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Kamil Gadzhiev: "Bags" on slaughter we don't bring

Tuesday, 22 October 2013, 15:47
Kamil Gadzhiev:

The general producer of FIGHT NIGHTS Kamil Gadzhiev gave ValeTudo.ru big interview how MMA doing business in Russia .

The domestic industry of the mixed single combats always caused mixed feelings in the Russian fans. On the one hand those who is engaged in so difficult business as the organization of tournaments and advance of fighters, there is a sincere wish to support in our country.

With another – over the last 10 years various " of MMA" the stories how "overtook UFC", the pseudo-patriotic tournaments "Russia against Alpha Tsentavra", indecent tongue-tie, the apathetic relation to sports and pathological lies beat off any desire to empathy. Even the small child will be indignant if over and over again to try to put off to him in a wrapper from candy a mouldy сake.What then to speak about hardkorny fans and journalists? As adults in that fairy tale where the boy shouted "Wolves, wolves! ", we simply ceased to believe over time that in domestic MMA business still there were decent people.

Wolves of the boy, as we know, ate. There is a wish to hope that natural selection will affect over time also the Russian mixed single combats, having turned them from object for sneers into a subject of genuine pride.

In fact, the base for this purpose is. There are talented fighters, there are managers, there are people who are ready to invest money in single combats, is let rather small, but experience of carrying out tournaments and the audience, capable to apprehend a qualitative product. There is no only charismatic leader – the person who really loves these sports, understands a subject and is ready to work persistently, and also honestly to communicate with public, without shirking answers to the most difficult questions.

Though, probably, we simply badly looked for?

As it became clear, in Russia there is a promoter ready on frank dialogue – and this is the general producer of FIGHT NIGHTS Kamil Gadzhiev. Unfortunately, earlier we didn't communicate with it, habitually getting off with unilateral criticism on the Internet. Our surprise when it became clear that the first person of the Russian promotion – understanding MMA, devoutly loving sports of people which managed to create successful business with almost family relations between its participants, instead of the next office on development of budgets was that more.

Whether it is possible to compare Gadzhiev to Dana White and to hope – to solve that he will appear that locomotive which will bring structure of the Russian MMA out of the deadlock to you.

In volume (but with the first to the last letter interesting) interview we discussed with Kamil performances to Bath Hasikov, Ali Bagautinov's preparation and details travmyvitaliya Minakov, "буллщиты" and contractual fights, the past and the present of Rusul Mirzayev, "bags" and prospectuses, pharmacology and much, many other.

Pleasant reading.

ValeTudo.ru: Kamil, hi!

Good afternoon.

ValeTudo.ru: FIGHT NIGHTS promotion, despite rather early age, already acquired various myths. If you not against, let's begin interview of that we will walk on the main and we will find out that the myth, and that - the truth.

Certainly, without problems.

ValeTudo.ru: The myth the first – to FIGHT NIGHTS to key fighters bring on slaughter of "bags", that is the fighters of the lowest level doomed to loss.

"Bags" on slaughter we, naturally, don't bring. What criteria for the invitation of these or those foreigners? The first – the sports level, the second – a mediynost, that is popularity, existence of a certain background.

I don't argue, it are the foreigners, which best years behind. Let's far not go behind examples – we will tell, Tim Silvia has the best years behind. Yes, I don't argue. But what it there were best years? And "the worst years" if it is possible to call so that there is to it today it are much better and higher than it level, than a lot of things that it is possible to invite.

We after all don't invite 50-year-old people who once were champions. If we invite – that let and the 50-year-old fight with them too (laughs).

I am familiar with opinion that we select obviously weak rivals to Bath Hasikova – it in a root incorrect. To baht fought with Kraus, Zambidis, Stevelmansom and Gago Drago. Someone will tell, what these fighters – "bags"? They won before and after a meeting with Bath, they were in good shape. They didn't win against it simply because to Bath too prepares, to put it mildly. I remember, we invited Kraus – to Bath trained all day long, we watched all videos, we invited sparring partners, on a manner of conducting fight similar to Kraus. Results of fights of Hasikov – result of its persistent preparation, and anything else.

Further, Mirzayev with Kanikhara. Kanikhara arrived in the rank of the champion of Sengoku, all said that here it now will punish Mirzayev. Mirzayev punished it and as punished - all saw.

Long time criticized Ali Bagautinov – a pier, beats "bags", in practice on anything isn't capable. And here Ali brightly debuted in oktagon, critics became silent at once.

