We bring to your attention the fees of participants of the UFC 168 tournament in which main fight Anderson Silva (33-6) challenged a title of the champion on the average the weight, belonging to Chris Weidman (11-0).
Robbie Peralta: $24,000 (including $12,000 for a victory)
won against Estevan Payan ($10,000);
William Macario: $24,000 (including $10,000 for a victory)
won against Bobbie Walker: $12,000;
John Howard: $32,000 (including $16,000 for a victory)
Siyara Bakhadurzadu won: $17,000;
Dennis Siver: $66,000 (including $33,000 for a victory)
won against Mannie Gamburyan: $25,000;
Michael Johnson: $36,000 (including $18,000 for a victory)
Gleyson Tibau won: $39,000;
Hall Yuraya: $20,000 (including $10,000 for a victory)
won against Chris Liben: $51,000;
Dustin Porye: $46,000 (including $23,000 for a victory)
Diego Brandao won: $20,000;
Jim Miller: $92,000 (including $46,000 for a victory)
won against Fabricio Camoyes: $8,000;
Travis Brown: $56,000 (including $28,000 for a victory)
won against Josh Barnett: $170,000;
Rhonda Rauzi: $100,000 (including $50,000 for a victory)
won against Misha Teyt: $28,000;
Chris Weidman: $400,000 (including $200,000 for a victory)
won against Anderson Silva: $600,000.