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Kamil Gadzhiev: FIGHT NIGHTS raises the heroes

Wednesday, 23 October 2013, 15:52
Kamil Gadzhiev: FIGHT NIGHTS raises the heroes

Final part of interview to Kamil Gadzhiev: about the Fight on Terek tournament, the competition, the president, show, signing of fighters in the USA, team and development.

We bring to your attention continuation of big conversation ValeTudo.ru with the general producer of FIGHT NIGHTS Kamil Gadzhiev

ValeTudo.ru: Earlier on the FIGHT NIGHTS tournaments there was such, amusing in my opinion a duel format when ordinary people, like "the DJ against the hairdresser" fight. Everything, is finished it?

I wouldn't tell that they "usual", though this very conditional concept. Media people who wanted to try on a ring fought to some extent. I think, this format in principle justified itself, on start it was an additional tool of drawing attention.

That is important – there were people who wanted to participate in it. In particular, the history with Volodya of "Hand scissors" is remarkable. He trained in our hall, I took it on tournament on Thai boxing, it there fought, showed quite good fight – but lost the decision of judges, plus to it also broke a nose. It for it was the first experience of performance at competitions. The guy with character, decided not to stop and began to train even more strongly. Then we made to it fight with the real kikbokser, he lost this fight, but, we will tell so, fought already practically as equals. And in half a year, having still added, he asked a revenge with that guy who to it once broke a nose. We made it, Volodya won it.

Further off it went. Timur Solovyev boxed, the guy the DJ too with any mediynost was the rival. It is impossible to tell that stars to us after that really ran to fight, after all it remained such, history in the industry.

ValeTudo.ru: Whether "Legend" as a result grew from these fights by FIGHT NIGHTS?

It is the indisputable fact – guys sat down on single combats not least because of us. Let's consider that it is our contribution to development of the industry of single combats (laughs).

ValeTudo.ru: They didn't suggest you to do at the initial stage something in common?

Long before first "Legend" when children decided "to get married" with "Club of Single combats No. 1", they met me, we talked about many things, since participation to Bath in tournament and finishing ours to some extent participation. But it was simply conversation, no more than that. I accurately let know that at FIGHT NIGHTS own way. We never against with - promotion, I will directly tell. But with - promotions have to be parity, "it is necessary to you and it is necessary to us". And at that time "Legend" it there was a project which had to be declared. By and large, why to them someone is necessary? Also as well as nobody is necessary to us if tomorrow there is no something like that that us to it will induce.

Therefore it seems to me that I was, possibly, is useful somewhere at the level of councils. And so they started building this history and continue to be engaged in it.

ValeTudo.ru: What relations at you? You communicate, or there categorically you don't let each other on the tournaments? After all, in fact, you compete.

No, we were invited by organizers of "Legend" to tournament, but we for certain reasons there weren't present.

As for the competition – I think, a little more, and the industry becomes competitive. After all that such competition? It is fight for the viewer, for the sponsor, for television air. While frequency of actions both at us, and at them isn't so great that we could call with pride ourselves competitors. It is fighting in Russia enough, it is possible to hold tournaments weekly at desire. Concepts too different – FIGHT NIGHTS raises the heroes, having banished the guy through some tournaments, we gradually enter it into the star status. "Legend" now twists foreign fighters with a name more. To whom that is pleasant. Fight for sponsors – it too yet didn't begin really because everyone has own pool, there are any sources of financing, we in them weren't crossed yet.

While there aren't enough players, 4 - 5 promotion companies offer today a product. Five more will appear – then, I think, the situation can become aggravated.

ValeTudo.ru: To whom and for what exit tournaments like "Fight on Terek" are necessary. I mean tournaments on which there are presidents and heads of governments - for example, such S-70 league carries periodically out.

If we speak about a format of league of S-70, it is such certain apogee of communications of any promotion with the power. It also is the main idea of carrying out such tournament, by and large. It is in own way good that such tournaments are held because heads of states become closer to the industry. Start understanding – though the head of our state initially understands it, start supporting any fighters, to penetrate into sports affairs.

And audience, broad masses plus the television audience, looking at it, understand that the industry of single combats is not the marginal environment, it something that is close even to the president.

