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Alexander Sarnavsky: It is important to cope with emotions

Monday, 14 October 2013, 14:50
Alexander Sarnavsky: It is important to cope with emotions

Siberian "Tiger" told ValeTudo.ru about a victory over Marcus Davis, preparation for a meeting with Ricardo Tirloni and ability to be self-controlled.

At the end of September the RusFightersAleksandrSarnavsky (24-1) successfully appeared in a quarterfinal of the Grand Prix of Bellator in lightweight, for 1:40having finishedwith the veteran of UFC Marcus Davis.

On the eve of semifinal fight with Ricardo Tirloni we talked to Alexander about his preparation and performances.

ValeTudo.ru: Alexander, hi! We congratulate on a victory! What you feel, having benefited against Marcus Davis?

Anything special, after all yet all operation is done. Certainly, I am glad that fight ended quickly, I spared forces for the following fight. Now I will start preparing for it just (interview was taken right after fight, now preparation already goes a full speed – a comment ValeTudo.ru).

ValeTudo.ru: But in a cell after fight you looked very joyful.

Emotions. Were saved, saved – and were splashed out. Very much worried before this fight.

ValeTudo.ru: It already your third attempt to subdue the Grand Prix. There was any special psychological pressure about it?

Yes, it too was felt. The first time lost, in the second – broke a hand. Such band. Probably, such is my way – to overcome any barriers that after I I appreciated result which I will achieve more.

But when I quitted in a cell – pressure released. I don't know why – but I so well felt. It was simply loaded, and it was thus very quiet. I understood that quitted – and the road back isn't present, it is necessary to win, and all.

ValeTudo.ru: What plan for fight was?

We with Alexander (Shlemenko) together worked that moment that Davis – the lefthander. Looked at couple of its fights, understood that at most that it can make – to press to a grid and to beat. Knew that it will work in a stand, and were set up on it.

I didn't plan to fight in orchestra seats, but it fell and gave me a back.

ValeTudo.ru: And you successfully used it.

Yes, I don't miss such moments. He became puzzled, I threw feet and carried out reception.

ValeTudo.ru: With Davis after fight communicated?

Yes, he congratulated me on a victory. It is visible that he is a veteran, age already such, the soldier.

ValeTudo.ru: Organizers constructed the Grand Prix grid so that you could meet in a revenge Rich Klementi – but he lost. What you feel about it?

I would like реваншировать defeat, but it seems to me – it isn't necessary for Klementi. But I am not baffled – after all I will fight further with Tirloni who won against it, so, is more the strong rival.

ValeTudo.ru: What you know about Ricardo Tirloni?

I know that he is the "dukhovity" guy, too likes to fight in a stand. I think, we in a stand and will fight with it, it is impossible though in advance to predict.

ValeTudo.ru: Tirloni in after match interview declared that considers you as the serious opponent, but thus "is confident in the grappling". You are ready to give to it battle in orchestra seats if it is necessary?

In orchestra seats – I don't know, that it me didn't tumble down the main thing.

ValeTudo.ru: And you acquire protection against transfers to orchestra seats?

Certainly. On training I turn I'm fine out, protected well. And in fight you understand – everything happens absolutely differently. In any case I am not going to potter in orchestra seats even if it will tumble down me – I will get up, and I will work in a stand.

For me it is important to be able to cope in any fight with the emotions. Happens, you know, I bring myself before fight, I quit in a cell and I start attacking the rival with thought that I should destroy it, or like that. And it is necessary to me, I consider, to learn to quit in a cell and to do the operation quietly, without excess vanity. Then everything will turn out – not important, where, both in a stand, and in orchestra seats.

And I over it work.

ValeTudo.ru: How your hands, whether aren't present injuries as a whole?

Everything is great. Injuries aren't present and fight was short, you saw. Only the elbow peeled about a covering, it there the such …

ValeTudo.ru: As emery paper.

Yes, something it seems.

ValeTudo.ru: What now plans on training process? Where with whom you will prepare?

Andrey (Koreshkov) departed home to Omsk, we now are engaged here with Sascha. We train every day on two times, only on Saturday at us one training, and on Sunday – a day off.

We train in the Blackhouse hall, a good hall, there much excellent sparring partners, my weight heavier, kilogram 77 – 80. With them also we fight, and in couples we stand. Were well prepared there for fight with Davis as there are a lot of children of lefthanders. All of them different, at everyone the style - me it suited very much.

Also we train, as before, in the HB Ultimate hall, in the mornings on Tuesday and on Thursday at us there occupations the krossfit.

ValeTudo.ru: Thanks, Alexander! Health and new victories!



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