For the first time in the history passed tournament in the Terbusky area on the professional mixed fights.
In the terbunsky Olympic complex o passed tournamentn the mixed single combats with participation of foreign athletes.
In glory of "Russia"
The venue of competitions was chosen not incidentally. In Terbunakh two years ago at the initiative of enthusiasts of sports Gennady Chernikov and Igor Chistyakov the children's sports club of boxing "Russia" which involves in sports of local teenagers was created. As single combats in Terbunakh gain the increasing popularity, was decided to organize these competitions.
Support to this undertaking was given by the head of local regional administration Sergey Ivanov and the executive director of Lipetsk office of the Russian Union of Martial Arts Igor Vorotyntsev who at opening welcomed the audience and athletes.
Besides, help in carrying out action was given by regional federations of boxing, a kickboxing and the mixed fighting single combats.
Terbunsky boxers won three victories
Overflowed KSK "Olympic" became the witness in fact four various competitions. At first on the ring established in the center of sport center, there were young boxers: local beginning athletes were resisted by rivals from Lipetsk and Yelets.
In three duels from four victory representatives of owners – terbunets Alexey Kalinkin, Ivan Kotelnikov and Artem Brelov won.
"Gold gloves" left home not won
In the second block two professional fights on boxing took place - where in persistent fight the master of sports in boxing from the Voronezh club "Gold Gloves" Evgeny Myakinin won against the master of sports from Yelets club "Kristall" Nikolay Seryogin.
In other fight one more fighter of "Gold gloves" Konstantin Tonkushin got the best of the master of sports from Usmani Vitaly Ryazantsev. Thus, guests from Voronezh left home not won.
Fights of kickboxers of Serbia, Moldova and Russia.
Boxers on a ring were replaced by their "brothers" - representatives of a kickboxing, and both fights in Terbunakh were international.
Russiawas represented by the known Lipetsk kickboxer Alexey Radik who met the champion of Europe Mikhaylo Ivanovich from Serbia, and as a result held a convincing victory over the guest.
Then to show the skill there was a numerous world champion in a kickboxing Stephane Zhivkovich (Seryuiya) against Oleg Hokhlov (Moldova) who in the past too had a victory in the world championship.
Persistent "fight of champions" brought a victory to the Serbian athlete on points.
The president of federation of the mixed single combats of Serbia arrived to support the
Fighters of the mixed style became headliners of evening: two duels in which pupils of known Dinamo school of single combats of Igor Vorotyntsev met guests from Serbia Bukumirovichami's brothers were offered the audience.
To support the fellow countrymen to Terbuny there arrived the president of federation of the mixed single combats of Serbia. But guests were waited by disappointment.
In the first fight the resident of Lipetsk Alikhon Umarov met the champion of Serbia on MMA Stephane Bukumirovich who was heavier than our fellow countryman on the whole 7 kilograms that in single combats has huge value.
Therefore Alikhon tried not to be got involved with the guest in fight, and relied on shock equipment. As a result already in the first round the resident of Lipetsk ahead of schedule finished fight by a series of blows in the head.
In the second fight the master of sports of Russia in hand-to-hand fight Anatoly Agafonov resisted to the champion of Serbia, the champion of the open championship of Bulgaria Serbian Krsto Bukumirovich.
Anatoly already won recently against the Serbian ahead of schedule painful reception in the prestigious tournament "Fight on Neva"" and here repeated the success, having won a flawless victory also painful reception on a hand in the first round.
On summing up and representatives and the trainer and athletes warmly thanked organizers of tournament for warm welcome. Similar tournaments it is decided to do in the Terbunsky area traditional.