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7 loud scandals with Alexander Emelyanenko

Monday, 28 October 2013, 10:32
7 loud scandals with Alexander Emelyanenko

Hearings about stay in prison, suspicions in hepatitis, reproaches in the nationalism, drunk uproar, solitary life in a monastery, rape and plotting of a beating to the elderly person — it not the extremely topical movie, is life of one of the best Russian the fighters.

Despite promises to change and recognitions in full realization of abnormality of the behavior after one of numerous scandals, having returned to big-time sports, Alexander Emelyanenko was accepted to the.

Didn't pass also half a year after a voluntary imprisonment in the Athos monastery as the fighter already two times was delayed by police. The first time — on suspicion in rape. Now — on charges of beating of the visitor of one of the Moscow cafes.

It is unlikely someone will be surprised if the victim in the latter case, as well as the 23-year-old girl accusing Emelyanenko of rape, takes away soon the announcement.

Fire, of course, can be extinguished, but the smoke which has scattered on neighborhoods any more you won't collect. We bring to your attention seven loudest scandals, connected to Alexander Emelyanenko's name. Though the majority of them are handed down more likely as legends, there are many people who are sincerely believing in truthfulness of these hearings. But to believe in them till the end or to select the side of the Russian fighter — business of everyone.

1 . Prison

About that Alexander has a criminal record, tell at least numerous tattoos on his body, each of which has the value occasionally relating to the criminal world. The athlete doesn't like to extend concerning the criminal past therefore information in different sources disperses as a part of a crime. One is clear: Alexander received five years of imprisonment for the offense — about it tell five calottes on a cathedral tattooed at it on a body. As the principal reasons of such measure of restraint are called either robbery, or the armed robbery. Sometimes to it and without that to a "cheerful" set add also option with hooliganism for which with Emelyanenko could "throw" excess year.

Tattoos on his body — a subject for separate article. As short digression it is possible to mention only some of them which can attribute a certain value. Stars on a lap in the thieves' world mean that not to force their owner to the knees, and the web symbolizes a prison grid. Already mentioned church calottes speak about that, how many years of imprisonment were adjudged to their owner. The pirate testifies to tendency to hooliganism and robberies. If on a body of the person the executioner is drawn, in the thieves' world it means thirst of revenge, and the child in a crown speaks about possible "otsidki" in an educational and labor colony for minors.

2 . Hepatitis

At some instant on the Network in some mass media there were persistent hearings that Alexander Emelyanenko is sick with hepatitis of Page of the Software to this reason allegedly the large foreign organizations refuse to the Russian fighter involvement in the tournaments, and eminent athletes don't want to quit with it on one ring.

Reached even before that representatives of federation of fights without rules of Poland in the categorical form demanded from Alexander to receive medical treatment though any white papers concerning his illness it wasn't published.

Emelyanenko claims that information on his disease — only the gossips which distributors want to stain its reputation.

3 . Nationalism

Accused Alexander and of sympathy to the nationalist organizations. In particular, in a transmission plot "The Russian sensations" expose it almost the leader of nationalist group and publish his photos with guys in t-shirts with a text "The Slavic union".

Trying to disown from these charges, Alexander even gave on NTV Broadcasting Company which has let out these transmission to air, to court, requiring to indemnify it the moral and material loss estimated by Alexander at one million dollars. According to the athlete, he lost some large advertizing contracts after issue of this transmission.

4 . Drunk uproar

The event in Barnaul became the last straw which has led to temporal suspension of career of the fighter. To this Russian city of Emelyanenko I went as the guest of honor with the purpose to show a master class, to carry out the autograph session and to award prizes to winners of local tournament. Instead Alexander began to lean densely on alcohol in the airplane, to be rude to other passengers, to stick to stewardesses … Alexander continued to walk at Prague restaurant where if to trust the responses of witnesses published on the Internet, he behaved boorishly and arranged fight with people respected in the city. Adventures of the fighter in Barnaul came to the end with that action for the sake of which it and arrived. Cameras imprinted as obviously drunk Alexander tries to congratulate winners and nurses on a ring obviously staggering gait.

After that the M-1 organization terminated the contract with the known athlete which even was her face. And Emelyanenko was stimulated to declare completion of the career as it appeared, temporal.

5 . Monastery

After career "completion" Alexander Emelyanenko made the decision for some months to be released from all wordly, to go to Greece and to become the novice of a man's Athos monastery.

Alexander with new sensations returned from Athos. First, the usually smoothly shaved fighter became the owner of the imposing beard which has caused interest in fans and journalists. And secondly, it declared career restoration on which he was blessed by monks of Athos. Having returned, the Russian by the nickname "Death" right there knocked out the American rival Bob Sap and waits for new victims of the mighty fists. The audience guessed, whether Alexander in a monastery changed or soon new scandal will burst?

6 . Rape

No, didn't change! His ill-wishers when in a press there was an information that a certain female young person brought announcement in police exclaimed, claiming that Emelyanenko raped her.

In the announcement the girl claims that rape happened on August 2 in one of the Moscow apartments. Investigators polled Alexander Emelyanenko, and also the girl who submitted application. Besides, employees of SKR left on the apartment where, allegedly, there was a rape and sent "victim" to physical examination.

7 . Fight in cafe

And on October 24 in a press there was an information that on Alexander Emelyanenko announcement in police again arrived. This time a certain 63-year-old Vasily Mysyutin accused the professional fighter of beating. It appeared one of victims of Emelyanenko's actions during fight in one of the Moscow cafes in the south of Moscow. Emelyanenko had allegedly supper in cafe in the Southern federal district of Moscow when it had a conflict to the company which developed into fight. As a result Alexander strongly beat one of men. The victim was hospitalized by the fast.

At first the Investigative committee made the decision on initiation of legal proceedings upon plotting of a beating, and next day the police delayed the fighter with the purpose to take from it indications.

On October 24, 2013 Stepan Chaushyan, AIF-Sport

Incident was enveloped for Emelyanenko not only criminal case, but also loss of the contract with the promotion company "Legenda".

The matter is that the principal of this company Ruslan Suleymanov declared that fight revenge between Alexander Emelyanenko and Mirko Filipovich who shall pass on November 8 in Moscow, is cancelled.

— We break off the contract with Alexander Emelyanenko. He not in shape, isn't ready psychologically and physically. We can't do the principal fight of tournament so noncompetitive — he told.

Also Suleymanov added that his performance can damage to image of tournament. In the principal fight of tournament Mirko Filipovich will appear.

— We will find to it the rival from Russia with a series without defeats. His name we will declare in next few days — Suleymanov declared to the Sovetsky Sport newspaper.

On October 26, 2013 Bocharova Evgenia


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