It consider as one of the most perspective Belarusian judoists, and she tries to please more often all who believes in her. In the current season, for example, the 22-year-old student of BGUFK very not bad acted on the World university games in Kazan where won bronze in category over 78 kg, and is simply excellent – on a house Continental cup in Minsk, having risen by the top step a podium. The master of sports of the international class, pride of the parents and friends, the girl who isn't afraid of any barriers – all this about it. And all – the most naked truth!
- Marina how yours began "a flexible way" to future victories?
- Simply once to us the free-style wrestling coach came to school and invited all wishing to be engaged. I decided to try this look and started training. However it appeared that for me there was no partner of suitable weight. Here to me also suggested to turn into judo. For everything that it was possible and, I hope, still it will be possible to reach on a tatami, I am very grateful to the instructors Leonid Svirid and Simeon Gumanov.
- Day when won the first medal, became for you special?
- Certainly. There was it on superiority of the republic among girls till 14 years. I very much rejoiced!
- And what of awards you consider as the most valuable in the collection?
- The most expensive - медальс superiority of Europe where athletes of age till 20 years competed, it passed in 2010 in Bulgaria. I took the 2nd place, and after the previous failure season it there was twice important success. It was happy that could prove to itself that I can fight, at me it turns out, pleased the trainer. The feelings comparable, probably, to when at you any important issue turns out.
- Lately there were serious changes of rules in judo. Whether they affected your style of fight, if yes, that as?
- In principle, it was difficult to me to be reconstructed when passed the first changes in 2009. Went easier further. And everything is already good!
- Whom you consider as the competitors most dangerous to?
- Weak rivals don't happen, it is necessary to fight and win always. And in principle, judoists of Japan, China, France, Germany, Holland are traditionally strong.
- What relations develop with those who on a tatami tries to throw you more effectively or to cause you pain?
- Sports are sports, and life is life. I am on friendly terms with some of competitors, I communicate very much even well. With someone – on the contrary. And at competitions in principle the atmosphere almost festive reigns.
- You have a crown reception?
- Is. It is revolution in orchestra seats, often I use it at competitions.
- For anybody not a secret that athletes have problems to pharmacology. And how with it business is at wrestlers in clothes?
- Yes as well as in all practically types. There are medicines and a sports food, but it it isn't enough to show excellent result. To have to buy something else.
- There are moments, when there is no desire to go on training, and in general want know a kimono far away?
- Happens also such. Especially, when you go on some starts and everywhere you lose. Or, say, systematically and very seriously you prepare for competitions, and there because of the mistake you don't get to number of prize-winners.
- The thought sometime most didn't come to mind to be engaged in trainer's activity?
- I came! Sometimes I help the girlfriend to train children, very much it is pleasant to me. I try to look for for children interesting tasks, something new. It would be desirable to open the club of judo in the future.
- How you spend free time?
- I have a remarkable company of friends and when there is a pause between competitions, during week-end try to communicate with them more. To go on the nature, to go to the cinema, to walk around the city, it is simple to come to each other on a visit. Well and, of course, I don't forget about parents. And between trainings I have most often a rest at home! Day dream - the best restoration …
- Parents – your main fans?
- Parents and in general all native are always glad when well I fight, and support if something is impossible. But they come to competitions seldom, speak, nerves don't maintain.
- How at you with private life?
- If it is honest, to time for it almost doesn't remain. Trainings, collecting, competitions …
- And you visit discos, night clubs? What music is pleasant?
- To clubs I go seldom, I love cafe and restaurants with a dance pavilion more. In principle almost any music, in the right frame of mind is pleasant. The only thing that I don't love – hard rock!
- You managed to visit competitions in the different countries. What most of all impressed?
- I for some reason liked Tashkent. Very good impression was made by Paris and Alma-Ata. However, to time for acquaintance to sights practically never remains. But if free minute is given, I try to sight-see the city fluently at least.
- Your next purposes and tasks?
- The immediate task - to hand over session. As for sports plans, there is a strong wish to win youth (till 23 years) superiority of Europe.
Olga Frolova