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Passed tournament on a cup of general A.P.Yermolov

Tuesday, 19 November 2013, 15:06
Passed tournament on a cup of general A.P.Yermolov

Here the second year Cossacks of Ekaterinodarsky region society of Ekaterinodarsky department of the Kuban Cossack army hold tournament on the mixed single combats on a challenge cup of a name of legendary commander A.P.Yermolov.

Within the walls of the sporting Ekaterinodar complex about 70 participants age of 16 years gathered and are higher – pupils of sporting and military patriotic clubs of Armavir, Slavyansk - on - Kuban, "Federation of the free fight", sporting clubs of the city of Krasnodar "Rusich", "Kuznya", "Variag" and kuren named of the ataman of L. S. of Babycha. 
Children seriously treated preparation of competitions.  It was accompanied by daily trainings that is called "on wear".  The task - by all means to win a victory – faced each command. 
Opened tournament and the ataman of Ekaterinodarsky department of the Kuban Cossack army army foreman Victor Svetlichny wished to participants of honest fight:
- The organization of tournament quits on qualitatively new level. Operation on selection of participants improved, level of preparation of a prize material and information support raised. Similar tournaments will be held two times a year. The purpose of their organization is union of the Cossack youth to traditional types of single combats. Here the most prepared and physically developed children gathered. It is sure, these competitions will win against the strongest.
Among traditional types of single combats children showed the force and skill in army hand-to-hand fight, in fighting sambo, Thai boxing and ju-jitsu. 
Following the results of tournament on the mixed single combats the challenge cup of a name of general A.P.Yermolov was benefited by a command of the Krasnodar sporting club "Kuznya". 
-  For us, Cossacks, the victory is very important, - the pupil of the sporting club which has taken the first all-command place, Ilya Freymanov shared. 
Being the graduate of the Cossack military school of a name of L. S. of Babycha, by the eighteen years Ilya already became the candidate for the master of sports, the winner of edge, Russian and world tournaments. The feeling of a victory for the young athlete is accompanied by a pride for the command and stimulates each of participants not to stop on the reached.
Alexander Shcherbakov, Kuban Cossack army
Photo: Alexander Agibalov and Ruslan Fedin


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