As the winner of the oldest Russian beauty contest chose the 24-year-old student from Vladimir
In Moscow on Monday declared the winner of the competition "Beauty of Russia" . The 24-year-old student from Vladimir Anastas Trusov became her. The crown to it was handed over by the owner of this title of 2012 Elina Kireeva. Now the girl will be able to represent Russia at the competition "Ms. Earth".
Participation in "Beauty of Russia" became surprise for Trusova, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" reports. By rules, for a crown unmarried winners of regional beauty contests aged from 14 till 25 years can compete. "The Vladimir beauty-2013" Ekaterina Shmargaleva had to go to Moscow, however her plans exchanged – she married. The jury made the decision to choose the participant independently, and the choice fell on Trusova who in 2011 reached the final the Vladimir beauty contest.
Before the beginning of "Beauty of Russia" many noted that the girl doesn't conform to model requirements: its growth, at parameters 88-60-91, only 168 centimeters. However Anastasia planned to subdue jury naturalness and intelligence. The graduate of the Vladimir state university now studies at the Moscow institute of television and broadcasting as "TV host". Her main hobbies - single combats and cooking.
Organizers of competition, by the way, emphasize that compliance to the standard ideas of ideal model for participants not the main thing. "The girl corresponding to the standard ideas of female beauty can apply for a victory, possessing a harmonious figure and "positive energy", and also patriotism, high internal qualities and intelligence", - is told on официальносайте competition.
Besides, "Beauty of Russia" has to be sociable, benevolent and friendly: whether pretenders conform to these requirements, organizers find out during preparation for competition: in 15 – 20 days prior to ceremony of winners of regional competitions bring to boarding house situated near Moscow where with them choreographers, stylists and psychologists work.
The competition "Beauty of Russia" is held since 1995. This year 51 girls took part in it. Besides the main prize the award in the nomination "Ms. Talent" is handed over also - Muscovite Uliana Kashapova became her owner this year.
Alexander MARFIN