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The guest of edition — sportswoman Maria Mamoshuk

Friday, 18 October 2013, 15:32
The guest of edition — sportswoman Maria Mamoshuk

In a sports drawing room of our editioт glanced (other word and you won't pick up) between trainings one of the most perspective representatives of female free-style wrestling of Belarus Maria Mamoshuk, despite early age already achieved certain successes on the international scene.

We wanted to tell for a long time about it to our readers. 

– Maria, we will begin from the very beginning. From where your roots?

– I was born on August 31, 1992 in the Gomel area, in Zyabrovk's settlement.

– Who or what brought you into this sport?

–  To me always ask this question.  Everything turned out casually.  Peter Babey arrived to our school in Zyabrovka to do a set in section of free-style wrestling of sports school of BOTTOMS of JSC Gomelsky VSZ (then still VRZ).  I was brought on this peculiar viewing by the girlfriend.  Many then ceased to go, and I remained.  So Peter Pavlovich became my first trainer.

– How mother treated it?

– Mother at first was against. I motivated that it is not so female sport. At first I went on the quiet from it, and then the competitions, the first awards went …

– Now the relation changed?

– Everything is normal, it is possible to tell, is proud of me.

– How her call on a name middle name and where it works?

– Valentina Ivanovna, and works she at Rassvet poultry farm.

– Your family – mother, Masha …

– Mother and Masha.

– When the first successes came?

– I started being engaged in the fifth class, somewhere two years later the first successes at city and regional levels, and then on trade-union superiority of the republic which passed in Gomel came, took the third place.

– First international success?

– On tournament in Ukraine was in the three.

– In parallel studied?

– From the ninth class I already studied in the Gomel school of the Olympic reserve where trained under the leadership of George Dzhangirov. After the termination of the 11th class I arrived in absentia in the Gomel state university of a name F. Skorina on faculty of physical training. Where now also I study on the fourth year.

– Your main trophies in career?

– At first there was the third place in the European championship among cadets. However, then I was traumatized a knee and seven months didn't train, transferred two operations in Gomel and Minsk, was restored and last year took the second place in the youth European championship in the Croatian capital – Zagreb. This year I won a bronze award on the World university games in Kazan. Earlier I was also the winner of the international tournament A.Medvedya.

– Who now trains you?

– Well-known Sergey Smal.

– It is possible to tell – legendary. And recently you arrived from Hungary...

– In Budapest passed the wrestling World Cup. I took the ninth place from 28 participants in my weight category. Two fights I won against the representative of India and the Ukrainian, then I conducted in the score 3:2 in a duel with the Colombian, but right at the end I lost.

– What your fighting weight?

– Weight category 63 kilograms. However, six new Olympic weight categories will be now defined. Probably, on hearings, will be 61 and 66 so it is necessary to be defined.

– Your sports rank at present?

– Master of sports of the international class.

– Than you like to do in the spare time?

– Not so there is a lot of free time. I try to stay at home, I have a rest in Gomel with girlfriends and friends.

– You read?

–  Yes.  The last that I read, – the book "Terribly Loudly and Incredibly Close" of Johnathan Safran Foyer.

– And before what was?

– "The Catcher in the Rye" Jerome Salinger.

– Well you give, serious literature.

– I read that will advise to me. I have a girlfriend who has been very advanced in this direction.

– Music?

– I listen to everyone and different, the main thing that it was pleasant.

– From other sports to what the soul more lies?

– I like to look big tennis, especially, when plays Azarenka, and also figure skating.

– Still any options of leisure?

– With friends at cinema to descend, take a walk on streets and in the central park, in a cafe to sit, in particular, in "Biscuit", there it is cozy and quiet. But, I will repeat, all this in connection with collecting and competitions happens very seldom.

– By the way, about cafe, you have any favourite dishes?

– Generally I am unpretentious in food, however, I adore mother's pancakes and compote.

– Perhaps, you collect something – brands, coins, badges …

– Medals (laughs), probably. Though from all competitions I try to give badges, in Kazan even exchanged badges with sportswomen from other countries. Well and, probably, magnetics on the refrigerator.

– On trips on various tournaments you visited already many countries. Where it was pleasant to you more?

–  From the last trips – Zagreb with its small cozy small streets was pleasant to me more, than Budapest, though it also very beautiful.

– You, as far as I know, not married, and the close friend at you are?

–  There is a young man almost six years.  It also the wrestler, we got acquainted during study in UORE.

– Somebody helps you with the financial plan?

–  Many thanks to my sponsors – to car-building plant and motororemontny plant, their heads and trade-union committees.  Not so long ago at motororemontny plant to birthday to me presented multicooking (in a picture below), besides, at this enterprise I monthly get a peculiar grant – more than 800 thousand rubles.  I live in a hostel of car-building plant which also regularly helps me with the solution of various questions including the financial.  Besides, I am the pupil of sports school of this enterprise.  Recently I began to get a "trade-union" grant from Minsk.

– What at you the next sports plans?

–  Now we have a holiday, in November-December there will be an adjusting collecting in Flocks.  Then, next year, – the championship and a cup of Belarus, and in March will be superiority of Europe, later the World Cup.

– And how about the long-term?

Certainly, very much I would like to get on the Olympic Games of 2016 to Rio de Janeiro, as the main awards in a collection of each athlete after all the Olympic.

Author: Vershinin Sergey

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