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Mahomed Ramazanov: The competition – the progress engine...

Sunday, 16 June 2013, 12:37
Mahomed Ramazanov: The competition – the progress engine...

The standard formula "youth and experience alloy", perhaps, is in a special way actual today for "a flexible way" in Belarus. Gunpowder in powder flasks of several eminent veterans didn't dampen still, and all are more persistently knocked on national team doors those who was considered until recently simply promising

Meanwhile, the Belarusian masters of wrestling in a kimono missed licenses for the Olympic Games-2012 and remained in London without medals, say, absolutely clearly that sails of domestic judo, figuratively expressing, sagged also to them not to do without a fresh wind. "to catch" a wind of change and good luck, we will hope, will manage the chairman of federation elected at the end of last year Vladimir Yaprintsev and it and colleagues. Trusts in it and the head coach of a national team of Belarus, the deserved master of the sports, the deserved trainer of Republic of Belarus Mahomed Ramazanov with whom we managed to have a talk during passing on the Olympic basis of «Stayky» near Minsk the Olympic Training Cent on IJF aegis.

- Mahomed Kurbanovich passing in January here, in «Stayky» open national championship for certain gave you rich food for speculations?

- Certainly. The more, before, without having entered yet officially a position, I managed to visit youth superiority of Europe in Prague where our fellow countryman Vadim Shoka who has won a gold medal in a weight to 66 kg fine appeared. Here, in «Stayky», it was outstripped by Dmitry Shershan, and their final wrestling became, without exaggeration, decoration of national championship. And the main, and an extra time the score on a panel was equal, and only on the fifteenth minute (!) Dmitry was successful in a victorious throw. On a course of a meeting nobody could be punished for passivity, battled selflessly and beautifully – real as speak, заруба, all hall applauded them.

 Shock if speech came, can consider as the closest reserve of the national team or already her real member?

- Certainly, real. Especially as at a stage of the Cup of Europe in Tbilisi Shershan and Shock again repeated the Belarusian ending. And here in the European championship both appeared unsuccessfully though Shershan and took the seventh place. And in case of such result on the European superiority how it is possible to be happy with wrestling of wards? Though on the Cup of Europe in Orenburg Vadim Shoka became the silver prize-winner already in weight category to 73 kg, and, greatly carried out also a final duel, though conceded. But we hold on a sight and 20-year-old Nikolay Fil from Orsha, the Cup which has become the prize-winner of Europe among juniors till 20 years.

- Young Arif Bagirov  what perspectives in a weight to 60 kg?

- Good athlete. Grows. Certainly, it would be desirable besides that it occurred more actively, but he is the attentive guy and, I hope, everything will understand how it is necessary. While it yet doesn't have a weight: after all just in the ended sambo European championship it benefited a gold medal in weight category to 57 kg. In a weight to 60 kg we have still могилевчанин Maxim Klimov, too the capable boy. To it, I think, it is necessary to treat more seriously a little bit operation, and it too will be able to make to the same Arif the serious competition, and it, in turn, surely will help the general progress. Let's attentively watch and for the silver prize-winner of superiority of Europe among young men the pupil of the Gomel ShVSM Dmitry Minkov.

- And how affairs in weight category to 73 kg are?

- Here we too I pin certain hopes. In the ending of the championship of Belarus fought Alexey Romanchik and Alexander Koksha, there was an intrigue, and it, opposition, think, besides can bear good fruits. Alexey stepped forward in the skill, having broken that psychological barrier. Besides, it shortly before start of a continental forum only was recovered after a serious injury. Alexey Romanchik's meeting with the newly made champion of Europe Slovene Rock Draksich in team tournament which was held after completion of personal competitions is demonstrative. The Belarusian was in the lead in wrestling, but on the 4th minute to him gave the note "shido" according to which as a result he and lost the decision of judges. I consider this duel as the best performed by Romanchik in the championship. Our second participant in this weight category 22-year-old Valeria Hudoyeshko. Young guy. It even should be delivered in team competitions in a weight to 81 kg. Such need was connected to that there didn't go because of an injury on the European championship the strongest Belarusian athlete in a weight to 81 kg Alexander Steshenko. In a meeting with the first number of the European rating Deksom Elmontom from the Netherlands, Valery Hudoyeshko conceded nothing. There was absolutely equal wrestling. In an ending it simply didn't have experience to win a victory. Is in this weight also Alexey Svirid. Let's not forget and about yet not up to the end defined in a choice of weight category Vadim Shoka. Thinking, the competition among these children, will allow someone from them to achieve the significant progress.

 - In the following weight category to 81 kg situation more disturbing?

- Yes, partly indeed. In open national championship none of the Belarusian judoists didn't get to the ending. The first number at us Alexander Steshenko is considered. He already was the silver prize-winner of the championship of the continent. This year I became the fifth on a world supercup in Germany. But there seriously I injured a shoulder. And, in case of all general diligence, it can't be recovered in any way. But we see that at Steshenko I am viewed quite good perspectives.

