In Nizhni Tagil are perturbed with unsportsmanlike behavior of "martial artists"
"Mass fight of teenagers at school stadium has no national background" — claim in Nizhni Tagil. Meanwhile such version walks now in the mass media which have responded to teenage disassembling in the city of metallurgists, occurred on last week.
First "showdown" between aboriginals and visitors occurred in Nizhni Tagil 20 years ago. As reported then "UR", groups of "southerners" and local authorities grabbed among themselves, forces of the last hijacked from the Ural Carriage-Building Plant tank training area a fighting car — as the most imposing argument of intimidation. The arrived militia didn't allow to develop to the conflict to the amount of street fights.
Happened in this year on a football field of school No. 6 anything similar even remotely doesn't remind, but all the same smack has the unpleasant. "Sorted out the relations" not conflicting groups, and almost clubmates, young people from 14 to 17 years, fond of oriental martial arts. As detonator the offensive words told by one side to another served. It was followed by fight, but not sporting, on a wrestling mat, and hooligan disassembling in in advance stipulated place. In the second half of Saturday day the school building became empty, from windows there was nobody to see the events, to cause police. "Disassembling was arranged with such calculation, in a cunning way" — one of teachers told the correspondent, having marked that children from this school aren't involved in an event.
Participants of fight and most its cruel episodes were removed on a video camera and VKontakte are laid out, as caused squall of comments from "walking" on the Internet. In the turbid wave of xenophobia (as today without it! ) I caught a pure and fair response to, if one may say so, young athletes: "It is necessary to exclude such of all competitions! ".
— You agree with it? —I addressed to the known person in the city, to the deserved trainer of the Russian Federation, the Uralets sports club Greco-Roman wrestling coach to Anwar Sagitov.
— Disgustingly that was shown on the Internet! — without hiding fastidiousness, the trainer told. — We teach children not only to fight receptions, we inspire in them permanently: it is impossible to hit a man when he is down, don't finish lost, don't humiliate it! Trainer's council and the sporting public of Nizhni Tagil will surely discuss happened, we will draw outputs. The ethnic question between teenagers doesn't exist. Fist fights — a yard on a yard, a wall on a wall — were moved still for a long time, but for the real athletes such showdown is excluded.
Now names of some participants of mass fight are already known, with them operational investigative actions are carried out.