Results of competitions on ushu sanda were brought by the senior coach of Russian national team on this discipline Guseyn Magomayev.
- Honestly I admit, for such success didn't wait. Russians had to compete to serious fighters. Before the World Cup in Kuala Lumpur many teams checked on the World Games of martial arts of the leaders. At us in WCh-2013 from this structure the champion will take part in weight category to 80 kg Muslim Salikhov only.
- Preparation for the World Games of martial arts was how serious?
- Collecting took place in the mountains of Dagestan at boarding school "Five parts of the world". In it since 1996 prepare masters of martial arts. Children come to us from the 5th class, and more than 250 people now are engaged.
- What the future ushu in Russia seems to you?
- Nevertheless it is the Chinese look, and to struggle with founders ushu very hard. It is necessary to go on the way of creation of the boarding schools similar to "Five parts of the world". In such centers athletes are completely shipped in trainings. In a different way to us not to beat China.
- How you estimate level and the organization of Games in St. Petersburg?
- For the first time we felt such support from above by preparation for competitions. I impressed also scope of Games. Well and, of course, attention from the audience. Without their support we wouldn't achieve such success.