The head coach told about a trip on the Cup of the European Nations
- Ruslan Soslanovich, whether you are happy with young wrestlers whom carried on the Cup of the Nations?
- I wouldn't tell that they absolutely young. Sergey Ratushnom was given chance to be rehabilitated and it used this opportunity. I won all three fights and I proved from the best party. As for Vasily Shuptar, he is knocked for a long time on world fight, the truth while two times in national championship проигрывалАйвазяну. But on students he always well acts, on University games it is good отборолся. I think that he already now became the worthy competitor and too proved from the best party. Vasily was pleasant to all European experts. It well proved in this weight but if now replace categories, to it can be difficult. Yet it isn't known leave category of 60 kg or not. Ivan Petriv – the strong young guy. The only thing that with the Russian it was incorrectly overcome, and other two fights - won. Very fine отборолся with the Turkish wrestler. Therefore I can tell that small weight in Moscow proved very adequately and proved that can struggle with the most serious opponents as equals.
- Average weights pleased slightly less how you think why?
- From Oleg Zakharevich it was possible to expect bigger, but he is disturbed by an excessive emotionality. On a carpet it is necessary to be cold, judicious. He sometimes hurries and therefore not always everything turns out. I hope, it will order the fight and at it everything will turn out. At Dzhambul Tsotadze isn't present stability. It strong physically, but makes many technical mistakes. We try to eliminate them but while it is ineffectual.
- Valery Andreytsev who didn't manage to show former results was a star of team. What happened to our Olympic prize-winner?
- I am very strongly disappointed. Because after Olimpiadyvalery Andreytsev can't restore the former form. I don't know with what it is connected, on collecting he gives all the best, and at competitions makes ridiculous mistakes. It's not clear. Those rivals who it had in Moscow, he was obliged to win in any condition. In the last fight he won against the Turkish wrestler, but all the same allowed many misses. Probably, it wasn't reconstructed yet under new rules. When there were three periods for two minutes, it had more trumps. And today without equipment, without fight there will be no result. But nevertheless he is the strong-willed wrestler and in any case I believe in him. I think it is necessary to work purposefully with it by new rules and it will return to world wrestling elite.
- In spite of the fact that in heavy weight we have two obvious leaders, Mikhail Datsenko too showed excellent result.
- It last year already proved on the Cup of Europe. But this year - simply I surpassed myself. Today it is already possible to say that soon it will make the worthy competition to Alen Zaseev and Alexander Hotsyanovsky . In this weight at us the competition and it obviously aspires in leaders. It it is fine отборолся, the only thing that to the double champion from Turkey lost.
- For the Cup very serious rivals fought …
- I can tell, what even in such structure we quite could fight for the first place.
- Not so long ago in Tehran passed the World Cup among the military personnel where our children won three bronze medals. Say that not so simply what in Iran?
- It is heavy to fight to those athletes who isn't prepared … I consider that it is children showed normal result. The Iranian wrestlers leaders on a world carpet and I think that it is necessary for us at least once a year to leave all command to fight in Iran. We planned to performed in Tehran at the beginning of a year at very good tournament.
- After the Cup of Ukraine the new structure of the national team will be formed. How you think, the main structure will undergo strong changes or in a holder there are familiar faces?
- As I already repeatedly declared, now trainer's council will prefer those athletes who show result outside the country. We work year on this system and we see fruits. The trainer too are happy. On others carpets it is more difficult to fight, it is good experience - it is necessary to be better ready psychologically. I think that we on the right track. Naturally the national team will be updated. The rating system of justified. Besides you shouldn't forget that since new year, weight categories will probably exchange. Some new weight will arrange, and some it can be difficult. Therefore there will be other approach and other selection criteria. Time it will be reconstructed to the Olympic Games suffices and I am very glad that wrestlers remained in the Olympic family.
- Last week Ibrahim Aldatov was called the best athlete of month. Than he now is engaged?
- Ibrahim Aldatov and Alain Zaseev now about new year will fight for the Iranian clubs. I think, it will bring them only benefit. And then they together with all will prepare to Krasnoyarsk and to other tournaments. When the season comes to an end I only pro that athletes continued to fight.