- What happened to the ex-champion of Europe and the owner of a bronze award of a world forum in weight category to 90 kg Andrey Kazusyonk?

- After a bright victory in national championship, Andrey can't find himself in the international starts in any way. Probably, the big break in performances on judo affects, and it is possible, and changes in rules of competitions. On the European championship we exposed doubler Kazusyonk Alexey Stepankov. In personal tournament he in the first duel lost suffocating reception. After all it doesn't have enough skills of judo. It more gravitates to sambo therefore passed this reception of the rival. In the future this guy probably will be able to appear even more successfully, than the same Andrey Kazusyonok in the best form in this category. We watch closely and promptly progressing Igor Zhukov.

- On the continent championship in a weight to 100 kg there didn't go the participant of the Olympic Games Evgeny Bedulin?

– Eugene has an injury. And literally on the eve of our flying away to Budapest the personal trainer of the athlete Victor Vnuchkin perished. Now Bedulin at the crossroads: whether to continue trainings and involvement in competitions – whether to transfer to trainer's operation. Let's try in serious starts of the winner of January national championship of sambo wrestler Vasily Kuznetsov. Let's involve more actively it with a national team of judoists. Especially, both federations are headed by Vladimir Yaprintsev who, no doubt, will manage to place correctly accents and to find compromise solutions. Judo – discipline Olympic, however, and on sambo by Vyacheslav Kot we densely contact to the head coach of national team, we will surely look for common denominator.

- What you will tell about athletes of heavy weight category?

- In national championship the Olympic champion of Athens-2004 Igor Makarov conceded to much less titled Alexander Vakhovyak. He managed to make the forbidden capture for a foot, and for it it is necessary to remove the wrestler from competitions directly. It also removed. I hope, Igor will learn the useful lesson from an error. And generally, very much it is pleasant to me as honestly and competently Makarov now trains on collections. Someone considers supposedly the 34-year-old athlete "will not hold on" to the following Olympic Games, And here I am more optimistic. Unfortunately, in Budapest Igor Makarov and Alexander Vakhovyak stumbled already in the second circle.

– And how affairs at a fine half of the Belarusian national team are?

- As experiment on the European championship Darya Skrypnik was switched on in a line-up (a weight to 52 kg). It benefited the first wrestling against the Russian. In the second adequately battled to the Spanish judoist who afterwards became a bronze prizerka. Darya carried in the score about the last seconds, but an instant before the gong went on unjustified risk and lost. It once again speaks about shortage of tactical experience. If with Darya it is correct to work, in a year she can add very seriously. It confirmed also its performance on the Cup of Europe in Orenburg where the sportswoman won a gold award. On this tournament Evgeny Zaytsev's our two more judoists (63 kg) and Marina Slutskaya (+78 kg), the won higher awards caused a stir. Good perspectives at a prizerok of a junior Cup of Europe of Daniela Kazana (63 kg), Tatyana Demchenko (52 kg).

- Mahomed Kurbanovich, many compare totals of performance of the Belarusian national team in Budapest to results of the World Cup in Germany in 2001 when you accepted for the first time the national team of Belarus?

- Then I left for the first time as the head coach, and the result was similar present. For that next year in the European championship in Slovenian Maribor we were the second in team competitions and won five medals in personal tournaments

- Then the ex-Russian the bronze prize-winner of the Olympic Games-2000 Anatoly Laryukov perfectly proved?

- Yes, he was called the best judoist of the championship of the continent, was the real leader, led our young children. Not the secret that Laryukov was invited to Belarus from Russia. I allow such rotation. Especially if it doesn't weaken a national team of its country, and with situation change, will help the athlete to open the true potential. Even now I see places in the command where it would be possible to amplify foreign athletes. But it is necessary to do it delicately not to offend neither the trainer of the judoist, nor national federation of the country, his prepared.

- Your arrival to a manual of a national team was all expected. And you hadn't to doubt a choice?

-  Well, first, if in a national team of our country all would be successful, me hardly would invite to head the national team after the Olympic Games in London.  In - the second, doubts always are present.  For us, the trainers, all is especially expensive that gets with great difficulty.  In the third, I understood that will be very difficult, but with me the command of adherents will come.  Without it you shouldn't have entered into this "river" again?  Makarov, Kazusyonok, Steshenko, Shershan, growing-up youth – our gold reserves.  And I am sure, someone from them will be able "to shoot" already soon.  But the real leader what the 2000th Anatoly Laryukov was for the national team of the beginning is necessary for the national team.  Very much we hope for Olympic champion Igor Makarov who shall lead young children.  And we will work, of course, first of all with a sight the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Vladimir Pisarev

Alexander Matyuk


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