The master of sports of the international class, judoist Ilya Chimchiuri in youth were included into number of the most titled athletes.
It you judge on its titles: the champion of Ukraine 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2005, the bronze prize-winner of the European championships-1996 and 1998, the silver prize-winner of the Cup of Europe-95, 99, the bronze prize-winner of command superiority of the continent in 2003 and 2008. The prize-winner of the most prestigious in the world (only the victory on the Olympic Games more coolly is considered! ) tournaments of Grand slim in Paris-2002 and Kodokan-96 in the homeland of judo, in Japan. And add to this collection of awards of a rank of the world champion and the twice champion of Europe among veterans! Anybody has no such meeting of titles in Ukraine!
At such abundance of regalia our fellow countryman strikes with the modesty and human simplicity. Its destiny was surprising. With sort from the Georgian city Gori (Stalin's homeland! ) in judo he won the first victories under the flag of Georgia and Belarus, but Dnepropetrovsk became the hometown for he. In the middle of career to it year was necessary to work on … to the Turkish building. Family happiness it found thanks to belief in God and trade. Calling found in a training. And now the 40-year-old athlete prepares for a gain of the second title of the world champion. However, about everything one after another …
- I was born in Gori which Stalin's not simply homeland, but also the Georgian center of development of judo, - is told by Ilya Chimchiuri. - The small town small to be engaged in it there is nothing, except judo and soccer (the local Dila team is quite famous). From relatives anybody wasn't engaged in wrestling. In nine years I at the same time registered in section and judo, and soccer. Three years in parallel in them was engaged. But when in 12 years I became the second in the championship of Georgia on the age, on soccer of forces any more didn't remain - it was necessary to leave it. Then on young men became also the champion of Georgia.
- You got to Dnepropetrovsk "transit" through Belarus?
- In 16 years, in 1989 me invited in the Belarusian school of the Olympic reserve. To Minsk the native released me without fears – there lived my uncle. But to it there was no need for me to look after. I directed all efforts to wrestling, wanted to reach big victories. In three years I became the triple champion of Belarus, entered into the adult national team of the republic, became the master of sports, the prize-winner of the Sports contest of the country.
- But in 1992 your career made one more sharp turn?
- Yes, time was very vague, the USSR broke up, prospects of sports were foggy. I returned home, was the prize-winner of the championships of Georgia twice, entered into national team. But then had no time for sports – money wasn't, it slowly, appear, died. And to survive, I went in Turkey to work at building. Year moving stones and bricks, I all the same dreamed that I will return to wrestling. And here just to me suggested to arrive to the Dnepropetrovsk club to "Tayf" where my three Georgian friends already acted. To the trainer of club Daniel Volovich (who became my instructor for the rest of life) I, probably, attracted at once. To me suggested to remain, in 1994 issued the Ukrainian nationality.
- And from next year to you loud victories came … What helped you to prove quickly at the international level?
- Yes, in 1995 I already became the silver prize-winner of a command Cup of Europe, in the 96th – the second in personal superiority of Europe. Thus I not simply had no experience of the international performances, and and rivals saw only on videotapes. I was helped first of all by persistent character and belief in God. Wrestling for me already then became the center of all in life. If for other athlete wrestling – only a way to reach titles, money, for me judo since youth was and remains the main meaning of the life.
- For what you most of all regret in your sports career rich on titles?
- About that so never happened to make a speech at Olympic Games. Before Games of 1996 I to get on the Olympic Games, didn't have only two test points. And only for the reason that because of a trauma I didn't make a speech at two tournaments where and it was possible to gain these points for a trip on the Olympic Games. And in the 2000th year, before the Olympic Games in Sydney, I already and the necessary points gathered, and was in tables of ranks on the 5th place through passage. But, on a twist of fate, on the 4th place my main competitor, one more Ukrainian wrestler settled down. It also went to Australia … I am proud most of all of medals of the Parisian tournament of Grand slim and Japanese Kodokan. On the level these tournaments are considered even stronger than the World Cups, concede only to the Olympic Games. Especially hard also was honourable to break through in number of prize-winners of Paris. Three times on this "Grand Slam" of judo I lost, and only from the fourth attempt won bronze.
- Your devotion of judo didn't prevent to find personal happiness?