ValeTudo.ru: The power somehow helps then you? Gives financing, for example?

In our case we speak about heads of the republics, for us it is geopolitics, it is the fact of presence of a brand in the region, in this or that. Geography what – Nizhny Novgorod, Bryansk, Perm, Kalmykia, Chechnya: everywhere participation of the governor in these stories is obligatory. Actually, tournament is our offer to the head of the republic to develop the industry. Further already all react differently: someone is ready to do it, someone simply tells us "thanks". Plus is possibility of regional fighters who differently to us wouldn't get, to light on the big screen, to show them to the own viewer.

That is here the social background is actually very great.

ValeTudo.ru: And you called to Chechnya or you decided to arrive?

Us called. There is a group of people in Chechnya, rather big in which appeared not indifferent to our product. There to us there passed a series of tournaments, the last was eventCage Warriors. And they asked us to make a little in a different way. We came and made, and misters who partnered with us as it seemed to me, remained are very happy. There is a desire to continue further.

ValeTudo.ru: And you have a desire? "Fight on Terek" will repeat?

At me is, for a number of reasons. Everything well turned out, plus was succeeded to make competitive fights, and it is an outlet for us as for promoters and matchmeyker. And the Chechen earth is rich with talents, it is possible to conduct foreigners of the highest level safely.

ValeTudo.ru: At fans often prejudiced opinion concerning such tournaments, a pier "bring bags for a linking of bananas", certain "the national team of the region" it is planned has to win against "the national team of the world" and so on …

In this case we laid down a condition – all fights have to be competitive. In principle, and it turned out – 10 representatives of local school lost in four duels, one drew, five won. Well, that is so, I consider, 50 on 50 – good result, all are happy.

ValeTudo.ru: Whether FIGHT NIGHTS will do in the near future still exit tournaments in Russia or abroad?

At us in plans to make on departure two tournaments - as it seems to me, large. It is tournament in Minsk with the main fight Arlovsky – Kraniotakes about whom we already spoke, and tournament in Vladivostok. We cooperate, we are on friendly terms with Dmitry Konkovym who holds long ago tournaments in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and on Sakhalin. We decided to combine efforts and to make one good tournament. In Vladivostok now there was a new, big hockey platform on 7000 viewers, want to hold there tournament, "A cup of the governor of Primorsky Krai". There Yasubey Enomoto is invited to the main fight.

ValeTudo.ru: Albert Tumenov – the guy from Nalchik with a record (11-1) - the new superstar, or still dark horse? Whether early threw it under the train on imeniyasuby Enomoto?

Albert precisely has to try, he is a guy with level, a good nokauter. His father – the known boxing coach who prepared many fans and professionals. That is Tumenov has really good boxing base. Thus he is firmly established, he anthopometrically even such that not easy to throw him.

Enomoto doesn't become flustered in a rack and therefore there has to be a good fight. Thus, I think, Enomoto sensibly looks at a situation, probably he after all will try to transfer fight to orchestra seats, and here at Tumenov problems will begin. In a rack Albert will interrupt him, and in orchestra seats – will lose; that is the question only in that, will turn out or not.

Tumenov – for him will win it suddenly very serious card in Russia. To it, by the way, offers from the USA already arrived – many take not for presence of star opponents, and for a good record.

ValeTudo.ru: Fight Zuboyra Tukhugov – Vaso Bakotsevich will be for a title of the champion of Europe. You can explain, what for system of belts in FIGHT NIGHTS?

According to our idea, at first there is a belt of the champion of Russia of FN, the guy wins this belt, two times protect it and passes to the following level – fights for a belt of the champion of Europe of FN. And the belt of the world champion is already for very best, as Mirzayev and Bagautinov, for example. Now if Tukhugov wins, probably, there will be two protection, and we will make to him fight for a rank of the world champion. Considering that at us opportunities gradually grow, we plan to invite any American.

That is in our understanding there is a certain level which needs to correspond. We can confer a title on the guy fight for the champion of Europe if we consider that it in Europe now can beat any. But we can't offer at once to it fight for a belt of the world champion – before still it is necessary to grow.

