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Mikhail Galustyan vs Alexandr Emelyanenko

Monday, 11 November 2013, 15:50
Mikhail Galustyan vs Alexandr Emelyanenko

Mikhail Galustyan commented on incident with the fighter of the mixed single combats Alexander Emelyanenko

Known Russian comedian Mikhail Galustyan commented on incident with the fighter of the mixed single combats Alexander Emelyanenko.
Let's remind that Galustyan with friends among whom there was also a fighter of the mixed single combats Alexander Emelyanenko, went on the straykbolny range to Mnevnikakh yesterday. Alexander known for the drinking habit, did a lot of mischief and this time.
While dressed in suits of a protective coloring friends of the resident of "Comedy-club" played, Emelyanenko who wasn't taking part generally fun, entertained himself alcohol.
Having strongly drunk, Emelyanenko started swearing obscenely. On video it is visible as Galustyan tries to calm down the guest, translating everything for fun. Several times the drunk fighter tries to get up, but Galustyan holds him, however without having resisted under weight of the fighter, both fall to the ground.
Later Mischa in the microblog left the following record:
"You learn to rejoice without alcohol, to dream without drugs, to communicate without the Internet and to be nervous without a cigarette. Good night


Михаил Галустян vs Александр Емельяненко

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