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Thursday, 31 October 2013, 13:19

The management of Bellator announced duels in heavy and a light heavyweight - between Cheyk Kongo (19-8-2) and Peter Graham (9-5) and between Kuinton Jackson (32-11) and Joi Beltran (14-9) respectively.

Cheyk Kongo won 5 of 7 last duels and divorced in a draw Travis Brown (15-1-1). In last fight of kongo knocked out Mark Godbir (8-2) and had to fight in the Grand Prix ending with Vinisius Keyrosh (7-3), but that was removed from fight because of a trauma.
13 of 18 won kongo of duels ended ahead of schedule, and 10 of them - with a knockout.
Today to Cheyk Kongo 38 years, his growth makes 193 cm, weight - about 106 kg. Experience of performances in the prof. of MMA - 12 years.
Peter Graham has an extensive experience in a kickboxing where won against many known fighters. In MMA Graham after not especially successful start came to a series from 8 victories. Graham won extreme fight by Eric Prindl's decision (8-4).
8 of 9 duels won by Graham ended ahead of schedule, and each of them - with a knockout.
Today to Peter Graham 38 years, his growth makes 188 cm, weight - about 112 kg. Experience of performances in the prof. of MMA - 5,5 years.
This fight filled up cards of the Bellator 107 tournament which will take place on November 8.
Joy Beltran recently for the second time it was dismissed from UFC after loss by Fabio Maldonado's separate decision (20-6). Officially Beltran won only 2 of 9 last duels. The victory over Igor Pokrayats (25-10) was cancelled after american failed a doping test.
12 of 14 duels won by Beltran ended ahead of schedule, and 11 of them - with a knockout.
Today to Joi Beltran 31 years, its growth make 185,5 cm, experience of performances in the prof. of MMA - 6,5 years.
Kuinton Jackson lost 3 extreme fights, having conceded to Ryan Beyder (15-4), Glover Teysheyra (22-2) and to John Jones (19-1). To this series Jackson won to Lioto Machid (20-4) and Matt Hemill (11-5), and was considered as one of the best light heavyweights of UFC.
21 of 32 duels won by Jackson ended ahead of schedule, and 14 of them - with a knockout.
Today to Kuinton Jackson 35 years, his growth makes 185,5 cm, experience of performances in the prof. of MMA - 13,5 years.
This duel will head the Bellator 108 tournament which will take place on November 15. Let's remind that originally the management of Bellator planned to push off Jackson with Tito Aurtis (16-11) at the head of the first tournament in PPV, but these plans weren't fated to come true because of a trauma of the last.


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