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Vladimir Yaprintsev: the road will be mastered by the going

Sunday, 11 August 2013, 10:50
Vladimir Yaprintsev: the road will be mastered by the going

To the judo World Cup which this year will be accepted by Brazil, there was not enough time. No wonder that pre-starting vanity grows.

And each speech of athletes is considered through a prism of a planetary forum. For certain the last successes of our masters "arts of a flexible way" amuse vanity of domestic admirers of Japanese wrestling. Hopes what the planetary forum becomes a new reference point for future bright pages in the history of our school of this fine sport are how justified? The chairman of the Belarusian federation of judo Vladimir Yaprintsev responded to this and other questions of the correspondent of "joint venture".

— I have a confidence that the World Cup will develop for our national team safely. Business at all in the last results of the Belarusian wrestlers which they achieved on University games in Kazan and at a stage of the Cup of Europe in Germany. Quite often I visit trainings of our principal command of the country, and it is obvious to me that Mahomed Ramazanov's wards work with violent devotion and desire to achieve new results. Besides, it is pleasant to mark that fact that athletes trust in the forces. Joint desire of a trainer's staff and athletes to achieve success, the effort of employees of federation in this direction — all this, as they say, links of one circuit. It is sure that sooner or later titanic work will bear fruit.

— How, in your opinion, affairs with psychological climate in a command are?

— It was much said and written that Mahomed Kurbanovich is sometimes excessively strict to the wards and sometimes makes very rigid decisions. What I can tell about it? Really, it is very exacting expert. However I, at least, am sure that Ramazans not the indifferent contemplator. You understand if to you the person is indifferent, too exacting to him you won't be. So he very much loves all of them, respects their hard work and respectively asks for results. I dare to assure you, guys working under his supervision and girls understand it and try to perform that operation which the authoritative expert demands from them. Eventually, all of us came to sports not to be sorry for each other, and to wrestling and achieve results.

— Members of the national team — athletes of different generations, at which for certain different life priorities and interests …

— Nevertheless collective very amicable. To me all children who are brought together now in the national team are nice. I am always glad if someone from them manages, having overcome myself, to rise by a new step in the skill, having reached a victory, first of all over myself. With big respect I treat Igor Makarov. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out to wish personally him happy birthday so, taking an opportunity, I want to make it through "joint venture".

With age the Olympic champion acquired worldly wisdom. It is pleasant to watch that the leader of a command shares secrets of the skill with other guys, is always ready to give them a practical advice. All athletes very much respect Igor. Actually it to them as the big brother who never denies the assistance.

— What you will tell about women?

— As well as any sane person, I always expect from the done operation, as they say in language of business, dividends. In sports it first of all good result. I am very glad for all who could cause a stir at so representative forum. It was especially pleasant for our sambistsky team. The trainer's staff of this national team in the capital of Tatarstan relied on much rejuvenated experimental composition in which there were no newly made champions of Europe — Arif Bagirov and Vae Tutkhalyan. And they didn't make, having won the whole scattering of awards of different advantage.

As for Arif and Vae, consciously took this step, having exposed them on tournament on judo. We hope for them, we see as future Olympians. In case of all, as they say, corrections on a wind guys are very talented and if don't feel sorry for itself, will achieve in the future of good results. You understand, victories come to those athletes who are fanatically betrayed in good sense to the sport.

— Then there was a Cup of Europe in Germany…

— You know, what me surprised after those competitions? Perhaps, to some extent it will be a stone and in your kitchen garden, but nevertheless … After competitions came to the end, in one of issuings there was a notice that six athletes became prize-winners of the Cup of Europe. In total anything. Yes only there was a note supposedly ask to consider further that the cast on tournament was not so the strong.

After read this material, I rung the friend from Germany. I asked it, whether really tournament was, we will tell so, not the highest rank. The interlocutor first withstood a pause in which bewilderment was read. Then I reported that prize-winners of the World Cups and Europe, athletes who are on foregrounds in the international rating participated in competitions … It I to that still I don't understand why our some people aren't so glad to successes of the Belarusian athletes.

— It is remembered, on one of meetings you criticized officials that those ceased to pay to sambo development due attention, having switched to judo. Now you head both public combining. To what type of wrestling you pay more attention?

— I am very glad to Darya Skrypnik's successes. The sportswoman has the true champion character. She aims to achieve the maximum results in all competitions. To it the confidence of the forces has more, and then for certain victories won't keep themselves waiting.