ValeTudo.ru: Whether it is easy to find the necessary rivals?

By no means. First, it is necessary to find the free fighter. Now we look for for Mineev the rival – all are signed or in GLORY, or still somewhere. Many with whom it would be desirable to fight, are already signed in UFC or Bellator. They too don't release the. Among those who is free, too it is necessary to look for the one who won't cause a criticism wave on us. Therefore it is really difficult.

In a kickboxing it is a little easier – they are more or less free agents, it is less than exclusive contracts, etc. But at us in the main MMA and to find the worthy free candidate in MMA really difficult.

ValeTudo.ru: The myth of the second – in FIGHT NIGHTS there are contractual fights.

I somehow already spoke about it, there was almost whole interview devoted to this subject. To admit, I in general hardly represent as it is possible for the athlete, here and so sitting with him in private or there on two in principle such to offer two. It isn't excluded, probably, that many would agree - someone after all for certain chases only money. But at me simply language wouldn't turn to sound such offer.

I know – many conversations on it appeared after fight to Bath with Mike Zambidis. Well, listen – it seems to me at anybody our director's abilities, huh? And don't raise doubts if we did contractual fight – though it won't occur never – we would make it much more long, bright, colourful, with blood and so on. Why – after all there are two persons, this fight million TV viewers wait all evening – and exactly two minutes fight. Instead we can have the five rounds fight, the guaranteed 20 minutes on air with the most beautiful match about which all will speak, well and with all that it implies – sponsor's money, television money and so on. That is for us that fight lasted two minutes – in an amicable way is a fiasco. Pleases only that to Bath won.

ValeTudo.ru: The myth the third – to Bath Hasikov doesn't fight outside FIGHT NIGHTS because is afraid to lose.

Well, first, it isn't absolutely correct because it carried out only some duels to FIGHT NIGHTS, and in career at it their more than 20. Earlier he acted abroad - won, lost – there was all. Why he now there doesn't fight – those years when to Bath on a lot of things I agreed to fight, for example, for ridiculous money if only to fight, etc. – those years in principle very few people from Russians fought abroad. Our children who trained in Thailand or Belarus fought – but they didn't get there directly from Russia because we were the country which has been quite closed for professional sports. Plus there was no distinct management, ourselves were to ourselves managers, athletes – anyone.

While to Bath foreign promoters – and it after a victory over Kraus, Zambidis – to Bath began to show interest, we will tell so, rose in price. Considering, how much is preparation of the fighter, in a case with Bath especially is and pharmacology, weight loss – we know, it drives a lot of weight. It has plus maximal approach to everything, and only its preparation costs rather big money, plus sparring partners and the rest – ridiculously to go today somewhere to fight for the fee in 5 - 10 thousand euros. And Europeans go and fight.

ValeTudo.ru: That is, Kamil – there was a real offer to fight abroad, but don't refer on money?

Yes, last year in Greece there was a K-1 tournament, we were called by the girl, Mike Zambidis's manager and told that for 10 thousand euros they invite us to fight. In our case it is simply ridiculous, at us preparation will rise more expensively.

And the second important argument is already rising to the place of promoters why to Bath there doesn't fight – I can tell that in many promotions which will organize fights abroad, there are heroes, including in this weight category. And to invite to Bath is objectively big risk. That is there comes the guy, will fight – and not the fact then that will give a revenge. Will win at local and will leave.

ValeTudo.ru: And in principle you, not to Bath not against Hasikov fought outside FIGHT NIGHTS?

No, certainly. There were cases when if I am not mistaken, to Bath prepared for fight with Kraus, or with Fernandez still – went abroad, fought there for symbolical money because it was necessary simply стартануть. In this case, when it is a preparation stage – it is possible to go to fight. And when you sit and you invite, offer the five of euro is not our case.

ValeTudo.ru: You mentioned form, you will tell about it in more detail?

We have the pharmacologist who works with all guys. This is the guy to whom we monthly pay a salary, all of them at him are served, he is constant on phone, it supervises as at whom the organism reacts to this фарму. That is, in principle, it is the whole work. And all our fighters – on the correct pharmacology.

ValeTudo.ru: We speak about legal pharmacology, truly?

It is natural. If to take really on persons – Ali, Minakov – they fought in America where it is watched strictly by the Athletic Commission. As for Mirzayev – that to him in general фарма it isn't necessary. We feed up it, but it and without pharmacology itself perfectly moves.

As for Bath – in fight with Mike Zambidis we now will come to the following level, we will demand a drug test.

