On the eve of the second protection of the title "Storm" told ValeTudo.ru about preparation in fight with Dag Marshallom, the American thinking and the Russian tactics.
Tomorrow morning our compatriot Alexander "Storm" Shlemenko(48-7) who is acting for command RusFighters, leaves again in Bellator cage to protect a title of the champion of the organization on the average weight. American "Rhinoceros" Dag Marshall (18-6) - the former champion of WEC possessing explosive temperament and knocking-out blow will resist to it.
Shortly before fight we contacted Alexander to talk about his preparation for a responsible match.
ValeTudo.ru: Alexander, hi! How do you feel?
Hi! Everything is great.
ValeTudo.ru: Tell about where as well as with whom you prepared and you continue to prepare for fight with Dag Marshallom?
Everything is standard, I prepare with the pupils, at present here with me Alexander Sarnavsky. Also we go to the Blackhouse hall where we carry out sparrings and we struggle with local children.
In this trip we find more time for free-style wrestling, we are engaged with trainer Tim Johnson in Blackhouse, this that person who prepares, in particular, Bee Jay Penn and Lioto Machid.
ValeTudo.ru: Slightly in more detail about sparring partners. There is someone who is similar to Dag the manner of conducting fight?
It is difficult to find just the same rival – I low for average weight, and Dag Marshall is even lower. I try to select the rival close for the weight and style of Marshall, such children here are, recently there were some quite good Brazilians. With them also I stand in couples.
ValeTudo.ru: After fight with Cooper passed only 2 months. Whether it sufficed you for full preparation?
Yes, quite. Certainly, ahead still the difficult stage "eyeliners" to fight for which it is necessary to come with the maximum forces. But as a whole everything is all right.
ValeTudo.ru: Your fight postponed to a week forward. It didn't prevent to prepare how planned?
It didn't deliver global problems, for the career I got used to any unexpected changes. – it is necessary "to load" the only thing more long than and later to start "being brought", than I planned, it is heavy in respect of restoration of forces. But I will consult.
ValeTudo.ru: Than Marshall how you consider can be most of all dangerous?
Marshall is known for the blow from both hands, plus not bad attacks feet. It explosive, is dangerous more on a distant and average distance. Well beats, has quite strong head – at least, isn't afraid to pass.
ValeTudo.ru: After your fight with Cooper Marshall told: "Having looked at fight Shlemenko with Cooper, I am precisely confident now in the victory! ". What you think of it?
This his opinion (laughs).
ValeTudo.ru: Well, you as in general consider is an empty bragging, or he really trusts in it?
It is quite possible that trusts. You know, simply many Americans really a little rectilinearly in this plan think. That is, for example, if Marshall quickly knocked out Cooper, and I beat off with Brett all five rounds, they automatically start considering that in fight with me Marshall will have an advantage that it is stronger than me, etc.
That in my opinion, it is natural, far from truth.
ValeTudo.ru: Your fight and fight Sarnavsky in one card nearby. Whether it means, what you won't be able it seconded during a duel?
Looking as fights will be located. My fight costs to the last generally to the card if its duel deliver the first – I think, I will be able it seconded. If isn't present, that, probably, no. We learn already on a place.
ValeTudo.ru: If you wish, our "microphone" at your order.
Thanks to all for support! By tradition I wish all to conduct sober and a healthy lifestyle, to love the Homeland and a family. Everything at you will be good.
ValeTudo.ru: Thanks, Alexander! Health and a victory in fight!