As a whole I will tell so – we while we try. Probably, subsequently we will make simply belts of champions of FN in all weight categories, without division into Russia, Europe and the world. Let's look.

ValeTudo.ru: Whether you still plan to sign someone from the fighters in the western promotions?

About Magomedov I already spoke. Tukhugov we plan to sign. By the end of the year, I think, we will be able to speak about Edilov's signing, it is simple he very young and unstable – 21 years to the guy. Abroad it is necessary to go when you are completely ready – got psychology of the winner, any baggage – that there already misfires didn't arise which at it arise here, in Russia. Therefore with Edilov – let year will end, and we will return to this conversation.

We count on Yerokhin,  is very liquid weight. I think, it will carry out 5-6 more fights, it is year, and if all well develops – in Yerokhin for certain will become interested.

Mirzayev and Machayev are now signed in Asian promotions, in Dare FC, now for them Rebel FC will be overcome. That is now in Asia we try to understand on whom to rely. Machayeva, probably, in One FC we will sign.

We have a prospectus, Mahomed "Young" Magomedov. Why "Young" its nickname - to it actually 19 years, plus it is necessary to distinguish from each other somehow Magomedov Magomedovykh. At it fight on the show MMA Attack had to take place – but there all tournament cancelled. Here I can tell that you about this guy will precisely hear. The supertalented guy, tall, very sensitive – came from soccer, by the way, to MMA. Beats all, except for Vyacheslav Vasilevsky, in fighting sambo, in a rukopashka. Now it has a record (4-0) if wins, we to it want to make fight with Melvin Mankhuf, for example. Let's try to draw to it attention. It is sure, "Young" too as a result will leave abroad.

Gasan Umalatov. 30 years to the person – I consider that he overstayed in Russia. He is really able to fight now with any abroad. As he seldom fights, not too media – many simply don't know its real level. It now after a long trauma recovers, there was a close fight with Herbom, will look as it will carry out fight with Hatuboy which strangled Beslan Isayev. If everything goes – I think, Gasan finally few years will fight in America.

ValeTudo.ru: Kamil, you feel feedback from speeches of your fighters in the USA? Your guy wins, for example, in UFC – and the attention to FIGHT NIGHTS increases?

I think so. There is an attention in Russia, there is an attention abroad. Abroad us started perceiving as sound team. For them who such Minakov and Ali Bagautinov? It is FIGHT NIGHTS Team. Certainly, while they are able to afford us not to notice – but it is a matter of time.

For Russia – formation of these children happened at all in the eyes, and actually each fight there is a fight "FIGHT NIGHTS against …". And when they win – there is a feedback. I will tell - it much more positive, than after the tournament held by us more. Because the people at us still such, "angry". There is UFC and Bellator, they are considered as "top of promotion art" and therefore our compatriots like to criticize the Russian promotions – a pier, you here didn't hold on, there didn't hold on. And here victories of our guys – they are treated unambiguously. The guy won – we are the handsome.

ValeTudo.ru: How many tournaments will be until the end of this year, how many in the following?

Four until the end of this year. One in with - promotion in Vladivostok, two tournaments in Moscow which will head fights Magomedov - Silvia and Hasikov – Zambidis 2, and tournament in Minsk.

Next year, I think, there will be 8 – 9 tournaments. Four – five tournaments in Moscow, two – three in regions and two foreign.

ValeTudo.ru: FIGHT NIGHTS earns on the shows? Or while there is a work at a loss, or payback in zero with the plan through any time to come to profit?

Ours events "A battle of Moscow …", our promotion activity – it, in principle, is profitable. Perhaps, business didn't reach earnings – but we don't lose money. Expensive article for us is today a management of fighters, our team. Here we really spend money.

We not that management which simply is the intermediary between promotion and the fighter and earns on it the percent. Here other history, call it somehow – strategic, family, but we have today 7 fighters which the social sphere, collecting, etc. receive a maximum of that it is possible to give – a salary. Big money is spent for it. While this money doesn't beat off because there is no necessary mechanism. It would be possible to do hypothetically it at the expense of the fees, any percent; but while this that level of the fees which doesn't allow us to tell the athlete: "Old times, it is necessary to share". Why – because all of them are young people with the needs and requirements, someone only married, someone there wants to buy the car, someone dreams of the apartment. And in this case we are already more senior, is more skilled, somewhere took place in business and therefore we don't touch them. On the contrary, we help, than we can.

