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Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 15:38

We bring to your attention of change of ratings of fighters according to Blood&Sweat version which were brought after tournaments of the last three months.

P4P: After quite convincing loss to Anthony Pettis (17-2) our ratings of the best fighters holding earlier by 9th place regardless of weight Ben Henderson (19-3) leaves top ten, passing in the Top of the new champion.

Keyn Velasquez (13-1) who has recently shown repeated beating of Dzhunior Dos Santos (16-3), dumps on one position down Anderson Silva (33-5) and will stay on this place, at least, to Silva's revenge with Chris Uaydman (10-0).

1 . John Jones (champion of UFC)

2 . George Saint-Pierre (champion of UFC)

3 . José Aldo (champion of UFC)

4 . Keyn Velasquez (champion of UFC)

5 . Anderson Silva

6 . Dominique Crous (champion of UFC)

7 . Demetrius Johnson (champion of UFC)

8 . Renan Barao (the temporary champion of UFC)

9 . Chris Uaydman (champion of UFC)

10 . Anthony Pettis (champion of UFC)

Heavy weight: Alastair Overim (36-13), conceded a knockout to the Top-10 Travis Brown (15-1-1) who was at that time beyond limits, leaves top ten heavyweights according to the Blood&Sweat version, since Frank Mir (16-8), Mark Hunt (9-8) and Antonio Rodrigo Nogeyr (34-8-1) in the last fights suffered defeats from much more quoted rivals.

Josh Barnett (33-6) for a victory a knockout over Frank Mirom jumps at once on the 6th line of our rating of heavyweights.

1 . Keyn Velasquez (champion of UFC)

2 . Dzhunior Dos Santos

3 . Daniel Kormye

4 . Fabricio Verdum

5 . Antonio Silva

6 . Josh Barnett

7 . Travis Brown

8 . Frank Mir

9 . Mark Hunt

10 . Antonio Rodrigo Nogeyr

Light heavyweight: After Lioto Machida's elimination (20-4) of a rating of light heavyweights all fighters who were standing after it, are displaced on one line up, and in the Top at last the place for Gegard Musasi (34-3-2) is released. Besides, Glover Teysheyra (22-2) who has won a victory over Ryan Beyder (15-4), restricts Dan Henderson (29-10) from the 6th place since, in our opinion, any, but after all the victory over Beyder has to be regarded by a knockout above Henderson's achievements in the last fights.

1 . John Jones (champion of UFC)

2 . Alexander Gustafsson

3 . Phyl Davies

4 . Antonio Rozherio Nogeyr

5 . Rashad Evans

6 . Glover Teysheyra

7 . Dan Henderson

8 . Chel Sonnen

9 . Mauricio Rua

10 . Gegard Musasi

Average weight: Indestructible Brazilian Ronaldo Sousa (19-3) after defeat Okami's Yushina (29-8) gets straight on the 4th line of our rating. In a back to it breathes Lioto Machid, (13-4) rigid haykiky knocking out Mark Munyosa.

The positions in the Top finally are lost by Konstantinos Philippe (12-3) in connection with more and more progressing depreciation of a victory over Tim Botchem (17-6) and absolutely failure duel against Francis Karmon (22-7).

1 . Chris Uaydman (champion of UFC)

2 . Anderson Silva

3 . Vitor Belfort

4 . Ronaldo Sousa

5 . Lioto Machid

6 . Michael Bisping

7 . Yushin Okami

8 . Luke Rokhold

9 . Mark Munyos

10 . Frances Karmon

Light-middleweight weight: Jack Shields (29-6-1), not wished to give a victory to the master of BZhZh Damian Maya (18-5) comes back to top ten полусредневесов. To Carlos Kondita (29-7) Martin Kampmann (20-7) passes lost last fight on the 4th position of young talent of Rory McDonald (15-1).

1 . George Saint-Pierre (champion of UFC)

2 . Johnie Hendrix

3 . Carlos Kondit

4 . Rory McDonald

5 . Martin Kampmann

6 . Jack Ellenberger

7 . Jack Shields

8 . Nick Diaz

9 . Damian Maya

10 . Ben Askren

Lightweight: Anthony Pettis mentioned above dumps from Ben Henderson's pedestal and intends to remain on the top position, at least, to a duel with Josh Thomson (20-5), and can be - and that more long.

Desperate рубака Diego Sanchez (24-6) who has lost fight with Gilbert Melendes (22-3), but after all given to it a dressing-down in a final round, in this running on an easy division starts in our rating from the 10th position.

The Russian talent Habib Nurmagomedov (21-0), in all aspects appeared better ветеранаПэта Hili (29-17), rises with the 10th by the 9th line. And here to Hili, alas, in a rating of a place wasn't.

1 . Anthony Pettis (champion of UFC)

2 . Ben Henderson

3 . Gilbert Melendes

4 . Josh Thomson

5 . Ti Jay Grant

6 . Gray Maynard

7 . Michael Chendler (champion of Bellator)

8 . Nathe Diaz

9 . Habib Nurmagomedov

10 . Diego Sanchez

Semi-lightweight: In semi-lightweight for the specified period caused a stir, unless, Dustin Porye (14-3) who has taken away the unanimous decision of judges in fight with Eric Kokom (13-3) and by that shaken out it from top ten.

1 . José Aldo (champion of UFC)

2 . Ched Méndez

3 . Ricardo Lamas

4 . Frankie Edgar

5 . Chan Sung Jung

6 .  Kab Suonson

7 . Kley Guida

8 . Pat Karren (champion of Bellator)

9 . Dustin Porye

10 . Dennis Siver

The easiest weight: John Dodson's victory (15-6) over Darrell Montague (13-3), in our opinion, has to be regarded above Ian McColl's victory (12-4-1) decisions over Illarda Santos (27-9-1) that allows us to change these fighters in places in a rating.

John Lineker (23-6) who has won 4 victories in a row rises by the 6th position with the 8th, 3 of which - rigid knockouts. And to Vot Luis Gaudinotta (6-3) who has left after long idle time and not managed anything to oppose to Tim Eliotta (10-3-1), it is necessary to pine outside our rating until it won't be rehabilitated by a convincing victory.

1 . Demetrius Johnson (Champion of UFC)

2 . Joseph Benavides

3 . John Dodson

4 . Ian McColl

5 . John Moraga

6 . John Lineker

7 . Dzhussiyer Formiga

8 . Tim Elliot

9 . Chris Kariaso

10 . Darren Oyenoyama


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