- I am convinced: on everything that occurs in life, there is a will of Lord. When I actively acted, me, I admit, had no time for family creation. When in 33 years I finished professional career, suddenly sharply I felt loneliness, sincere vacuum. Looked back around – and at this age not and it is simple to find the half. But the Lord in the best way settled in my life and this question. In the temple where I go long ago, I met surprising girl Tamila – pure not only outside, but also is sincere. One and a half years ago we established a family, to our sonny Elisey – four months.
- You should share love to the son with attention to young judoists whom you train. You consciously became a trainer?
- And this road to a trenerstvo at me appeared not absolutely direct. My withdrawal from professional sports was difficult. I thought that in 33 years with active performances already I finished. But long without the atmosphere of wrestlings, tournaments I didn't live. Returned to big-time sports, I became twice the prize-winner of the country, and in 2007 I became the second on the World Cup in Norway. And in the ending it was necessary to struggle with the pupil of our club, almost twice younger me Vitaly Duchek. When other people looked at our couple, thought that we are a trainer and his pupil. And in 2008th I after all I put an end to career of the wrestler. By then I already had Daniel Abramovich's invitation to work trainers in SK to "Tayf". To work with Volovich – it is a pleasure. He as the trainer taught me to much, this process proceeds still. I wanted to train generally kids. But, as it became clear, to work with young judoists (than I and am engaged) even more interestingly. Such work – not my individual merit, is common cause of all trainers of SK to "Tayf" - the deserved trainers of Ukraine of Daniel Volovich, Vitaly Kharlamov, the director of sport school No. 6 Tatyana Belyaeva. Among our pupils most brightly Vitaly Duchek twice becoming the silver prize-winner of stages of "Grand Slam" in Moscow and Brazil managed to show himself. Now me invited to help to prepare the youth national team of Ukraine till 21 year.
- And what (despite employment by trainer's work) pushed you to performances in the championships of veterans of judo where you and achieved the loudest titles?
- Putting on a kimono before trainings, all the time I felt: as I don't have enough spirit of tournament wrestling! In 2012 I went on the European championship among veterans and it was shaken. What bright atmosphere of tournament, how many here worthy competitors whom I know on former performances. And veterans battle to what passion on a tatami – such heat of wrestlings not always at young will meet! I managed to become straight off the champion of Europe, on the way to the ending I carried out four difficult wrestlings, and in the main wrestling I overcame very strong Russian Konovalov who already carried a title of the champion of Europe and the world. In the same 2012 in the USA, in Miami, I won also a title of the world champion. And again Konovalov was my main rival. In semifinal wrestling I overcame it only in an extra time.
- Recently you returned from Paris where became already the twice champion of Europe. For this purpose again Konovalova was necessary to win?
- No, the destiny parted us on different categories – I already acted in the category "40-45 years", and it remained "35-40". And Konovalov was extremely glad to this fact, having become at last the champion of the continent. The atmosphere of tournament was tremendous. At the price of tickets of 15-25 euros halls it was filled by the audience, and tournament became colourful show. I won five victories in a row, in the ending in only 30 seconds finished with the titled Spaniard.
- Probably, and on a world championship it would be desirable to become the double champion?
- Certainly. The World Cup among veterans will take place in November in the United Arab Emirates, and I prepare for this tournament. As a part of the national team of Ukraine on this tournament the big delegation of the Ukrainian veterans of judo – too titled Vyacheslav Kleshnya, Anatoly Prokopets, Vladimir Sotnikov, Rinat Mirzaliyev, Vitaly Ryzhy will go. All of us are grateful to the president of the Dnepropetrovsk city federation of judo, the president of SK "Judo Dnepr" Mikhail Anatolyevich Koshlyak and the head city "Club of veterans" to judo to Anatoly Prokopts for their strong support of speeches of veterans of wrestling on the most representative tournaments. And I, of course, will go to the Emirates behind a victory – why in general to act if there is no main goal? And next year the European championship will take place in Donetsk – I want to achieve a victory and on it.
- Tell, and what your main dream as athlete and the trainer?
- If I wasn't lucky to make a speech at Olympic Games, I dream to train the Olympic champion.
Text: Vladimir Gorodchenko