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Cup of Siberia - at the Tuva police officers

Saturday, 02 November 2013, 14:08
Cup of Siberia - at the Tuva police officers

In the House of sports of a name of M. B. Dvorkin of Krasnoyarsk passed the XI All-Russian personal and team tournament of a class "A" on a kickboxing. In it is mute took part more than two hundred kickboxers from the cities of Siberia.

The Republic of Tuva on the Cup of Siberia was represented by team of staff of OMON and UMVD across Kyzyl.
The Tuva police officers showed the highest level of sports preparation - as a result in a moneybox of team of the three first of a place.
So, in weight category to 54 kg in the section K-1 the first place was taken by police staff sergeant Gennady Saaya — the police officer-cynologist of PPSP UMVD across Kyzyl. In category to 63,5 kg in the section "Full Contact with Law-kikom" the place was taken by police staff sergeant Aydyn Saryglar — the fighter-sniper of OMON, and in category to 71 kg in the category "Full-kontakt" the place was taken by the police officer of Sayan Mountains of Sayan Mountains-ool — police IVS UMVD across Kyzyl.
Aydyn Saryglar carried out on tournament three difficult a duel and in all won. The main thing, he considers, an internal spirit on a victory. Especially intense the final meeting was given, but Aydyn showed character and managed to win.
Neighbors Krasnoyarsk citizens were Sayan Sayan-oola's rivals, but Sayan Mountains reached the final and also won, having become the champion of the Cup of Siberia-2013. It was awarded a special prize for "The best equipment". Competitions turned out very saturated, final fights were especially bright.
The Tuva police officers proved that a kickboxing — it not only school of muscles, but also spirit school.


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