The president of regional federation of wrestling about overcoming of difficulties and plans for the future.
Fans perfectly remember names of the athletes who for the whole world have glorified Omsk school of Greco-Roman wrestling. Victor Igumenov – the fivefold world champion; Vladimir Popov – the world champion, the prize-winner of Olympic Games in Seoul; Alexander Ignatenko – the double world champion; Timerzhan Kalimulin – the champion of Europe, the prize-winner of the World Cup; Sergey Suvorov – the champion of Europe, the prize-winner of the World Cup. Here it is valid – gold pages of the chronicle of Omsk sports. However all this in the past. And what today?
For the answer the correspondent of "OP" addressed to Yury Krikukh. In the past he is a winner of superiority and the champion of Russia-1996, seven times won silver medals of the national championship, won victories on many international starts, including in a team competition of the Cup of the European champions-2001 on Greco-Roman wrestling. Today the master of sports of the international class Yury Krikukh – the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the president of Omsk regional federation of wrestling.
Where talents?
– Yury, not so long ago all admirers of Greco-Roman wrestling were thrown in shock! The executive committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommended to exclude wrestling from the program of summer Olympic Games of 2020 …
– And as far as I was shocked! I couldn't understand logic of the similar decision. It is good that our two compatriots, Aleksandr Karelin and Mikhail Mamiashvili, are a part of FILA board (The international federation of wrestling). They started acting at once. Change of the head of FILA, Swiss Raphael Martinetti who the actions, to be exact, inaction allowed a similar situation was carried out. He didn't consider it necessary to be present at all at that meeting the IOC where the decision was made so shocking all admirers of wrestling. Though as it became known later, was in any only a few meters from the building.
– In the Omsk region for all history of development of Greco-Roman wrestling were prepared five deserved masters of the sports, eight masters of sports of the international class. Great, glorious past. Well and now in the last World Cups even there is no representative of our region. The earth Omsk on talents became scanty?
– All these great masters about whom you speak, in principle, appeared on a world wrestling Olympus practically at the same time. They shone during the period from 1983 to 1996. And this galaxy – result of that huge work which was carried out in Omsk since the 1950th. That is thirty years of intense work that there were on the Omsk earth classic athletes of high international level were required. And then, I agree with you: the thread binding generations of athletes, interrupted. And I won't challenge that fact that the residents of Omsk worrying about Greco-Roman wrestling, haven't enough in recent years reasons for optimism.
The future is
– In Moskalenka's small working settlement in recent years there was the whole young growth of talented wrestlers, such as Eslyam Sagatbekov, Nikolay Kel. In what secret of "a moskalensky phenomenon"? In trainer Alexander Kashin?
– The recipe here only one – huge enthusiasm. Alexander Kashin – the most real hero of our time. Here about whom it is necessary to write stories and to shoot movies! By the car, from one of power structures without receiving the help, it for years goes on our off road terrain and in remote villages finds the boys, wishing to be engaged in wrestling. Brings together them in the small rural sports hall and, training by own techniques, Eslyam Sagatbekov, the prize-winner of superiority of Europe grows up the athletes becoming, as the guy from a large family. Or, as Nikolay Kel, owner of medals of the All-Russian and international tournaments.
Accessory sign
– Conversation at us turned out not too joyful, but nevertheless with an optimistic conclusion. So let's finish it on not to the most serious note. It is always easy to recognize the wrestler on specifically broken and swelled-up auricle. Why representatives of this ancient single combat consciously don't get rid of this not too esthetic, according to many, an external sign? After all, as far as I know, it is very easy to make it?
– When I in the sixth class broke for the first time an ear, it wasn't happier than me the person in this world! I (laugh) With what proud look went on school! Now ridiculously to remember, and then for me it was as a certain visible sign of belonging to a big wrestling family, "caste" if you want. And then I got used.
No, any operation on correction of ears, let remain as is. So it is pleasant to me much more! (Laughs).