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Interview with Sergey Plesovskikh

Saturday, 26 October 2013, 11:57
Interview with Sergey Plesovskikh

Sergey Plesovskikh — the person unique, in the 43 years it manages to go in for sports and architecture, succeeding both in that, and in other.

Sergey Plesovskikh, despite the solid age, continues to train and submit a ring, without being going to finish sporting career.  It is a striking example not only for young generation, but also for adults who spend the time and precious health on not the best hobbies.

Sergey has two higher educations. In addition to sporting, Sergey Plesovskikh graduated from architectural academy and is engaged in architecture.

Sergey Plesovskikh — the master of sports on judo (and he received this rank in 39 years), the repeated prize-winner of the championships of Russia on complex single combats, the owner of "the Cup of the Cities" our country, the wrestler of Stalingrad club.

— Kind I from Turkmenistan. During reorganization together with parents moved to Russia where I and was engaged in judo. And a few years ago I heard about Stalingrad club that in it good trainers, I decided to come and here remained. I came to club at the age of 38-39 years now precisely I don't remember.

As far as I know, when you came here, weighed only 60 kilograms, and already some months later acquired muscular mass and became the master of sports.

— If any grain gets to favorable circumstances, it starts sprouting. As well I got to the environment where the good trainer's composition, is Igor Kutkov, Denis Voronchenko, Sergey Selyankin and professional children, such as Vitaly Yalovenko. And training in this environment, the person, naturally, starts growing.

— Unique case — in 39 years you became the master of sports. Tell in more detail, especially for an example of those who already in 35 wrote itself(himself) in veterans. How generally it is possible?

— I went on competitions to the city Nalchik, to the Caucasus, and I took there the third place. For me made an exception, appropriated the master of sports. I don't know how it turned out, probably, good luck accompanied. And certainly persistent trainings every day.

Sergey, what rival was remembered to you more than others?

- It is some of them. But the most serious it probably Kirill Sukhomlinov. He is a good parterist, I very much liked to fight against it, but I lost to it purely tactically. Defeats too teach much.

Sergey, you have two higher educations, you work as the architect. How generally it is possible to combine serious trainings and operation?

- It turns out as in ancient Japan. There Samurais owned military art, and in too time among them was many writers, artists, etc. They developed as soldiers and were engaged in intelligence development. I too work in the field of art and parallely I go in for sports.

Today I saw with you the son trains, too you prepare future wrestler?

- I hope, over time and it will go on my feet. But in principle I don't insist but if the person wants, I will welcome that he so arrives. It is a personal choice of everyone, in any case I won't insist, but I think that over time it to it will come.

But it is already visible that it is pleasant to it! Especially when the father on shoulders uphill skids it. And generally Sergey, how many years already in sports?

- From eleven approximately years, from the seventh class and in total till today.

Also wasn't tired?

-  On the contrary, after trainings you experience energy inflow, it as drug.  In the course of trainings you enjoy, and over time when you know how to train already, each training not in burden, and on the contrary already without it you can't.

Here Igor Kutkov told me that Plesovsky can freely appear till 45-47 years. Words of your trainer are how correct?

- I won't think, but I think and. Spirit of me such that I will appear. I feel forces, and I feel for about 25-27 years.

Sport your injury-causing, and whether there were such injuries serious, what wanted know on everything?

- There was one injury. During fight I broke a clavicle and to anybody told nothing. Next day I came to training and also as all trained. It was recently, in 38 years. And nobody understood that I broke a clavicle. It is hard finite, all the time even if slightly you will touch hurts. But it is simple, probably, if I may say so, fanaticism elements. I don't like to test to myself weakness and I don't love when someone feels sorry for me, since the childhood at me such. Therefore I don't like to feel that is more feeble.

And then that the trainer was told?

- No, and I told nothing.

What plans for the future, in the professional plan?

-  To train, be enhanced and increase professionalism in the field of the architecture, too most concerns and in the field of fighting single combats.  We have such sport that process of enhancement is infinite.  Rising by a certain peak, we look at the horizon and we see new peak which needs to be submitted, and so indefinitely.

And in architecture what achievements you can select?

- Yes, something is. The most pleasant that I there brought together the son, there many people were, and on soul as that is pleasant that I for people made something the useful.

Your relation, your vision to sports why at your look there is such situation, what our sports is in such zapushcheniye, and policies generally ignore it? We and on the Olympic Games less and less medals began to win?

— I think, the reason in aspiration to wellbeing, to improving of comfort of life, people simply I weakened. Pays attention to achievement of the material values, machines, apartments, beautiful clothes, etc. more. And thus forgets about physical culture. And behind physical culture there is a spiritual basis. Physically the strong person is spiritually healthy person. As we with the trainer joke, now main types of sports is the sporting food and, unfortunately, of normal wrestling made Greco-Roman wrestling. Convenient, comfortable Greco-Roman wrestling where it isn't necessary to fight. It as though fight but where there is no  wrestling. Here it reflects the modern outlook, behavior, not only in Russia, but also generally in a pattern. Aspiration to facilitation.

And here on this background the Stalingrad club looks a small source of a healthy lifestyle. In comparison with such comfortable sport as judo or Greco-Roman wrestling, we have a heavy, bloody sport.

But there is after all any faith in the good sporting future though with arrival of the World Cup to our country, can be by 2018, our city will be improved at least?

- We simply work. Our main slogan – honor and force. Our youth under these words simply trains and with this slogan, on this background achieves successes. I think that with understanding of such things as honor and force, we will achieve serious results over time.

This year 70 years to the great Battle of Stalingrad were executed.

- We have at all fathers and grandfathers were at war in the war, it would be desirable to congratulate veterans and all inhabitants of the hero town on this great historical anniversary. The name of our club Stalingrad fight club and we in soul and quitting on a ring, always we think and we remember about that Stalingrad which was defended by our grandfathers at that moment during war. The club and is called "Stalingrad" in support of veterans and that heavy atmosphere of war which was at that time.

Sergey a traditional parting word to youth which doesn't go yet to sports, so we will tell, an appeal of the master?

- It is necessary to train despite everything, to trust in the future, to enhance the body. The person, owning martial art, worldwide will feel surely. These are those things which can't be stolen from it. If the car can be hijacked, money it is possible to steal, and possession of any art form and knowledge that will rescue it, and eventually it can reach a certain result. The best to be able to rescue the relatives and to be able to stand for the Homeland.


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