The champion of UFC in Keyn Velasquez (13-1) heavy weight, probably, shortly is expected by a shoulder operation that can prevent it to meet Fabricio Verdum (17-5-1) in the middle of April.
About it reported Bob Kuk manager of Velasquez :
"Keyn already passed MRT inspection, and we are going to pass one more which, we hope, will be the best quality. It was injured during fight about Dos Santos, but we don't know precisely, at what moment and as it occurred.
Now we wait for opportunity to pass the second MRT that already proceeding from its results to solve, whether operation is required, or it will be possible to be limited to physical therapy", - Velasquez manager reported.
Trainer of Velasquez Javier Méndez characterized traumatized it the ward as follows:
"This one of those incidents which don't influence at all a course of action, but after its termination when adrenaline falls down, have an effect. Keyn didn't tell words about a trauma during fight but when we with it went on a press conference, he told me that, seemingly, injured a shoulder", - Méndez told.
The president of UFC Dana White reported that if Velasquez won't manage to be restored and be prepared to the middle of April, UFC debut in Mexico, most likely, will be transferred.