Fighter Alexander Emelyanenko and 63-year-old Vasily Mysyutin between whom there was a skirmish in capital cafe, submitted the petition for the termination of criminal case for fight behind reconciliation of the parties
The lawyer of the athlete Irina Staroverova explained that opponents shook hands each other and at present expect a judgment according to the petition.
The conflict situation between men arose in the evening on October 23 in Faina cafe. As a result of Mysyutin's skirmish I received an eyebrow section, and the fighter — a section of an eyebrow and an injury of a nose.
Staroverova claimed that Mysyutin with friends provoked Emelyanenko. According to her, they started rushing furniture in reply to a request of the athlete to behave more silently. She also noted that the 63-year-old pensioner at the time of medical examination was in an alcohol intoxication.
Emelyanenko and Mysyutin submitted at each other counter applications. Law enforcement agencies brought criminal case under article 116 of the criminal code of Russian Federation ("Beating"). In the morning on October 25 the fighter was interrogated as the witness.
Against the happened ex-champion in the mixed single combats removed from the combative show "Legend" within which on November 8 in Moscow at Emelyanenko the duel with Croat Mirko Filipovich had to take place.
Organizers of tournament already found replacement to the Russian athlete — instead of it for fight there is 36-year-old Alexey Oleynik, transfers Eurosport. In the mixed single combats it carried out 57 fights, among them 47 victories, 9 defeats and one draw.