Star of the Brazilian ju-jitsu, the known trainer from the USA Roberto Sayborg Abreu (the black belt on BZhZh) is invited to Dagestan to the All-Russian educational and training collecting on a grappling
Charges which will take place from August 27 to September 5 in the settlement Dubky of the Kazbekovsky area, Dagestan the Battalion commander carries out "Club" with "Ludus Team" support.
"Roberto Sayborg Abreu can call BZhZh star, he is the 4-fold world champion in BZhZh, the 3-fold Pan-American champion, the champion of South America (the weight and absolute category), the champion of Europe, the 7-fold champion of the Quest Grapplers tournament in absolute category, the finalist of tournament in Abu Dhabi of 2009 on a greppling, the 12-fold prize-winner of the World Cups and the World Cup on a greppling and BZhZh, the champion of Brazil on free-style wrestling.
It has 3 gyms in Miami, Buffalo and New York, more than 300 pupils, among them owners of 8 black belt, some athletes of a world class with victories in the championships of Brazil, the World Cups. It will appear for the first time in Russia, and we hope that at us it will be pleasant to it", – the interlocutor told.
Let's remind that last year the best greppler of Brazil of 2011, the repeated winner of the European tournaments Serzhio Lucio Dos Santos was invited to similar collecting to the republic.