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All life — fight

Thursday, 18 July 2013, 10:01
All life — fight

Late at night the national team of Kazakhstan returned to Almaty flight from Kazan on Greco-Roman wrestling. On wrestling mats of World University games ours палуаны managed to win three bronze medals.

Questions of the correspondent of the republican Sports.kz Internet portal were answered by the leader of the national team of Kazakhstan Almat Kebispayev who has taken in the capital of Tatarstan the 3rd place.

— Very well went. Kazan was pleasant to me, very beautiful city. The organization of competitions was at the highest level. Even I can tell that wasn't worse, than in London. On tournament I carried out five fights. Two fights — one with the wrestler from Uzbekistan, the second here — with the Russian were especially heavy. And for the third place already easily I overcame the athlete from Moldova.

— You knew in advance the future rivals?

— I approximately in day of weighing looked — after all you know already the potential of rivals. Among them I then marked four - five skilled wrestlers. On a toss three from them in a row met me. These are wrestlers from South Korea, the champion of Asia from Uzbekistan and the master of a carpet the Russian. It is very wide experience for me. The toss got "good" — all fought on four circles, and I one carried out five duels.

— It turns out, our command exposed on University games to a floor - the main composition of the national team?

— From the main composition of the national team of Kazakhstan on Greco-Roman wrestling on University games we appeared only with Nurmakhan. In remaining weights our second and third numbers fought. They not bad appeared. Here Askhat Zhambirov managed to win a bronze medal.

— What task faced University games?

— We hoped that we will manage to win at least one gold medal. Unfortunately, were content with only bronze medals. Probably, after all any psychological barrier stood. I think, all to the best as the principal start of a season at us — the World Cup, and on University games we, so to speak, checked the forces. Now the correction of mistakes will be carried out. Already on July 26 in Pine-forest the first trainer collection will begin. After that in Shymkent will pass the second UTS. Then we will go to Budapest on a world championship.

— How you evaluate refereeing on University games?

—  It was all the same felt that judges helped masters of a carpet.  Especially it it was felt when there were equal fights.  Here, for example, Askhat Zhambirov — he didn't concede in anything to Albiyev, but it turned out so that, finally, it won "bronze", and the Russian reached the final.

Author: Ayzhana Kurmashev Foto: Ruslan Medelbek


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