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In love with judo

Saturday, 09 November 2013, 10:35
In love with judo

Anastasia Pavlenko, world champion in judo: "On guys doesn't suffice neither time, nor forces, therefore at me while "the plush fan"

The known sportswoman on a visit at "The Samara news" told about distinctions between judo and sambo, Vladimir Putin and young people with weak character

The champion of Russia among juniors on judo and sambo, the owner and the repeated prize-winner of cups of Europe on judo, the silver prize-winner of superiority of the world on sambo. A week ago in a collection of this sportswoman there was a missing title. Now Anastasia Pavlenko also world champion in judo. Today it on a visit at "the Samara News".

- Then you won't tell that you are engaged in judo …

- But I, however, am engaged (laughs). My big brother Kirill too was fond of this sport. And when I was eight years old, he and brought me into a hall. At first it wasn't pleasant to me, but over time it carried away so that now for ears you won't drag. I simply fell in love with these sports.

- You worry before an exit to a tatami?

- Certainly, I worry, without it in any way. But always I try to extinguish excitement, it only harms. Simply sometimes it is necessary to tell itself: calm down, above the head you all the same won't jump, simply leave and make everything that you are able. It won't turn out – you will go to train, and it will turn out – all the same you will go to train.

- Conditions in Samara the normal?

- Yes. In Samara very strong school and judo coachs! To me is to what to compare, after all I was born not here. Three years ago I arrived from Ust-Labinsk, it in Krasnodar Krai. To Samara went purposefully to train and reach any results. At home I already was the leader of club, and there at me didn't remain competitors. There is nobody was to practise, here and it was necessary to replace a residence.

- When guys learn, what you aren't the weak defenseless girl, and the judoist, at them doesn't vanish desire to communicate with you?

- And I don't communicate with weak guys (laughs). I study in school of the Olympic reserve, there we have all athletes. We very well communicate with children, but only as friends. On bigger at me doesn't suffice neither time, nor forces, even desire.

- Recessions in career trap any athlete. How you overcome such moments?

- Certainly, without recessions there is no lifting also. Time of people is at form peak, and at times, on the contrary, falls in a hole. So occurs in any kind of sports, not only in judo. My trainer Sergey Gerasimov very competently builds training process, and thanks to it we approach to competitions in an optimum condition.

- You won the championship of Russia both on sambo, and on judo. Than two of these sports differ?

- Judo is after all more Greco-Roman wrestling, and sambo - No. There is a set of distinctions in rules. For example, in judo painful receptions on feet are forbidden, and their sambo allows. In judo it is also possible to smother, and in sambo it is forbidden. There are more many any subtleties though, of course, it is necessary to recognize that these sports have much in common.

- That is judoists can participate in sambo competitions, and sambo wrestlers – on judo?

- Certainly. Most often happens so that judoists act in sambo competitions, and, act very well – often even better than sambo wrestlers. Sambo wrestlers, of course, too participate in judo competitions, but is much more rare. And to win them there, as a rule, where it is more difficult.

- The president of the country – in the past the judoist. How you consider, he pays special attention to development of this sport in Russia?

- It seems to me that after all pays special attention. It – the master of sports on judo and, of course, is interesting to it this sport, he tries to develop it. Vladimir Putin himself carries periodically out master classes, itself let out some video lessons. By the way, it came on the Olympic Games in London to support our judoists. On Tagir Haybulayev's duel it even was present personally.

- Young athletes in most cases have idols on whom they would like to equal. You have such person?

- No, I have no idol. But there is a person whom I try to follow an example: this is the Samara judoist Natalia Kondratyev. Why from it? Yes because I not by hearsay know what is strong, and the main thing, the purposeful person. I don't want to copy someone. As my trainer speaks, the original is always better than the copy. And in it it is impossible to disagree with it.

- You said that into judo you were brought by the big brother, and first this sport wasn't pleasant to you. Wanted to throw sometime everything and to leave sports?

- Yes, such was. At the age of about 13 years I had a turning point when wanted to throw simply everything and to leave. Thank God, to me didn't allow. To a hall I was returned by my first trainer – Vladimir Kocherga. Now, already many years later, I even can't transfer as I am grateful to it for it.

- You came to these sports to learn to defend, or at once wanted to achieve good results?

- At first simply I went on trainings, without setting before myself specific goals. And to Samara went absolutely definitely – to achieve good results. And, of course, to prove – first of all to myself – that I stand. My parents hope for me, and I can't simply bring them.

- Judo in Russia – not the most rating sport. What it is necessary to make for its promoting?

- Unfortunately, despite all successes of the Russian Olympians, judo in Russia all the same doesn't interest the mass viewer. Ways to develop interest of Russians to this sport a set, but it seems to me that the most effective – to increase number of translations of competitions on television.

- Traditional question of talismans. You have something similar?

- Yes, I have the talisman. On all competitions to me there goes a small teddy bear. I take it with myself from the seventh class, and it seems to me that this kind sign helps me to act and show everything, on what I am capable. And I can be always sure that my personal "fan" worries about me.


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