The best-known Belarusian in MMA Andrey Arlovsky, three years a holding title of the champion of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), will carry out fight on "Minsk Arena" against the German of the Greek origin Andreas Kraniotakes
"Thanks to organizers for the given opportunity 13 years later to fight in Minsk", - politely I thanked the Russian promotion company FIGHT NIGHTS which, with support of League of the mixed single combats "M-1 Belarus", is engaged in tournament promotion, Andrey Arlovsky.
Turn on a ring
"In Russia now a big agiotage – very many want to take part in tournament, at all without asking the size of the fee and a name of the alleged rival. After all for fighters it is good opportunity "to be lit" on representative tournament and to get chance to take a step forward in the career. However we understand that the audience in Minsk will want to see as much as possible compatriots on a ring. Therefore we want that as much as possible Belarusian fighters participated in competitions", - the general producer of the FIGHT NIGHTS company Kamil Gadzhiev told.
Training camp in Albuquerque
The well-known Belarusian will spend some more days in Minsk. Then it departs to the Mexican Albuquerque where the training camp of "Pit bull terrier" will be set up. "I think, 4-5 fighters of high level will gather in camp. For example, I count that there will arrive my companion Trevis Brown (enters in top-15 the best heavyweights of UFC). At all my respect for it … as it … Penalty … Karas … to the Greek fighter, I think, my sparring partners will be better", - A.Arlovsky declared.
Hitch with a surname of the rival (quite difficult, with the word) is pardonable – with him "Pit bull terrier" was never crossed and while videos of fights I didn't study.
"Andrey had no special opportunity to choose the rival. We asked a question, whether there are preferences, on what it answered that to it all the same. We tried to pick up the strong fighter that fight was competitive. If to a local star bring "bag" it it isn't interesting", - Kamil Gadzhiev explains.
Tickets from one thousand Br200.
The exact sum of the fee of "Pit bull terrier" for fight in Minsk – a trade secret. However considering that the general prize fund of tournament makes $100 thousand, it is possible to assume that Andrey Arlovskomu, the main star of competitions, will get about a half from this sum.
The general budget of the Minsk tournament is known - $300 thousand. This sum was sounded by Kamil Gadzhiev. According to him, organizers distinctly understand that this money won't manage to be "beaten off" them. "After competitions we will meet and we will tell you, to what minus we got", - the general producer of FIGHT NIGHTS makes comments. K.Gadzhiyev claims that it doesn't frighten the company.
The cost of tickets for tournament with A.Arlovsky's participation is sounded also. The price of the cheapest makes one thousand Br200. The most expensive, in the first row, will pull on one million Br5. Thus organizers expect to collect about 22 thousand audience on "Minsk Arena". Elementary calculation shows that at full fillability of the arena organizers remain with very good "plus". However, in the notice on the biggest platform of Belarus on the MMA tournament it is trusted with very big work.
Sergey Kiyenya