It is important to note – we aren't sorry about any losses. Why? All our producers, partners, founders of the company are the people who are in love with sports. If we understand that our guy goes to a belt and can fight for a belt – that we actually won't stint, we will make anything, we will spend some money – if only it had everything.

ValeTudo.ru: The Russian viewer in general ripened for the mixed single combats, in your opinion? People are ready to look, pay not only for boxing and soccer?

To pay as the viewer who has come to stadium – yes, ripened. Perhaps not God knows what money, but all the same. There is already a viewer who is glad to that fact that he bought this ticket, instead of enticed it at us or still somehow received.

As for the viewer television – he isn't ready to pay yet, I consider if we speak about the same PPV (system of purchase of a TV broadcast "pay and look" – the note ValeTudo.ru). Though, probably, it because now is opportunity to look free of charge, all up to Bellator.

But the viewer gradually is formed, appears. It is pleasant. I can tell that on our FIGHT NIGHTS tournaments a certain layer of audience was formed of people who in general to sports have no relation. They go to us as on entertainment, entertainment: they reserve in advance tickets, take little tables. They at all don't know that there is UFC that is interesting.

ValeTudo.ru: Then they come to tournament simply as on show.

They like it as the phenomenon, it is pleasant to them that it is a good form of carrying out leisure that here already there were heroes are our, Russian industry today. Good or bad – but it already is.

ValeTudo.ru: On the FIGHT NIGHTS tournaments a serious show component, any collectives, singers and so on constantly act. It is a conscious step for the sake of attraction of such, secular, casual public?

Here you know, interesting piece – most of all pleasures from it everything are tested by athletes. They feel part of process, feel that in them are engaged and interested. We still definitely there present them. It inspires them, and motivates more to do in a gym, seriously.

If to speak as a whole about show – yes, we initially position ourselves as is sports – a secular event. It is sports plus a heavy action, a party. On pure sports it was difficult to tighten the audience. Probably, today FIGHT NIGHTS already have any fans who will come simply to look at fights. But we don't want to descend from this course.

Other question that we altered the show concept, all of us a little that is connected with execution of pieces of music, integrated into an exit of fighters. Instead of so that there was a musician, sang there the three minutes, проперся from itself, during this time all went peed there and ate, as usual happened.

Now we have a fighter and the musician is two companions, the fighter comes to a duel, and the musician accompanies it. Here so now it looks.

Important point – actors work for us free of charge, they don't ask money.

ValeTudo.ru: Unexpectedly. From where they such undertake? All the matter is that them will show on TV?

No. These are communications friendly, practically each actor acting at us himself goes to the sports hall, they are interested in fights, they want to have to it the relation. Yesterday here we met – I, Arlovsky and Dino MC and. Andrey there asks any questions to him, and Dino speaks to him – "Old times, I for you that you want in general I will make. Simply because I saw your fights, it is pleasant to me. I am ready to work, write down with you to you a track. To me simply most in a high".

ValeTudo.ru: Kamil what helps and what FIGHT NIGHTS prevents to develop today?

I think, stirs nothing. Unambiguously there is a development, there is dynamics. It is necessary to work more; plus we, of course, need a little more feedback with the audience. Adequate feedback. Here I read forums – messages like "all shit" or there "it coolly, this shit" – they for us about anything. If there was a serious analytics, it seems "you know, this fight at you didn't turn out as …" or "this athlete should pass to other weight because …" – I would read all this and probably we would do something according to wishes of fans. Such comments in general are, certainly, but they sink in this sea of posts without the argument when after tournament a subject on 50+ pages - it is difficult to find them. Here it is necessary to develop any mechanism. I, thus, now also call audience – be objective, reason the opinion.

We have a desire to do coolly, there is a desire to do so that everything looked. Otherwise sense? And here accurate feedback not at the level of emotions, and at the level of the full analysis of the events is necessary. Let's develop then.

ValeTudo.ru: Kamil, thanks for found time! Health and good luck!

Thanks, to a meeting!


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