ValeTudo.ru: The myth the fourth – judges at a ring are supervised by FIGHT NIGHTS and favor fighters of promotion.

I somehow looked hockey, Canada – the USA, the ending of the World Cup or Olympic Games, with surprise found out that all judges – Canadians. Here, it seems, two countries – and all judges on the one hand. And for myself I simply understood that there, in the West, people so value the reputation, so they are professional that the concept the – not the doesn't exist.

In Russia it is necessary to create the independent judicial organizations. And today we work so – if it is fight on a kickboxing, we call in federation of a kickboxing, FKR and to us Vadim Ukraintsev, Dmitry Ivanov help with judges. They send to us that crew which consider necessary. We have usually wishes only on the referee is is connected with appearance. And they judge as they consider it necessary.

ValeTudo.ru: Judges, the referee on MMA from where?

Now we work with "the MMA Union of Russia". Practically all with them work, it is very convenient: there is Radmir Gabdullin, we ask crew from him – he sends us. We at all don't remember that there were any precedents, our fellow countrymen who, for example, considered were on the contrary dissatisfied that in fight Zavurov – Enomoto should give a victory to Zavurov. Well, and I consider that gave the one to whom had to give.

ValeTudo.ru: That is you don't influence the judicial case in any way?


ValeTudo.ru:  Frankly once condemned the rival Lime. The hall whistled, hooted – I at this moment somewhere walked, heard this rumble, came running, I ask to Bath: "What happened? " He answers me: "Lime I lost, it was given a victory". We looked for these judges, literally words – didn't find, there replaced judicial crew, there R1 judged. That is it is scandal, actually – people whistle, it doesn't paint us. It isn't necessary for us. It is so simpler to agree upon me and a revenge to arrange for our guy. That, by the way, for us, promoters - in general bread. The revenge is our bread, so to speak.

ValeTudo.ru: Because it is easier to sell it?

Yes, and in general it is simpler. Each time when we contact any foreigner – same all the same risks. Won't arrive, with the visa it won't turn out, will appear the villain or eats only pork. And here we already know the person and with him we work. Therefore we now tightened Enomoto, for example, he at us will fight all year.

I can tell – let win, win against Russians. For us, for promotion is an advance.

ValeTudo.ru: What for the requirement for appearance of the referee?

Let's tell so – if it is the undersized fat man, dirty, not combed at which short or still something … we wouldn't want such referee to see trousers at ourselves.

ValeTudo.ru: The tidy man of an athletic constitution is necessary?

Frankly speaking and. We in general would like to invite somehow as John McCart's referee, but there is still a question of finance, certainly. Nevertheless, we develop, and, I think, John we will be able to afford, after a while. After all the good referee too – part of show.

ValeTudo.ru: The myth the fifth – to some fighters you don't pay the fees, and on the contrary – you take from them money for opportunity to fight at you.

It not absolutely myth. I will tell how it works. When we created the company, we spent own money, got poisoned by fumes on money. Counted that: а). To all this will come and the viewer will look; б). At all this will look and the sponsor will come. All this, anyway, occurred.

Also there are certain microsocieties of people who certain support someone, they put certain efforts to that their guy received a mediynost. Generally it, of course, is connected with associations, they here were more accurately created in society.

It looks as follows. Is, children, for example, start up it there will be Dagestanis who speak: "Listen, here we have cool fighter Magomedov Mahomed Magomedovich, give the chance to it to fight". I explain to them: "OK, we can give such opportunity. But we have fighters who sit without fights. At us it is fighting more than fights, we will tell so. And at you the quite good guy, maybe, even is better than mine. But that it tried – assume all headaches connected with financing of this fight. Assume the fee for the guy and the fee for his rival. I will foot the bill, connected with hotel, with show, with a platform, and so on".

It not a secret, we from anybody don't hide that expenses on carrying out a duel in pure form lay down on any commercial brand to which we for its part give – attention: а). Platform that the guy became cool, media and so on; б). Opportunity to brand the logo a form of participants – that too certain such minimum, but a sponsor's package. People beat off, thus, the money. Plus we provide them at least one VIP-little table which cost reaches 5000 dollars, and tickets.

As a result we provide to organizers of this fight the sponsor's package which cost often surpasses their investments.

ValeTudo.ru: This your know-how? Or somewhere spotted.

We didn't spot, no. We thought up it, it is logical, simply logical. And someone says about it that we from someone take money. It is absurdity.

