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Shamil Kudiyamagomedov: "While I think only of University games"

Monday, 01 July 2013, 09:49
Shamil Kudiyamagomedov:

Being these days on collection in Adler the champion of Russia Shamil Kudiyamagomedov gave interview wrestdag.ru.

— How there passed the first week of collection?

— I feel normally, we had good trainings, in too time won't tell that us strongly loaded. The second week we will work more at a carpet, there will be more sparrings.

— You are called for the first time on collection of the principal command of the country. How to you new situation?

— I the beginner don't feel myself, after all I earlier, let and as connected, trained with a national team. Also it was necessary to participate in joint collection of the youth and adult national teams. So, for me everything is familiar, everything is customary.

— Let's return to national championship. You had a difficult toss — to the ending in three fights from four you fell out to sort out the relations with fellow countrymen. It seemed that after duels with them you won't have forces on a decisive meeting.

— Wrestling with the Krasnoyarsk wrestler too was for me difficult though I benefited it with big advantage. This wrestling was the first, and always difficultly to begin. And then I that is called разборолся, and than moved ahead to the ending closer, that felt more and more surely. Certainly, I got a bit tired, but there was a good spirit on the ending, and it gave force.

— Whether there was at you a plan for a decisive meeting?

— Yes. I know Anzor Urishev's wrestling, in his arsenal there are two-three receptions which it well executes. My personal trainer Anwar Magomedgadzhiyev and trainers of our national team reminded me of crowns of the rival, spoke as to be saved from them. My task was not to give it to carry out these receptions, and most to work in a customary key for me.

— Nevertheless twice you passed receptions of the rival, but both times corrected errors. And in case of score 2:2 without effort I defended a draw favorable to you. From outside it seemed that by the end Urishev was strongly tired.

— I too was tired, but Anzor was tired even more, and I experienced it and used it. Me prevented that the rival should drive many excess kilograms, and it can't but affect its physical status. In this plan I had an advantage before it as I don't suffer a vesosgonka. I arrived to Krasnoyarsk only with one extra kilo and that specially it didn't drive — was one "push-pusha" that the weight returned to normal enough.

— You on trips on competitions always are accompanied by the father. What did he tell you after a victory?

— This time it didn't go to Krasnoyarsk. We phoned by phone. He told normal words in such cases: "I congratulate! Well done". Explicitly already houses talked. The father in youth was engaged in free-style wrestling, and his judgement a lot of things means to me.

— You at the airport met to many people. Who these people?

— Relatives, friends. Me support not only they, but also many fellow countrymen from the Gunibsky region, from where a kind our family.

— It is a lot of, probably, at you fans and in Kizlyar where you grew. There you celebrated after Krasnoyarsk. It was pleasant to visit the native city for you?

— Certainly! In Kizlyar I was born and lived till 15 years then our family moved to Makhachkala. Us, winners and prize-winners of the championship of Russia and trainers, were invited by Sagid Murtazaliyev, for which Kizlyar too the hometown. He congratulated us and handed over bonus from fund which was founded by it together with Omar Murtuzaliyev. These two persons not only support our national team, but also a lot of things do as a whole for wrestling development in the republic. In this trip to us showed a wrestling hall which is constructed with their help. At the time of my childhood anything similar in Kizlyar wasn't. We trained in the sports hall in case of KEMZ plant, it was small location with one wrestling mat. And that we saw, it already absolutely other level, it is necessary to envy only to children who will train in a new hall.

— As the winner of youth superiority of the country you acquired the right to appear in August on superiority of the world. And how you will arrive if you take on the September World Cup in adults?

— While there is no sense to speak on this subject, after all to receive the invitation in the national team for involvement in the World Cup, it is necessary to benefit University games at first. Therefore now I think only of successful performance in Kazan and I try on anything another not to distract.



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