The director general of Federation of the mixed single combats of the Tyumen region Elena Mukhamedshina told about a rupture of the contract with the fighter Alexander Emelyanenko which had to carry out on December 22 a duel against American Eric Prindl.
- Business was so, we with Alexander Emelyanenko have a contract. We tried to work within the contract. Respected it as athlete and created to it all conditions for trainings. Once it brought in a state of intoxication to the sports hall.
I called his director Irina, on what she answered: "I gave the order to the driver not to bring its drunk on trainings". It was seen by all our sports hall! All athletes. People who came to get acquainted with it.
We directed it on simple medical board! Simple for each athlete.
Alexander Emelyanenko came morning after and refused to make the simple test of blood. The chief physician couldn't pass the decision on the admission or not admission of the athlete as blood isn't handed over and analyses aren't present. Alexander Emelyanenko broke the law on sports, on sports behavior and it is a lot of points of our contract. We wanted to dissolve with it the contract adequately that it left without shame and without publicity about its carousal and parties in Tyumen!
Irina, the promoter, muddled everything. Irina, we that will meet it in court, and to you with it to work and suffer from it materka in your address further, - quote Mukhamedshina the Soviet sports .