ValeTudo.ru: Grishin it isn't interesting to sign?

The matter is that Maxim wants – and he, in principle, has on it the bases – to fight abroad. Perhaps in UFC, or in Bellator. And therefore to sign with it the promotion contract that he acted only at us is means to hold down the guy. To sign with it the management agreement as with FIGHT NIGHTS Team – it doesn't make sense because it has a management.

Fights are simply necessary to it. We are on friendly terms, he is the adequate guy, we help it – it to us.

ValeTudo.ru: From where you take beginners to yourself?

Selection goes from the national team on fighting sambo, from there took many: Rasoul, Ali. All of them from the national team, they with records (0-0) to us came and from the first fight with us.

As for beginners whom we found – absolutely beginners at us in "Fights …" don't act, we roll them in tournaments less.

ValeTudo.ru: What it for tournaments?

We cooperate with the Fortress team, it appeared last year. We help them to organize "Selekshena", already passed 4 or 5 "Fortress селекшенов". These are small tournaments, we don't draw to them special attention, simply we allow children to fight. On these tournaments at them pass the first duels therefore already with a record to 2-3 duels we start them sending abroad. There, here fought, in the CIS. And when they have already 5-6 fights if everything successfully develops, start them putting in FIGHT NIGHTS on "Fight …".

ValeTudo.ru: How now in general to build tournament on MMA plus K-1 formula if on MMA fighters fight in a cage, and the ring is necessary to kikbokser?

I think, soon we won't become revolutionaries and we won't carry out duels on K-1 in a cage.

We, in my opinion, now have three qualified kikbokser in FN – to Bath, Vladimir Mineev and Alexey Papin. Respectively if at us fight with one of them against the serious opponent is outlined – that it was worth it – we will hold tournament in a ring. It will be tournament in a "festival" format, that is a kickboxing plus MMA.

And in a cage we will have tournaments only by rules MMA.

ValeTudo.ru: When the following fight at Hasikov?

To baht will carry out the following fight against Mike Zambidis, we plan suit it in December of this year in Moscow.

ValeTudo.ru: At what stage everything is?

We already signed the contract with Mike, now it is necessary to settle only some nuances connected with date and with a venue, with a platform. I think, it will occur just about.

ValeTudo.ru: What with Vladimir Mineev when we will see his following fight?

Mineev fights on November 2nd in Germany.

ValeTudo.ru: What for tournament?

If it is honest, anything special. Sauerland has some organizations, it is possible to call them affiliated which hold tournaments on a kickboxing. Here on one of such tournaments Volodya invited to the main fight of evening.

And in December he will participate in the same FN tournament, as to Bath.

ValeTudo.ru: What with Mirzayev, when and where fights?

On October 12th it has a fight in Thailand (took place, Rasoul won on James Sevill's points – the comment ValeTudo.ru), in the same place will act also Murad Machayev (I won Gyokhan Tyurkilmaza's suffocation – a comment ValeTudo.ru).

ValeTudo.ru: They train in Ty?

Yes, to Phuket the Top Tim.

After that they come back, Rasoul acts on November 2 in Germany, and on November 29 speaks in Minsk at tournament where in the main fight meet Arlovsky and Kraniotakes.

ValeTudo.ru: I can't but ask about your relation to a question of the tragedy Mirzayev became which participant. FIGHT NIGHTS supported Rasoul, he continues to train and act at you. At the same time someone considers that you "support the murderer", etc. What you will tell?

I so will tell – there was that occurred is, certainly, the tragedy, I will agree. I in principle in this history tried not to do any serious legal analyses. The court decided that it solved.

You know, it is such history. There is a guy who before our eyes turned from the young man into the man. He lived at our place, acted at us in team, we of him so as far as were able, did the fighter and the person.

It got to prison. To tell the truth, me in general all the same, for what it suddenly there will get – I will support him all the same. I can criticize it, and criticize strongly – but I will support him all the same because it … well, he is our guy, so we will tell.

ValeTudo.ru: The we don't throw.

Yes, the we don't throw, that's all. And I in any case would do there everything that in our forces. Lawyer, material support, and so on. Because it is better, when it not in prison, than in prison. For us, at least, better.

Further – he went out of prison at normal age which allows to continue career of the fighter. In more or less decent standards and with big desire to continue to act. Therefore we continue it to support in it.

ValeTudo.ru: Kamil, he has no restrictions on movement or performance in Russia?

