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In Grozny passed tournament on ju-jitsu

Saturday, 05 October 2013, 10:42
In Grozny passed tournament on ju-jitsu

In SOSh No. 38 passed open tournament of Grozny on ju-jitsu among young men. The palm was challenged by about 120 athletes in ten weight categories.

During the light day on a tatami passed uncompromising fights. Each time an applause of fans in support of the best and those to whom something didn't suffice for a victory.
So, in all-total offset the first place was taken by DYuSSh of the Factory district of Grozny. On the second - DYuSSh of the Staropromyslovsky area and on the third athletes of kularinsky DYuSSh of the Grozny area.
Winners and prize-winners were awarded by diplomas, medals, cups and valuable prizes.
Organizers: Committee on physical culture and sport and tourism of the city hall of Grozny.


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