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The guest in edition: Interview with Maxim Grishin

Tuesday, 05 November 2013, 16:18
The guest in edition: Interview with Maxim Grishin

The Tambov fighter Maxim Grishin, the champion of Russia on army hand-to-hand fight, won against the owner of a black belt on Brazilian ju-jitsu Mario Miranda in "Battle of Moscow".

For it it there was the first fight within FIGHT NIGHTS by rules MMA. Following the results of fight the resident of Tambov bypassed the rival on points — 30:27. About how it was Maxim told to a portal Vtambov. We bring to your attention of interview to the champion.

— Maxims, you won the deserved victory. Tell, whether you are happy with fight? You were in the best form at these competitions?

— I will begin with that this duel was very important for me. I will tell why. Because I now try to get to promotion the most world-best is UFC, is based on North America. And my manager didn't recommend to appear to me at these competitions. I personally made this decision at own risk. Not to stand idle and appear on this tournament. But there was a risk to lose. Especially the rival was very much the strong, experimental. Apropos — it is happy/is dissatisfied: I knew that I could carry out this duel better. But the purpose was — to win, benefit this fight on points, a knock-down or a knockout — without a difference. We also pursued this purpose. I didn't want to risk because, I will repeat, I needed to win. That is it was impossible to lose in any way. If I lost this duel, me would throw off on many steps back.

— Any shock became decisive or you simply "exhausted" the rival? How you evaluate it? Whether it showed good functional endurance?

— Shock any wasn't decisive. I experienced that in the first round got well to it, but I didn't begin to run it to finish. Because it was besides fraught, I could pass towards shock. It was in the good physical form. You saw, he is 36 years old, he is the great athlete, it looks very well. Not each athlete, I want to tell, in a professional sport in 36 years can brag of such index. That is he is the veteran of UFC besides promotion of it where I try to get. It there appeared. It was quite strong. I was confused still that he fought all the time with me in a left-side stand — I had to be rebuilt on a course.

— We know that you train in America. How in your opinion, the native earth doesn't indulge worthy platforms?

— It isn't worthy platforms. I and in Tambov train. In No. 6 sports school, in Anthea, in our big halls I walk. Matter in approach trainer's, that is in the most training process. It is possible and to train and show good results in a cellar.

— Whether there were desires in perfection to develop this sporting direction at us in the homeland? And to bring up from the Tambov boys of the same champions?

— The desire is huge, there are sentences already and in our area, both across Russia, and in Europe. Problem that the mixed single combats now develop with great strides. There is a lot of human resource, athletes. Children very many want themselves to light to this look. The problem in what — isn't present trainers who can organize. These trainers — it I, am children of my age, which now operating athletes. And we now get hand in, on a pattern we ride, we look, where, who as trains as it is correct to train in the mixed single combats. And the problem now why trainers aren't present on mixed to single combats — because is basic trainers — either judo, or sambo, either boxing, or karate. That is here these trainers they already the pretty adult. Huge value is represented by that trainer who wants to develop even already with the basis, but he quits a comfort zone. That is he doesn't say that it is necessary to do just one and everything will be good. He on the contrary tries to succeed in all aspects. Here it is the valuable trainer. But, unfortunately, such it isn't enough.

— Further you plan to appear in the same weight category? Or you plan any experiments?

— No. I think that isn't necessary to me experiments any more. My weight category — is 93 kilograms. I 18 fights carried out over 93 kilograms. It I weighed 100 kilograms, my rivals weighed 115-120 kilograms. When fight comes into later rounds, that is the third round when a functionality already on an outcome, and each halves a kilo or kilogram already play large role. And I decided — I was spoken long ago by Americans, children - colleagues — go down. Literally one and a half years ago I decided to try — against the Dane in Moscow besides appeared. I drove and felt perfectly. In America I much for myself learned for weight loss, for restoration, using the correct trainings. And now in this weight I feel generally amazingly.

— Whether there is a sample for imitating with whom, probably, it would be desirable to battle and win a brilliant victory?

— Feodor Emelyanenko was a sample for imitating for me long time. But it is more as the person was for me a sample. I imitated it in human qualities. In communication, I looked how he behaves in public as trains. In sports to meet someone I at all don't want. There are people which good duels carry out, there are responsible athletes — I always look and I study. For me there are no idols. There are good children — yes, names are to which I want to battle and I will battle soon.

— You are grateful to someone for what you managed to reach serious heights?

— Yes, it is finite. I am grateful to the wife, the family first of all because now I here 2 days of the house, and many judgments pass. I am already seventh year in these sports. Not each spouse will withstand that the husband wasn't at home. And training processes any there, correct food, mode... Well somehow with me lives together spirit. Now the family supports me very strongly. Fights look both grandmothers, and grandfathers, and their girlfriends, friends. That is my family in Tambov, because here relatives all. I am wound worldwide, and I can spend month in one city, two months - in other, week - in the third. That is I don't see sense with myself to drag them.

— In something you see yourselves, except sports?

— Yes! Sentences already some are - to try any movies, rollers, advertizing etc. It would be desirable to try itself in this role, in a motion-picture. I now have an opportunity to be engaged with the cinematography teacher, at theater to play, try something. It would be desirable still, of course, to help to develop sports in Russia, in Tambov and on all region.

— And nevertheless, whether there are in plans trainer's activities?

— I don't see myself the trainer. The consultant — yes. To train — it is necessary to have feeling of a perepolnennost. To give to the child or someone else — it is necessary to feel that it already "falls out" of you that you are ready to share it. And I still itself imbibe and I feel that to me for the present poorly most.

— Finally it would be desirable that you wished something to beginning athletes, the Tambov boys who only begin the way.

— I want generally to wish youth to lead a healthy lifestyle. It isn't simple to put on t-shirts and trousers with symbolics of the mixed single combats or organizations any there world sporting, namely to be given to sports, to have a self-discipline. Personally I have all the best to me gave sports and military collective. You saw, likely, on a duel I quitted in the form of the military. I am the officer of armed forces of the Russian Federation. Thereby I want to lift prestige of military science. Because the man's collective does the part all the same. The man shall be a man.

Portal editions Vtambove Maxim were left by the autograph on the poster which for it was drawn by the admirer.

Maxim Grishin made the positive impression on our edition. The fighter destroyed all stereotypes about athletes. Especially we were struck by Maxim's readiness to replace the role with the sharply opposite - the champion is ready to test in cinema, theater and even dramatic art. Portal edition Vtambov presented to the guest an interesting gift and thanked him for visit.

Alesya Romanova


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