No. To it awarded 2 years of restriction of freedom which ended still before it let out. It stayed year in a pre-trial detention center which is equated by two years of restriction of freedom. Therefore it left, it is possible to tell, absolutely free person.

I will tell so – we didn't begin to use all this history as a certain sneer company and to do it duels in the territory of Russia, to inflate and other. Because history really tragic, and on this tragedy there was no wish to make money, to take any dividends simply. Therefore Rasoul now acts where acts. Abroad, there, сям, here. Sooner or later, of course, will fight in Russia - possibly, next year.

ValeTudo.ru: Ali Bagautinov perfectly acted in UFC. What you think of it?

If to speak about Ali as about the athlete, he on all questions connected with his competence, answered several years ago when I won the fighting sambo World Cup twice and besides achieved serious successes everywhere where only it is possible.

He was engaged in a set of types of single combats, it has a good, hard blow, he acted in boxing as the pro, thus he is the champion of Russia on a grappling – that is he is the universal fighter, it practically has no weak places. I think that it will far go to the USA. Not the fact that it will win all and all – because in flyweight UFC now only 15 people ready and capable in general to everything and on everything.

And here big degree of responsibility for us for all. We – audience as don't twist, we all support it, I hope, as readers ValeTudo.ru too support it. Therefore won – let's praise, God forbid I lost – let's support.

But I am sure that it will far go and will reach champion fight. Quickly, or long is already depends on the American matchmeyker. It works much since these loud victories went – began to work even more. It has now good conditions to train, it is provided to all necessary in the social, material plan, psychologically. So … why and not to win?

ValeTudo.ru: The following fight will be against Tim Elliot – the dangerous fighter entering into top-10 of a division. Your forecast for fight?

If it is honest – I, in fact, I am not the fan of the American industry, from that point of view that I look all fights, I analyze them, etc. On it simply there is no time because a lot of time is taken by work in the Russian industry. But I watch key duels and the division fly plowed up up and down because Ali there fights.

When declared war with Elliot, we gathered all staff – I, Ali, to Bath, two his trainers, mudflows and looked at Elliot's all fights which were available, plus to us found and gave those its battles which aren't present on the Internet. Developed the plan of preparation and now started it realizing.

ValeTudo.ru: How where Ali trains now?

It now in Moscow prepares, boxing and functional training, and three times a week in the mornings trainings with Bath; for Ali it is a kickboxing, and for Bath – preparation for fight with Zambidis. We found to it the sparring partners similar on the invoice – small growth, dense, beating. Then Ali will depart to Greg Jackson to the USA.

ValeTudo.ru: One more star of FIGHT NIGHTS Vitaly Minakov – won the Grand Prix of Bellator and now will fight for a title with Alexander Volkov. What you will tell about this duel?

Frankly speaking, it is a pity what exactly here this duel will pass for a belt. It would be more pleasant to me if Vitaly Minakov fought not with the Russian, and with the foreigner. It will be simple to mean that someone from Russians this day will lose. And I with them am familiar with all and really I support all Russians who fight now abroad, and for Volkov including. It is pleasant to me as the athlete, the good guy, it grows – I want to note his growth. That a sin to conceal – I will support Vitalik, but Sascha, in principle – at it a pit only began, he is 24 years old, to it at any outcome of this duel wish successes in career.

ValeTudo.ru: Where with whom Minakov prepares for this fight?

While it carries out the most part of time in Bryansk where it has boxing coach and the younger brother, MSMK on sambo with which they work. Closer to tournament we send Vitalik to Greg Jackson, it will prepare at it in a hall (already trains – a comment ValeTudo.ru). There will be Arlovsky, there will be Travis Brown, they have at all fights. There will be one more тяж, I it don't remember a name, he still even in UFC didn't fight. But Andrey Arlovsky told that he is the good guy.

Besides, with Vitalik Ruslan Magomedov will depart to the USA, right after fight with Silvia it will take off there. That is there will be four-five heavyweights of good level, the normal camp has to turn out at Vitalik.

ValeTudo.ru: How at Minakov with a knee, doesn't disturb?

With a knee of anything good, constant problems. It seems, were operated in leading clinic in Germany – and things are right where they started, as they say. The knee disturbs constantly. He starts training, only enters into dense training process as it is necessary to do stops. But now it seems more or less again treated, prepares. Month-one and a half before fight we daily prick it, daily we observe. I think that everything will be normal.

I hope, Sascha Volkov won't hit it on a knee. Will show nobility (laughs).

ValeTudo.ru: In some fights Vitaly's endurance caused a question. You work in this direction?

