewife.

— You told about the sports hall. And how often you visit it? Than you are fond in off-duty time? Perhaps, mountain skiing?

—  This year to me 50 years were executed, but I on three-four times a week try to train to sweat.  God grant, that so all also proceeded.  In addition — 14 years of a mountain-skiing experience.  I — the fan of active recreation.  To sunbathe on the sun for days on end — it not for me.  I like to communicate with friends, in a ban to take a steam bath, to read books, to watch film.  I like all little by little.  Life after all such short — there is a wish to try diversely.

— You read detective stories, a fantasy?

—  I don't read.  In due time I overate.  I like to read biographies of known people.  Not important, who they are:  businessmen, businessmen, politicians...  The way of formation of the person is interesting.  His personality opens, character.  That is why it made such decision, instead of such?  And as though you arrived on its place.  You compare, you analyze.  Here now, you won't believe, I read about Steve Jobs.  Still the books connected with psychology are pleasant.

If to speak about cinema, I am a person omnivorous.  With pleasure I watch transmission "Voice".  It is pleasant.  Smartly people why and not to listen sing.  I supported Ruslan Ivakin who represented Abakan on the project.  It just that case when it is important to have a number of the good mentor.  He would prompt to take notes with the Khakass national color — and it would be hit in a point.

— How you got to the list of torch carriers?

—  The history connected with promotion and selection criteria, for me still a riddle.  Many, having seen my surname in the list, for certain told:  "Well now Residents of Perm bought also the right to be the torch carrier".  And I, frankly speaking, even asked nobody and, having seen myself in the list, was pleasantly surprised.  Then I was told already that from business community put forward two people.

— And if to take and abstract, having postponed far away modesty?

—  If so, probably, me also is logical to put forward.  Master of sports of the USSR.  To this day it is near from sports.  Deputy of city council of deputies.  I am engaged in public work, it is a little business.  The president of federation of wrestling on belts of Khakassia.  Our girl — Tatyana Zyryanova — won University games gold, became the best on a world championship and the second in the World Cup among adults.  Following the results of 2013 our federation showed the best sports results.

Having put everything together, probably, it is possible to entrust and the torch — will inform. For me it is certainly honourable, pleasantly and responsibly. The Olympic relay is, in my opinion, a symbol of sports, health and association of all people. Therefore I wish all the world. Care of itself, of the health. Self-realization to you. I with pleasure and pride of Khakassia will take part in Olympic torch relay.

Alexander DUBROVIN


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