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Kamandar Madzhidov: happiness — in attack

Friday, 31 May 2013, 12:34
Kamandar Madzhidov: happiness — in attack

The Greco-Roman wrestling championship of Belarus began the first attempt to be accustomed for domestic "classics" to the changed rules in the most ancient sport. How successful it appeared, the correspondent of "joint venture" asked the head coach of a national team, Olympic champion Kamandar MADZhIDOV.

— Kamandar Bufaliyevich, whether changes good did the most ancient sport?

— Carrying out national championship by new rules brought only benefit. Athletes showed good wrestling against abundance of receptions. So the premiere, in my opinion, was successful. At last the audience has an opportunity to see the real wrestling.

— Whose mastery played new paints?

— Still early to speak about it. Nevertheless the competition on the intra republican arena while leaves much to be desired. More complete impression can be made after guys will make a speech at the international starts, will prove against high-class athletes.

In all weight categories athletes tried to show spectacular wrestling. Very interesting receptions were shown: are bright a deflection, by one hand, through a back... Athletes at last have an opportunity to show that are able.

— How you consider, why?

— Everything is very simple. New instructions force people to wrestling. Now if you don't do receptions, and you wait in "ambush", risk of that you can remove for passivity, is very great. So wrestlers are compelled to wrestling actively in attack. It where is better, than earlier when athletes were pushed one and a half minutes waiting for orchestra seats. It is much more options.

— For certain in the changed conditions requirements to physical readiness of athletes will exchange also?

— Certainly. Fights take place in fast speed, plus in case of point loss the athlete has to go to attack, risk. If I am physically badly ready, it is simple to defend, leaving from wrestling and hoping for "counter", it won't turn out any more.

— How to you young "classics" were looked?

— Everything who was on leading positions, among the first numbers of the national team and remained. Unfortunately, the youth while doesn't encroach on their place. Nevertheless there is a wish that they threw down a challenge to skilled masters more safely, sought to progress.

— After a long break Timothy Deynichenko who has taken as a result the second place returned to a system...

— Its wrestling, frankly speaking, not so was pleasant. He lost to Alexander Grabovik. As I already spoke to you, other abilities are now necessary absolutely. Just like that, as earlier, anybody in orchestra seats won't put. For this purpose it is necessary to show activity, to force judges to make the decision not in favor of the opponent. Well anything terrible, I hope, he understood, in what direction he needs to work, and itself still will show.

— Elbek Tozhiyev acted in weight to 60 kg, instead of in the habitual category — 55 kg...

— It doesn't mean that he will act there and from now on. By simply trainer's staff of team it was given such opportunity. In spite of the fact that Elbek as a result didn't win first place, how this guy proved, I am happy. The person works, seeks to make the wrestling better. It on the right track.

— In the weight  60 kg Dmitry Alensky won in the ending against Maxim Kazharskogo...

— As for Alensky, here everything isn't so simple. How many time he already surely won at republican competitions, and on the international tournaments its wrestling looked faded. But he deserved that it was given the next chance. It, by the way, concerns many other athletes. We to anybody artificially don't block the road. After all in world wrestling there were many cases when the athlete late revealed, and then to rivals was him not to stop any more. We have not so many wrestlers that to be scattered by them.

Rather Kazharsky, it seems to me that new instructions very much suit it. It has an energetic, attacking wrestling. I hope, in the future he will be able to achieve bigger, than the fifth places in the European championships.

— In spite of the fact that many experts liked new rules, voices of the sceptics who are standing up for carrying out the World Cup and other starts of a season on former "laws" are now distributed...

— As far as I know, already it was declared officially that in the World Cup athletes will wrestling in a new way. Those who against it, frankly speaking, I don't understand. In due time, when everything changed on two times a year and is far not in the best party, such questions didn't ask. Athletes were compelled to adapt and act. Now they start arguing. I think that to the World Cup still there is a lot of time. Rules will lick into shape, having made them it is even better. Especially as now staginess returned to our sport, it became clear even to the unprepared audience.

— In your opinion, whether will increase reforms chances what wrestling remains in the Olympic program?

— The position on this matter I sounded repeatedly. It is impossible to refuse history just like that. Not present members the IOC thought up the Olympic Games, not to them and to decide — what sport to leave and what to exclude. I hope, prudence will prevail, and our type of single combats remains in the program of the main starts of the fourth anniversary. Especially as in wrestling for it such irreconcilable opponents in political arena, as Iran and the USA rallied. Other question — there is no strong wish that presence at the program of Games of female wrestling happened at the expense of reduction of weight categories in Greek-Roman and free as it, it seems, is planned by some reformers.

Vladimir UPENYEK


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