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Wednesday, 20 November 2013, 12:29

The long-term commentator of UFC, the owner of a black belt on the Brazilian ju-jitsu, Joe Rogan, in interview to the popular radio show The Opie & Anthony, declared that, in its judgement, the champion of UFC in a light-middleweight weight, George St-Pierre, shall retire immediately as on that is the serious reasons.

"I think, George shall leave", - Rogan declared. "I had it on the radio show and led conversation on stealing by aliens. I asked again it, "you think, you were kidnapped by aliens? " After that he started speaking about dips in time. About those situations when he drives the car, and unexpectedly it appears not in the car, and at home, and thus no concept has as came to be there. I think, to all fault the passed shocks in the head"
"In a duel with Johnie Hendrix it partially lost memory. It passed too many shocks. Statistics says that in three last duels it passed more shocks, than for all the career before. It needs to leave. I know that UFC hardly will be pleasant about what I speak. I understand that a match revenge all wait, and it promises to be simply improbable"
"I think, they shall give a title to Hendrix. It is sure, it benefited this fight. Were real a problem with refereeing, and I simply don't understand how Johnie could lose this fight"


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