The headliner of the tournament "Legend" prepares for fight with Mirko Filipovich under the leadership of Mike Passenye.
The Russian heavyweight Alexander Emelyanenko arrived to Holland where will pass the next stage of its preparation for a match revenge with Mirko's Croatian nokauter "Kro Kop" Filipovich. According to Emelyanenko it is adjusted to tighten seriously the shock equipment not to make errors of last fight.
"Why Holland? It was necessary to work over blows feet. First of all to be able to see them and to be protected that is important in fight with "Kro Kop". Therefore went to one of the best halls specializing on this direction", I told to Emelyanenko in telephone interview
Training camp became, located in Amsterdam, "Mike’s gym" - an ancestral lands of one of the best trainers in a world kickboxing "Big" Mike Passenye, constantly working with Badr Hari, Melvin Mankhuf, Gokan Saki and many other stars of K-1 and MMA.
"On trainings a lot of attention I pay GPP (general physical preparation), I work in a hall at exercise machines and, of course, boxing and a kickboxing. Today since morning there was a training on a kickboxing, in the evening one more on boxing. With Melvin and Badr while in couples I didn't stand, our schedules of trainings don't coincide. Sparringy with those with whom Mike will put, is frequent with Sakhak Parparyan".
Audience will see Emelyanenko and Filipovich's expected revenge on November 8 on the Small sports Luzhniki arena within the second combative show "Legend". It isn't excluded that Alexander in this key duel Passenye becomes angular.
"Yet didn't discuss a question about секундантсво, it is possible", told Emelyanenko.