Bribes the relation to Marina Slutskoy's wrestling. Still when wasn't the chairman of federation of judo, with pleasure I watched behind its trainings, performances at competitions. I can't but tell kind words to instructors of this sportswoman. They are good fellows, laid the foundation for the correct vision of judo.

— I can't but ask about University games totals in Kazan, there after all appeared both judoists, and representatives of self-defense without the weapon which public combining you also head …

— Judo. It is the fact from which not to leave anywhere, I want it or not. Frankly speaking, even I consider myself guilty to the brothers sambo wrestlers. The benefit they understand a situation and see that if the situation with the Olympic sport won't be adjusted, it will be bad everything. To some extent because of not the most outstanding results in judo we received a boomerang shock and on sambo. So now specially planned release of people so that on collections to the judo World Cup sambo wrestlers helped the colleagues from a sibling species of sports.

— Looking at how there are affairs in judo, really there was no wish to interfere?

— No. Perfectly I understood that into one river don't enter twice. You think, I had nothing to be engaged? Our command was the first time at the head of domestic school of this single combat, we were honest in relation to a sport. When the sentence arrived, long hesitated. Doubts in this respect I had very long. You know when they vanished finally? In Parisduring one of the judo of the international tournaments most esteemed in a pattern I saw how our athletes prepared for fights, and their instructors sat at this time on tribunes. As it is sung in the known Soviet song, everything on top is visible to me, you you can be sure of that. It became clear that it is necessary to make any decisions, after all so shan't be.

Now, after the long years which have passed after that ugly history with my leaving federation of judo, I understand that it was necessary to behave differently. Perhaps, really it was worth remaining and continuing to help sport development, despite everything. Now I can tell: former offenses remained in the past. We one command aimed at improving a situation and to bring the Belarusian judo to a new level of development.

What to speak if instructors to whom you do the note that they smoke and don't avoid unparliamentary expressions in the presence of pupils, then run and complain of me in higher instances.

Now we conceived to carry out situation monitoring on places, wrote letters to each of chiefs of regional sport controls, asked, whether they are happy how judo at them in regions develops. We're looking forward to hearing from you.

— If to speak about judo development on places, the Gomelschool of judo suffered recently irreplaceable loss …

— Victor Vnuchkin was not only the professional devoted to the business, but also the good friend. That Gomelshchina was deserted, it is obvious. But I hope that Victor Aleksandrovich's pupils among whom there are a lot of authoritative athletes in the past, will show gratitude to the person who on an equal basis with parents gave them a start in life, and won't leave a native sport in trouble, will continue nice traditions of local school of our single combat.

— Recently results at our judoists not all that well, however in Belarusare regularly carried out рандори with involvement of global stars, prestigious international tournaments …

— I try to treat the friends and people with whom I work honestly. Therefore I can't but tell gratitude words to Pavel Yasenovskogo. The sporting director of EJU — the true professional. Exactly thanks to his diligence communication with the international structures isn't torn. His merit that we aren't on a roadside of world judo, is huge.

Now a situation such is. There are countries where athletes achieve excellent results, but in a sporting policy they aren't so strong. There are states which aren't strong in results, but they define what will be the judo tomorrow. Frankly speaking, my sincere desire — to see our country, as they say, among "golden mean" powers. It is absolutely indifferent to any personal prizes and awards which sometimes hand over during carrying out tournaments. For me the main thing that for needs of the Belarusian judoists tatamis, are selected with a kimono, the financial support comes also.

— Now speak about need of promoting of a healthy lifestyle, more the active advance of judo much …— We to it go. Nevertheless it is common truth that any of sports, first of all, exists for fans. Therefore, for example, a stage of the Cup of Europe which will be held in Minskin the fall, we plan to make the real holiday for the audience. The same concerns also the national championships which were passing earlier is frequent in "Flocks". Naturally, we want to declare surely themselves and on open spaces of the World Wide Web. We have site of federation and a resource of fans of judo. Thank them for that attention which they pay to our sport. Let occasionally without criticism doesn't do, however it is necessary to recognize — children do huge operation. The pluralism of judgements shall be. The only thing that jars on, it when people hide behind masks of anonymous authors.

Now on a site held creative competition. On queue one more. Besides, we want to carry out the regular Internet translations that those who couldn't get on tribunes, I was aware of the events on a tatami. We do everything possible to go in line with the last trends. Now here sent to a seminar to Viennaour representative behind last marketing "counters" which will help to attract with judo and sambo of new fans. The road, as they say, will master going, we — only at the beginning of a long way.

Vladimir Upenyek


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