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Alexander Sarnavsky: I have to win it the Grand Prix

Thursday, 21 November 2013, 15:45
Alexander Sarnavsky: I have to win it the Grand Prix

Omsky prospect told ValeTudo.ru about fight with Ricardo Tirloni and preparation for a meeting with Vill Brooks.

In the morning this Saturday the Russian easily weight Alexander Sarnavsky (25-1) leaves in Bellator cage that in a final duel of the Grand Prix of the 9th season to deal with the Chicago Vill Avenue Brooks (12-1).
Alexander in a quarterfinal won suffocating reception against the veteran of UFC Marcus Davies, and in a semi-final finished a triangle of the owner of a black belt on Brazilian ju-jitsu Ricardo Tirloni, having carried out for both fights in a cage of only 2 minutes 48 seconds.
Now Brooks gets in his way to a victory in the Grand Prix, in a semi-final of revanshirovavshiya the only career defeat from Saada Awad 27-year-old Country houses. We communicated with Sarnavsky and talked about its preparation and the future duel.
ValeTudo.ru: Alexander, hi. How do you feel?
Hi! Good mood, as usual before fight.
ValeTudo.ru: Your fight with Ricardo Tirloni ended immediately. You and planned, or counted on dragged-out war?
Against such rival you are always incited on a long duel. The opponent was quite difficult, the plan was to look as fight will develop, and, if it works, to finish ahead of schedule. In advance, of course, never you know how leaves.
But fight ended very quickly and without traumas to that I am glad.
ValeTudo.ru: The meeting with Vill Brooks is necessary to you in the ending. What you will tell about this fighter?
Brooks – physically strong fighter, very sharp. Generally he won the fights, holding the rival in orchestra seats and without allowing it anything to do. Very worthy, good rival.
It has it already the second the Grand Prix, he too very strongly wants it to win, as well as I - because at me am it already the third Grand Prix. I think, both of us "are very hungry" to a victory therefore I wait very interesting duel.
ValeTudo.ru: How there takes place now your preparation, where and with whom you train?
I train with Alexander Shlemenko in the HB Ultimate and Blackhouse halls, in the last there are a lot of sparring partners of my weight with whom I both struggle, and I stand in couples. As a whole preparation took place the same way as before fights with Marcus Davies and Ricardo Tirloni.
ValeTudo.ru: Recently I passed sign fight in lightweight Chendler – Alvares. Whether you these saw it? What you will tell about it who won, Chendler or Alvares?
In my opinion, Chendler won. It held the rival in orchestra seats more. Round двау it stole, it is possible so to speak. Certainly, Alvares showed skill, and, probably, wanted a victory more. But Chendler sustained such suffocating Eddie – was simply unreal to get out from there. And it suffered. I thought that he won, but judges decided to give a victory to Alvares.
I think, they will have the third fight, and the strongest there will already precisely be defined.
ValeTudo.ru: How you want to finish fight with Brooks?
It is sports, I won't think. I want that after fight of the referee I raised my hand. I will make it all efforts. I have to win this Grand Prix.
ValeTudo.ru: Thanks, Alexander! Health and a victory in the ending!


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