The day after tomorrow on the Bellator 95 tournament title fight of Bellator in semi-lightweight between the champion Petom Kurran and Russian Shakhbulat Shamkhalayev will take place. Before fight Kurran gave interview in which discussed the forthcoming duel.
You had to fight with Daniel Strausom but now you fight with Shakhbulat Shamkhalayev. Shakhbulat is more drummer, and Daniel the fighter. You had 5-6 weeks on preparation. What did you change?
We train each aspect: greppling, fight, shock equipment. In our hall all of us are very well the balanced fighters. Morally, 5 weeks are quite enough to develop the plan and will be prepared for fight. I talked to trainers and we decided that not for nothing accepted battle and at us enough time. Considerable changes weren't and I for 100 percent am ready to fight.
What you impressed in fight by Shamkhalayev against Martinez?
Martinez could tumble down Shamkhalayev on the earth and some time held it there. It is pleasant to see that Shakhbulat a good greppler. He is able to rise in a rack but when I will tumble down it, I its will be able to hold longer time.
You have very similar style. Whether you see similarities?
Both of us consider as fighters who are good on counterstrokes. It doesn't hurry anywhere, I also. We look for vulnerabilities and we save energy to use them. Yes, we are similar.
Shamkhalayev usually finishes fights in the first or second round. Whether you consider, what it will have problems with endurance in pyatiraundny fight?
Who knows, he never fought five rounds. It is difficult to me to foresee it as I don't know, in what condition it is. I fought all five rounds several times and it is quite difficult. It should consider it if it isn't able to knock out me at once. 25 minutes are a lot of time.
How you see this fight?
I can present many outcomes of this fight. Probably, I will catch it in strong blow or fight will last all 25 minutes. A lot of things depend on a position, but I will be ready to finish fight ahead of schedule.
One more Russian Magomedrasul Hasbulayev came to Bellator. For any reason they became very successful. What do you think of its fight with Mike Richman?
Can win against both, but Frodo now breaks off all. About it there are many conversations. In any case to me all the same who will win as I now am not focused on them. Before me Shakhbulat and after Daniel Straus. I try to be focused only on one fight.