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"Fight for Nikolaev"

Tuesday, 05 November 2013, 15:47

"Fight for Nikolaev" brought together the best fighters on Tournament on the mixed single combats of Mix Fight

"Fight for Nikolaev" brought together the best fighters on Tournament on the mixed single combats of Mix Fight.
So, on November 2 in Nikolaev, in night club "King Baron", took place tournament on Mix Fight.
Ander Kard
Weight to 66 kg
Ambrasiychuk Vlad Odessa Club Oktagon
won Vadim Illyashenko Nikolaev Klub Volkodav
1 round (1.07 sec.) Painful on a hand
Weight Category to 77 kg
Slavinsky Vyacheslav Odessa Club Oktagon 
won Kudrin Konstantin Nikolaev Klub Volkodav  
1 round (0.37 sec.) Painful on a hand
Veit of cards 
to 61 kg
3 Fight ____________
Kozineets Vladislav Viktorovich Nezhin "Spartak"
won Kostyuchenko Igor "Mix Fight Promotion" Nikolaev
1 round (3.53 sec.) technical knockout delivery of the rival 
to 66 kg
4 fight ________________
Ali Guseynov Nikolaev Klub "bulldog
won Oleg Salnik Kherson Scorpion Club 
1 round (4.18сек) technical knockout shocks by hands
5 Fight ___________
Mudrak Alexander Nikolaev Klub "Mix Fight Promotion
won Alexander Grechanik "Scorpion" Kherson 
1 round (2.45 sec.) knockout 
6 Fight ___________
Vidadi Alakhyarov "Tornado" Simferopol
won Kolisnichenko Igor Kherson Scorpion club
 2 round (1.23 sec.) suffocation behind 
7 Fight ____________
Ten Vyacheslav "Mix Fight Promotion" Nikolaev 
won Dmitry Odessa "Octagon" Club is sold 
1 round (3.57 sec.) fight in the parterre  
to 70 kg ___________
8 Fight
Panteley Roman Cherkassy Club of the Grizzly 
won Shapovalov Nikolay Donetsk Club of the Pro Sports Promotion
1 round (3.40)  fight in the parterre 
to 77 kg ___________
9 fight
Stoyan Vitaly Klub "Oktagon" Odessa
won Vadim Vansovich Kherson "Mix Fight Promotion
1 round (2.34 sec.) suffocation triangle 
10 Fight
Nemkov Dmitry Cherkassy "Grizzly" Club
won Buryak Evgeniy Nikolaev Klub "bulldog
1 round (4.27 sec.) painful on a foot 
11 Fight
Maryanchuk Maxim Kherson "Scorpion" Club
won Alexander Derkach "Profi Sport Promotion" Donetsk 
1 round (2.33 sec.)  fight in the parterre 
to 84 kg
12 Fight
Maxim Shvets "Profi Sport Promotion" Donetsk
won  Sergey Moiseyev "Tornado" Simferopol
1 round (1.09 sec.) fight in the parterre 
13  Fight 
Boyko Alexander Nikolaev "Mix Fight Promotion"
won Gumanyuk Mikhail Donetsk Profi Sport Promotion 
1 round (0.21 sec.)  fight in the parterre 


Last photo and video