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Anatoly Guralsky: "Support of parents - is necessary"

Wednesday, 02 October 2013, 14:28
Anatoly Guralsky:

The instructor of the world champion and Europe among cadets about youth wrestling

- Tell how you came to trainer's work?

- I late came to wrestling, started being engaged in fifteen years when in the 1978th year I arrived from Makeyevka and arrived in school in the Ukrainian. Then study, agricultural academy, army, institute of physical culture and in the 85th year I went to work as the trainer. And the desire to train children at me appeared how started being engaged.

- How at you there takes place preparation of beginning athletes?

- Each trainer has the system of training. When started working, at the Soviet Union there was a certain system of trainings. The union broke up, it was necessary to plan occupations. Now I work at child junior sports school. Our children have the first training in the morning prior to study – easy charging, in the winter are engaged in a hall, and in the summer on the street. And after lessons already evening training is two hours on a carpet. On vacation we do some trainings as there is more than free time. But this schedule of those boys who burn with wrestling, want something to reach. And those to whom it is indifferent – you won't force and the sense isn't present.

- And whether there are a lot of such children who want to devote the life to a favourite sport?

- Unfortunately, them every year less and less. Today appears more and more temptations: computers, phones everywhere …

- To modern trainers it is necessary not only to train children, but also to develop interest to hold children on a carpet. Whether you practise meetings with known wrestlers?

- The tenth year in a row in December we hold the tournament among young men, on Sacred Nikolay's prizes. To us on opening there came the Olympic champion Elbrus Tedeev who is an example for younger generation. Besides the Ukrainian is near Kiev therefore we go on the Kiev International tournament. Children are always photographed with our titled wrestlers.

But all the same routine quite big. I call it natural selection, as a sport quite heavy. It not soccer where for you can play others, here should be counted only on itself. There is even such expression: "There is no more lonely person, than the wrestler on a carpet". Therefore, despite our efforts if from fifteen people there are five people, I consider is a good luck.

- What in your opinion best of all stimulates boys to continue to work hard?

- We try to go more often on competitions. When children take prizes, we give information in the local newspaper. Also always we try to remove the video record from trips and we give it on local television. Thank you that to us never refuse, support and tell about our achievements.

- To you to eat than be proud. Tell more about achievements of your pupils?

- One of my first champions is there was Vyacheslav Salayev. He is the triple champion of Ukraine, twice the participant of the World Cup in cadets. Then there was Sergey Setinsky who has become fourth in the World Cup in youth in category to 100 kg. In the 2006th year Andrey Nagorny became the prize-winner of Europe. And in the 2012th year Andrey Yatsenko became the bronze prize-winner of Europe and the world. And this year he won both Europe and the world.

- Even adult skilled wrestlers are nervous before responsible competitions. And how you support beginners?

- When the person since the childhood you know to communicate with it more simply. It when for example, to you comes the young man fifteen-seventeen years, and here at once competitions, then you don't know that to tell him. Also you speak in images if only it wasn't injured … And when this boy from the first class at me, I know everything its strong and weaknesses, I see when he worries and precisely I know that it is necessary to tell.

Yatsenko passed quite good school. We several times went on collecting to Dagestan. In the 2011th year Andrey allowed on the championship of Dagestan. He проборолся with strong rivals, won and now he any more had no strong nervous trembling.

- At what age it becomes visible, what the child will show result?

- Easier to say, who won't fight, than to tell that this boy becomes a champion. Life is so unpredictable … We have a boy, Alexey Boruta who was engaged some years, but remained plump. And then, something occurred and the guy three times won Ukraine, was the participant of the European championship twice. That is nobody could assume in the beginning that he will win national championship, becomes the master of sports, the member of a national team. And thanks to the patience and persistence it already showed result and further goes to the purpose. And there are children very gifted but when they understand that they talented that easily everything is given them, they can and remain gifted and talented. Besides some are disturbed by star fever, it didn't reveal yet completely, but the success already went to the head and it dies away.

- How has to pass transition of the wrestler from cadets in juniors further not to lose it on a carpet?

- Transition has to be smooth. If at once to throw the young man under tanks into adult wrestling, it is clear that him there will break not so much physically, how many morally. After all he trains, plows, and can't win. But after all before it too the plowman, at which besides also experience. Therefore it is necessary at first on trainings, on collecting to connect to adults, on competitions not so responsible to take out and then the guy will have a confidence. The big role this moment is played by parents – their support is very important. And today many are engaged in everything in anything, but only not children. Send children to sections, you there be engaged in them, and we will earn money. There are parents whom I till some years can't invite in a hall to conversation. For the boy any support is important, to him it is important that parents were interested.

- Whether there are in the Ukrainian people who support young wrestlers? Probably, you want someone to thank?

- There are people who help. It and city measures Pavel Kozyrev. Our friend notary Vladimir Semenchenko, helps as financially, and with documents when children go the abroad, after all notarized permissions from parents etc. are necessary. Though he isn't a wrestler, simply the person likes a sport. Also our friends Sergey Makogon, Alexander Turenko and many others support. The big contribution is made by the Dagestan diaspora. And still taking an opportunity I would like to thank trainers from other regions which invite us to competitions. After all thanks to their efforts our children grow professionally and show result.


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