Unambiguously is over what to work. But the reason of that you saw, is obvious is just an injury of a knee which torments the whole year. It practically didn't give the chance to it to be prepared for this or that duel fully. In Moscow with Sanchez he was ready not bad. Then before fight with Sherner in Bryansk he to a meeting didn't train two weeks at all, sat on pricks therefore at once I died. But I won.

Then fights in America – but they were transient, except for the last. And there we simply didn't manage to be convinced, all is how good or it is bad. Before the last fight with Martinez there was the same – that trains, the knee treats.

Matter of time. It works over a funktsionalka, I think, everything will be good..

ValeTudo.ru: Kamil, turns out, FIGHT NIGHTS takes very serious part in the organization of training process of the fighters? Instead of will simply take them shortly before fight, fought and give, to the following time.

To admit, our management of fighters in FN is today 60% of activity of the company, and only 40% - promotion activity. It takes away a lot of time and forces, but, I hope, will bring us big dividends – moral, naturally, about material we don't speak. Control of training process, innovation, search of trainers, selection of sparring partners, search of halls, etc., etc. is a huge work, plus duels, legal and visa support.

ValeTudo.ru: Whether interests of FIGHT NIGHTS are protected by contracts? Recently there was an incident with fighters of R.O.D. club. which suddenly went over in "Legend".

Yes, at us 7 athletes on the contract, are FN Team. Plus we asked the director of Krepost club to sign contracts with his children that in the long term to count on them. They have the management – but we for them are engaged in advance certain. Therefore in our case, I think, these incidents are excluded.

Still I consider – a little simply to conclude the contract, it is necessary to create conditions. Those conditions which we create today in FN Team – they the best in Russia. I simply know who and as works what there forms of stimulation exist also the rest – at us is today the best conditions. Our fighters are provided, fed, conditions for training process are provided to them, we have a distinct policy on bonus, plus is conducted work on their mediynost.

If we understand tomorrow that there is any threat – well, so will join. That occurred between "SORT" and "Club of Single combats No. 1" – is a pity that so left, after all children definitely associated with "SORT". Other question that they left not just like that - means, something there occurred.

If you want my personal opinion on this matter – I in general concerning these guys wouldn't bother. It not those athletes. I don't understand, frankly speaking, why they are necessary to "Club of Single combats No. 1" and because of what "ROD" so falls apart.

ValeTudo.ru: Well, they while don't have others.

Let will be engaged in selection and will find others. Let to Dagestan will go, on the championship of Dagestan. From there to itself the fellow will bring. One from Bashkiria. If to go in cycles in those guys who from the Moscow suburbs have to come allegedly – won't come.

ValeTudo.ru: As far as I know, with the atmosphere, so to speak, they from Dagestan won't begin to gather ROD club.

I know, and I call them – it is necessary to gather or if they look for, count that it has to be exclusively the Slav – will directly tell, children far won't leave. Even those who were are fighters not the first echelon, and "the Club of Single combats" got nothing now, having received them, I give you a guarantee. It not those fighters.

"ROD" is all the same a pity – they all the same somehow worked, soul, money invested. I understand, communicated with them. Will find others.

ValeTudo.ru: Let's talk about the Battle of Moscow 13 tournament. The main fight – Ruslan Magomedov against Tim Silvia. What you will tell about it?

Ruslan – the high-class guy, but in fight doesn't suffice it aggression – because he on himself kind a little. It has a potential to knock out – but as it is good in amateur sports, it has a high performing class – he tries to beat all the time the rival on a class. For what often receives a portion of criticism.

If he tries to win against Silvia due to great sports skills, it can have problems. Silvia the skilled guy, very heavy – God forbid will pull hard on Ruslan all the body, of forces it will deprive. Therefore there is a wish that Ruslan carried out this fight a little more aggressively and to Silvia knocked out.

Silvia, in turn, is dangerous because of enormous experience and the huge invoice – I now looked at them, it big even against Ruslan. But Ruslan in an excellent form. I also support Ruslan, and I consider him as the favourite: and years it has less, and speed is higher. Has to win.

And Silvia will win – we will agree about a revenge.

ValeTudo.ru: Magomedov has one defeat from Konstantin Gluhov. There is no desire to untwist a revenge? You have it seems quite good relations with M-1.

We have with M-1 normal relations, but at us children with M-1 at which the contract ended generally act. Enomoto, still someone.

ValeTudo.ru: And Gluhov? Or it in general isn't interesting to you?

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